I am trying to use exampleClassHierarchy in RTCircularTreeMapBuilder for
visualizing some packages and classes.
First, I think the borderWith: should be a fraction of what already is
defined in the examples, otherwise the borders are too think to visualize
anything correctly.
Second, the borderWidth is proportional to the radius of circle. Is this
To reproduce, here is an example + screenshot:
| b |
b := RTCircularTreeMapBuilder new.
b shape
color: Color transparent;
borderWidth: 0.01;
borderColor: Color black;
if: [ :cls | cls subclasses isEmpty ] fillColor: [ :cls|
(Smalltalk includesKey: (cls name, 'Test') asSymbol) ifTrue: [ Color green ]
ifFalse: [ Color purple ] ].
baseradius: 400;
weight: [ :cls | cls withAllSubclasses size].
b explore: RTObject
using: #subclasses.
b build.
^ b view open
[image: Inline image 1]
Big big big problem please. Impossible to work. Download an image and do: self halt
to reproduce the problem.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I am using Roassal2 (StephanEggermont.40) in Pharo 4. The attached picture
displays a common visualization for inference of local ancestry in
population genetics, I have attached what I am getting now with Grapher.
Input data for such visualization is for example:
1:454 2:1488 1:2546 2:5711 1:14253 2:24411 1:31490 0:41585
(those are like Associations with key 0, 1 or 2 and value 454, 1488, ...
In the attached picture
Min X is 0 and
Max X is 41500
so the X axis (chromosome positions) is rendered in intervals between 10000.
This is what I am trying now (code is commented where I tried to configure
X axis interval)
| b intv |
intv := 0 to: 40000 by: 10000.
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds dotShape color: Color red.
points: #(1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0);
x: intv. "????"
ds barShape width: 99; color: Color red.
minX: 0;
maxX: 41500."
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick. b axisY noDecimal.
b build.
I have some questions:
1) There is support to add an interval label to the X axis but preserving
the space relation with the real chromosome position (the X axis) for the
data (points in my example = 454 1488 2546 5711 14253 24411 31490 41585)?
2) How to clear the bar filling?
Any advice or help would be really nice.
Hernán, PhD student from Argentina working with Santiago V., has produced a JavaScript -> MSE translator. This is still a very early effort, but it looks like to work reliably. We were able to produce MSE for a couple of JavaScript applications.
Hernán is working on a webpage for his exporter. He will advertise it soon.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I watched Tudor's looong tutorial on PetitParser and I still can't find
a solution for one of my inputs.
I would like to parse a file that includes HTML templates but it is no
HTML file!.
Since there is no PPHTMLParser and the XMLHTMLParser extends the import
by missing pieces, I decided to write my own PPParser.
I have trouble with nested parts now.
How would I parse something like this?:
:host {
display: block;
<template items="{{items}}">
<li><span >{{item}}</span></li>
template is the node I am interested in but how can I keep trac on which
level I am and if I may expect another /template tag or not?
The file also includes other information and could have more than just
one part with "templates".
Is the "indent" support something I should have a look at?
Doru! Thank you for this great presentation! Exeptt for this problem it
included solutions on all my needs!
Thank you!
Dear Moose developers,
I can not find executable VerveineJ anywhere. The link in the
Moosebook [1] is broken.
I am building a new static analysis tool for JVM languages and was
going to use MSE as its output format. I was going to use VerveineJ as
a reference tool that produces MSE files to evaluate this decision
before I immerse myself into the format specification.
Could you help me locate it, please?
1: http://www.themoosebook.org/book/externals/import-export/external/verveineJ
In case you are not aware of it, a great number of the Pharo, Moose, and Roassal community members are on Slack. Slack is a very cool messaging platform. If you want to chat with developers and get instantaneous help on a topic, then Slack simply rocks.
More info on:
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
When do we release Moose 6?
I see many are using version 5 but this does not make sense :-)
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
The Glamour presentation of Roassal has several improvement. Check the following video, it summarizes all:
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu