Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Roassal
New issue 896 by tu...(a) Roassal should offer a proper
scrolling mechanism
For any visualisation that is larger than the screen, you immediately get
lost in Roassal. Furthermore, the current dragging style does not scale for
visualizations that are much larger on one dimension than the screen.
We need a mechanism that helps us:
- get an idea of where we are (and how much is left outside the current
- have an easy way to actually scroll through a larger space
Do we have an ADA parser?
Alexandre Bergel
Exactly :).
In Fame, there is a FMMultivalueLink hierarchy that implement many to one
and many to many relations. This implementation exists since before slots
and now we should reimplement them with slots. It will make the code so
much nicer :).
Anyone interested in picking this up?
On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Ben Coman <btc(a)> wrote:
> I haven't played with the relation example yet, but will real soon. Just
> some initial thoughts...
> I like RelationSlot. To me association seems one-way while a relation is
> two-way.
> btw, Is there some reason to not match the syntax of the often cited paper
> "Flexible Object Layout" ?
> I see one advantage is that its easier to read all the slot names
> vertically aligned.
> Object subclass: #SlotExampleMovie
> slots: {
> #name.
> #year.
> #director => ToOneRelationSlot opposite: #directedMovies class:
> #SlotExamplePerson.
> #actors => ToManyRelationSlot opposite: #actedInMovies class: #SlotExamplePerson.
> }
> classVariables: { }
> category: 'SlotAssociations-Tests-Example'
> Also maybe an alternative slot class name so that it reads more like a
> sentence... "#director related to one #directedMovies in class
> #SlotExamplePerson"
> Object subclass: #SlotExampleMovie
> slots: {
> #name.
> #year.
> #director => RelatedToOne inverse: #directedMovies inClass:
> #SlotExamplePerson.
> #actors => RelatedToMany inverse: #actedInMovies inClass: #SlotExamplePerson.
> }
> classVariables: { }
> category: 'SlotAssociations-Tests-Example'
> Or even...
> Object subclass: #SlotExampleMovie
> slots: {
> #name.
> #year.
> #director => OneRelatedTo many: #directedMovies inClass:
> #SlotExamplePerson.
> #actors => ManyRelatedTo many: #actedInMovies inClass: #SlotExamplePerson.
> }
> classVariables: { }
> category: 'SlotAssociations-Tests-Example'
> cheers -ben
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 2:33 AM, Jan van de Sandt <jvdsandt(a)>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Marcus Denker <marcus.denker(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> > On 21 Feb 2015, at 21:11, Jan van de Sandt <jvdsandt(a)> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Today I experimented a little with the new Slots feature of Pharo 4.0.
>>> As an example I implemented support for associations/relationships.
>>> >
>>> Very nice! Can I add this to Pharo4 as an example?
>>> Sure, cool!
>>> My idea is that at first we add these things as examples, and then later
>>> take the examples and distill a library of
>>> generally useful slots.
>> That sounds like a good approach to get familiar with these kind of new
>> features.
>> Some things I can do to improve the Example
>> - Add an option to make one side of the association readonly. In most
>> situations I think it's a good idea to update an association only from one
>> side to keep things simple.
>> - Whats a better name AssociationSlot or RelationSlot? I'm not sure
>> - As Stéphane said, isn't there a nicer way to declare the associations?
>> - Better error handling
>> Jan.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Dear All,
I have just received a announcement for a position at INRIA Chile.
Here is an extract from the call. It is written in Spanish, however it is also open to non-spanish speaker.
"Inria Chile fue creado en Chile en 2012 por Inria ( y en colaboración con 9 universidades chilenas. Cuenta con el apoyo de CORFO, que seleccionó el proyecto de Inria Chile en el marco del concurso Atracción de Centros de Excelencia Internacional para la Competitividad dedicado a desarrollar y reforzar las capacidades I+D del país.
Inria Chile desarrolla sus actividades I+D a través de una plataforma de desarrollo de acciones aplicadas, que busca proponer soluciones a desafíos económicos y sociales para Chile, tal como energía, en particular energías renovables, recursos naturales y “ciudades inteligentes”. También se está trabajando en temas aplicados como desarrollo sustentable, gestión de catástrofes naturales o el desarrollo de tecnologías avanzadas para la astronomía.
Buscamos a un postdoc interesado en trabajar part-time en estrecho vínculo con un equipo de desarrollo que lleva a cabo una de estas acciones. Las competencias requeridas son particularmente en las áreas de: aprendizaje, datos masivos, redes de sensores, visualización interactiva. Esta lista no es exhaustiva.”
If you have a PhD and are interested, please contact me!
Alexandre Bergel
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal
New issue 1107 by alexandr...(a) problem with centring the view on
the elements
I have to manually press the center button. Would be great to have this
From Andrei Chis:
Right now Glamour does not offer a solution for sending notifications when
a morph is added to another morph, as the actual adding of a morph is done
in morphic. However morphic calls #noteNewOwner: on the TRMorph the first
time it has been added to a new morph (or when the owner of a morph
changes). Implementing TRMorph>>noteNewOwner: like below would
automatically shrink and center the canvas to the available space of the
parent every time TRMorph is added to a new morph. Though I'm not sure this
is something you might want all the time. I could add an option in glamour
that could be set then on TRMorph.
noteNewOwner: aMorph
self trachelCanvas focusOnCenterScaled. self signalUpdate
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal
New issue 956 by Problem of focus with GLM-Roassal
The focus is not correct in visualizations created with GLM-Roassal: The
focus is centered on the lower right part of the diagram. So zooming-in
hides the upper-left part of the diagram.
To reproduce:
Moose Finder -> a-Moose-Model -> all packages -> visualize -> Dependencies
(cycles) -> zoom-in.
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Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-5.0
New issue 1004 by tu...(a) Roassal should offer circular
Rectangle treemaps are nice, but the still make it difficult to understand
deep nesting. Circular treemaps do a better job there.
It should not be hard to extend the TreeMapBuilder to support this.
See here:
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I have slightly improved the composite shape to enable text to be inserted in an ellipse. I am surprised to have wait for so long before adding this.
This fixes Issue 915 (
v := RTView new.
s := RTEllipse new + (RTLabel new text: #name).
s allOfSameSize.
es := s elementsOn: Collection withAllSubclasses.
es @ RTDraggable.
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: v;
elements: es;
connectFrom: #superclass.
v addAll: es.
RTClusterLayout on: es.
Alexandre Bergel
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 915 by cunningh...(a) Roassal Mondrian - Circle with Text
obscures text
I want to draw a node in the diagram with a circle (actually, an ellipse)
around it, which works. However, the circle obscures part of the text. If
the text is multi-line, it obscures quite a bit, in fact.
File in the attached extension to ROMondrianExmaple, then run:
ROMondrianExample new labeledCircle
You should see the issue.
Latest Moose Suite 4.7, windows platform.
Labels: Type-Enhancement
Labels: Component-Roassal
LabeledCircle.1.cs 582 bytes
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Dear pharoers,
this year Pharo consortium (and community) is going to take part in a
Google Summer of Code event[1] as a standalone organization. This is
an opportunity to promote Pharo, get some job done and have students
Currently we are at the most important stage as we are preparing the
organization application, and hoping that we will be accepted and
granted decent amount of project slots. Everyone can help with
application by submitting ideas for student projects.
Current list can be found at:…
It is in STON format, and result is being generated at:
Please add your ideas following the format of existing projects and
open a pull request with them (you will need a github account).
Preferably submit ideas with possible mentors, but if none are
available at the moment ideas without mentors are also welcome.
The template to submit projects is :
PharoTopic new
title: 'The name of your project;
contact: 'email address';
supervisors: 'Supervisors names';
keywords: 'keywords separated by spaces;
context: 'a description of the context of the project';
goal: 'description of the goal';
level: 'Beginner or Intermediate or Advanced';
We will need a lot of projects/idea before February 20th 2015, the
deadline for applying to GSOC 2015.
Do not hesitate to ask questions. Administrators of this year’s
application are Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckwich(a)> and
Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymchuk(a)>
If you don't know how to edit the list, please send your project
following the template to the administrators.
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk