Dear All, , the book about Roassal, has been updated with a new chapter.
The HTML versions of the chapter are also online.
Agile Visualization is written using Pillar and Skeleton. Thanks Damien Cassou and Yuriy Tymchuk (Uko) for these wonderful frameworks.
I am also looking for contributors. I know that some of you guys have done wonderful things with Roassal. Sharing your knowledge with the rest of us would be fantastic. You may even get paid to write a chapter :-) Get in touch with me for more info.
Alexandre Bergel
Is it possible to draw axis on the lowest value of chat instead of 0?
P.S. I know that I can change the calculation of Y value and display on Y axis. But is there an easy way?
With Milton we are working on migrating all the code from Roassal1 to Roassal2.
DSM uses Roassal1. The question is, what do we do with DSM?
Is this something we would like to keep? Being able to work with matrixes yes. But do we want to keep DSM as it is now in the next release of Moose?
If we keep it, then it may take longer to do all the port.
Alexandre Bergel
Hi everyone,
I need to draw a timeline (like in RTRoassalExample>>#exampleTimeLineOfRoassal) and for x value I want to use DateAndTime. First thing that I’ve noticed is that normaliser does not work with time. so I’ve converted it to number with #asSeconds, but now all my entities are in one place. Does anybody know if there is an easier way to do that? I’ve seen post about charter, but can I use it for 1D case?
Some of you plan to be at Saner’15 (22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering) ?
Maybe we could have a workshop there...
Alexandre Bergel
I've been working on creating a presentation using Glamour.
Making a browser fullscreen:
bounds: (RealEstateAgent maximumUsableAreaInWorld: World).
Switching the UITheme to the white Glamorous theme gets rid of most of the
darker background.
When embedding a GTPlayground in another browser, I need to override the
reaction to GLMBrowserClosing
on: GLMBrowserClosing do: [
"This is a hack for the moment.
We need a better mechanism from Glamour to help
us keep the model in sync"
self entity
content: self first panes first presentations first text.
self entity content asString trimBoth isEmpty
ifFalse: [ self class repository add: self entity ] ]
In presentation mode, I give one of the columns (with a tree pane) a span of 0.
I can then still control the tree contents in it with the cursor keys.
Once I click inside a text pane, I can no longer give the tree pane
focus. I would like to have an action to show/hide the pane. How do I force
a redraw after setting the span?
How do I make the text area really read-only?
I try to open a Spec model in Playground like :
browseMessages: Object methods
refreshingBlock: []
named: ''
but there is no preview tab apparently.
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
I discovered a significant problem in
The method is used in the Charter package and it produces an unwanted
normalization. I fixed it for this case (see the comment below), but I
think we should take the time to review the whole class.
Name: Roassal2-TudorGirba.476
Author: TudorGirba
Time: 19 September 2014, 12:14:30.030534 pm
UUID: 097886cf-6898-d541-a4a7-21431cfecd67
Ancestors: Roassal2-TudorGirba.475
Patched normalizeWidth. This is used in the Charter package.
The old implementation was like this:
tt := min + ((max - min) * ( (t - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue)))
The problem with this is that the normalization will return for the lowest
value, the specified min value.
So, if we had two numbers 10 and 5 to be normalized between 0 and 100, we
would get:
- 10 => 100
- 5 => 0
This rule works for colors, but for numbers, we want that 5 to be 50.
So, the current implementation looks like:
tt := t * (max-min) / maxValue.
"Every thing has its own flow"