Is there a way to set a default selection to a list presentation? so that
when I open the browser, the morphic list has already a value selected.
I tried that:
tmpBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
tmpBrowser row: #list.
tmpBrowser transmit to: #list; andShow: [:a |
a list
display: [:input | input];
selection: #a;
tmpBrowser openOn: #( b c d v a d f r).
but the list still open with nothing selected
Alex Syrel, Andrei Chis and I are happy to announce a new addition to the
Glamorous Toolkit:
GTSpotter, a novel interface for spotting objects.
GTSpotter has two goals:
- Provide a uniform yet moldable interface that can work on any object, and
- Handle searching through arbitrary levels of object nesting.
We think this will have a significant impact on the development workflow in
Here is a couple of screenshots:
[image: Inline image 2] [image: Inline image 1] [image: Inline image 3]
A trailer is available here:
A detailed description is available here:
It works already in Pharo 3.0 and can be played with by following the
instructions from:
Please let us know what you think.
The Glamorous Team
apparently we broke MorphicRoassalAdapter when cleaning Spec, I attached a
However my question is - does anybody (except us) actually use the
Roassal2Spec package? Because otherwise we could clean it a bit. For
example I'm not sure of the use case of script:/lastEvent:.
Dear all,
I have some problems when building a Glamour interface.
The + icon appear on MOOSE 5.0 but no more on 5.1
I'm sending the following to a tree instance.
act: [ :b | self addSpatialEntityClass. b update ]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd
entitled: 'Add a spatial entity class'.
Any hints ?
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
I would like to know why the Meta Editor in the Moose panel and the implementing class GLMMagrittePresentation have been removed from the Moose 5.1 image because I want to annotate a model with it.
If it is not possible to do it work for Moose 5.1, is there an equivalent?
Thanks in advance,
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it seems that last control point of a bezier line is off.
Here is a comparative view of RTBezierLine (black line) and bezier line
done with SVG (red line). Notice how the bottom half is flatlined and
doesn't match up.
And the code (based on RTRoassalExample>>exampleBezierCurve):
| v e1 e2 l s p1 p2 path svg|
v := RTView new.
e1 := (RTEllipse new size: 15; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4)) element.
e2 := (RTEllipse new size: 15; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4)) element.
e2 translateBy: -150 @ 150.
p1 := RTBox element.
p2 := RTBox element.
p1 translateTo: (e2 position x + e1 position x / 2) @ e1 position y.
p2 translateTo: (e2 position x + e1 position x / 2) @ e2 position y.
v add: p1.
v add: p2.
s := RTBezierLine new.
s color: Color black.
s controllingElements: (Array with: p1 with: p2).
l := s edgeFrom: e1 to: e2.
v add: e1.
v add: e2.
v add: l.
path := 'M -150 150 Q -75 150 -75 75 Q -75 0 0 0'.
svg := RTSVGPath new borderColor: Color red; path: path; element.
v add: svg.
^ v
… if we have XML, why not CSV and JSON? This is all wide-spread standard
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
We did a number of improvements of Grapher for Thomas. I am sharing them since some of you may find it relevant.
*** Tip: need to shift the Y-axis ***
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds barShape color: Color red.
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick. b axisY noDecimal.
b build.
The Y-Axis can be shifted vertically using labelConversion: and a minor translation of the value, as in:
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds barShape color: Color red.
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
ds y: [ :v | v - 10 ].
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick. b axisY noDecimal.
b axisY labelConversion: [ :v | v + 10 ].
b build.
*** Improvement 1: Centered labels for bar charts ***
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds barShape color: Color red.
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
ds y: [ :v | v - 10 ].
ds barChartWithBarCenteredTitle: [ :value | '##', value asString ].
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick. b axisY noDecimal.
b axisY labelConversion: [ :v | v + 10 ].
b build.
*** Improvement 2: Average for X values ***
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTDataSet new.
ds dotShape color: Color red.
ds points: #(5 1 20 8).
b add: ds.
b addDecorator: (RTHorizontalAverageDecorator new withLabel; labelConvertion: [ :aValue | 'average = ', aValue asFloat asString ]).
b build.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
We have exposed the SVG examples in the Roassal example browser.
Some of you may be interested in this
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi Alex,
unfortunately changes in TRCompositeShape created a regression, because now
TRRemoveCallbacks are executed multiple times.
the commit is Trachel-AlexandreBergel.266
Interestingly there is TRCompositeShapeTest>>testCallback01 which works,
but it doesn't use RTElement.
Here's a test case:
|v e executed|
v := RTView new.
e := RTElement new.
e + (RTBox new) + (RTEllipse new).
executed := 0.
e trachelShape addCallback: (TRRemoveCallback new block: [ :shape |
executed := executed + 1 ]).
v add: e.
TestAsserter new assert: executed equals: 0.
e remove.
TestAsserter new assert: executed equals: 1.
Now since you have discussed with Jan that the new behavior makes sense in
some circumstances, it would be better to have both behaviors.
So I would propose to make a distinction for RemoveCallback - to not
triggered them from TRCompositeShape, because it is not reentrant.
Thus when executed on composite shape, only non-removing callbacks would be
Additionally it seems very random that CompositeShape uses it's first
subshape for callbacks; what is so special about the first one? Why can't
composite shape hold it's own callbacks, or have an explicit way to specify
which one to use (first, second, none, ..)?
Since Composite Shape is recurring problematic theme, perhaps there should
be some wider discussion to collect all the use cases?
What do you think?