Just in case you did not know, we have a MultipleData to chart using bars several data sets. For example:
b := RTGrapher new.
d := RTMultipleData new.
d barShape color: Color blue.
d points: #( #('hello' 1 2 1) #('world' 2 4 2) #('bonjour' 3 5 4) #('Gutten Morgen' -1 4 -5)).
d addMetric: #second.
d addMetric: #third.
d addMetric: #fourth.
"d barChartWithBarCenteredTitle: #first."
d barChartWithBarTitle: #first rotation: -30.
b add: d.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I regularly see very obvious problems with Rubric.
I have just downloaded the latest Moose image and typing in a Playground and get an exception in: RubTextComposer>>recomposeFrom: start to: stop delta: delta
Am I the only one?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I'm try to load Ozone in moose 5.1 but I got the following error:
This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these
Does anyone know what happened to the classes that are not found in the
newer version because it loaded correctly in Moose 5.0 (Pharo 3.0)? Are
these renamed or is there a package not loaded in the latest moose?
I have found and fixed a bug in the Sugiyama layout. Example of usage:
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape box color: Color red.
b nodes: (1 to: 100).
b edges connectFrom: [ :v | v // 2 ].
b layout sugiyama.
b normalizer
normalizeSize: #yourself;
alphaColor: 0.4.
Here is a screenshot in Hapao:
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
With the latest GT integration, we also integrated the search for senders and references from the first step.
Here is a detailed explanation about it, including what we still want to do, how it’s done, and how to discover what else is around:
Please let us know what you think.
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem understanding."
A new version of GTDebugger was just integrated. Several issues were addressed. Some more notable things are:
- the stack shows columns for class, method, other info
- there are new keybindings in place that do not collide with the text editor
- the accept/cancel buttons are in the contextual menu at least for Pharo 5
- the variables pane received a label
There are still some things todos left like:
- the columns in the stack should be resizable
- thisContext, stackTop
- perhaps make the key bindings controllable through settings
We kindly invite everyone to test it and provide feedback.
"Quality cannot be an afterthought."
2016-01-08 11:24 GMT+01:00 Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com>:
> Hi,
> We are about to integrate in Pharo a new member of the Glamorous Toolkit:
> the GTDebugger. As this is a significant change that might affect your
> workflow, here is some background information to help you deal with the
> change.
> First, you should know that the change is not irreversible and it is
> easily possible to disabled the new debugger through a setting. However,
> please do take the time to provide us feedback if something does not work
> out for you. We want to know what can be improved and we try to react as
> fast as we can.
> A practical change comes from the fact that the variables are manipulated
> through a GTInspector, which makes it cheaper to maintain in the longer run.
Accept and Cancel buttons shouldn't be there
or should not act on if the codepane hasn't changed.
(every press on "accept" writes a new method version, although the contents
didn't changed - tested on
Latest update: #50524 )
Most (all?) other tools don't have Accept/Cancel buttons.
- I really miss the "List Methods using 'varname'/List Methods storing into
- is "stackTop" now gone ? I thought you wanted to add it to the stack ?
- thisContext is gone as well ?
- the Bytecode/GT button is badly placed, it looks like the "downarrow"
window menu icon
is a dropdown menu with label "Bytecode" (since when do we put buttons in
the title pane?
- the evaluator pane is shown as "dirty", as it does not make a difference
if we
accept the text in this pane, there shouldn't be a dirty indicator.
- you can not use the inspector pane to change inst var values
- there is no way to refresh the inspector pane
I don't open bugtracker entries now, I 'll wait maybe this issues aren't
bugs but
So, the VM was updated and the become: issues are solved. There is now only 1 failing test:
The problem is that MooseOutgoingCompositeQueryResult doesNotUnderstand #atScope:
I suspect it has to do with the new addition of the Moose Query implementation. Could someone look at the new Moose Query?
"Obvious things are difficult to teach."
Does anyone knows why when using PetitParser Browser, the debugger tab presents a tree composed of only one or maximum two elements (even if it enters more rules)?
Any help will be useful because debugging petitParser code is really hard.