Status: New
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Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1015 by GraphET should support lineWidth
and legend
Graphet should provide support for line width for line diagrams and a
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Daniel has worked on additional circle layouts, which are now included in Roassal.
We now have RTEquidistantCircleLayout and RTWeightedCircleLayout in addition to RTCircleLayout and RTCenteredCircleLayout
Consider this small script:
| view aux |
view := RTView new.
aux := RTEllipse new.
aux color: Color red.
1 to: 20 do: [ :i |
aux sizeElement: i*4+5.
view add: (aux elementOn: i) ].
initialRadius: 150;
on: view elements.
view open
It produces the output:
There are two recurrent problems with this rendering:
- circles are not centered
- circles overlaps and this overlap can be avoided since there is spaces between the small circles. The layout does not consider the size of the elements
RTEquidistantCircleLayout and RTWeightedCircleLayout address these problems.
In the script above, replacing RTCircleLayout by RTWeightedCircleLayout produces the following:
The space is allocated to each element according to its size.
A variation of this situation may be seen with the following:
| view aux |
view := RTView new.
aux := RTEllipse new.
aux color: Color red.
1 to: 10 do: [ :i |
aux sizeElement: i*10+5.
view add: (aux elementOn: i) ].
initialRadius: 150;
on: view elements.
view open
The script produces
It may happens however that you want always the same space between the elements. You should therefore use RTEquidistantCircleLayout as in:
| view aux |
view := RTView new.
aux := RTEllipse new.
aux color: Color red.
1 to: 10 do: [ :i |
aux sizeElement: i*10+5.
view add: (aux elementOn: i) ].
initialRadius: 150;
on: view elements.
view open
It produces the following:
The work of Daniel may be found in Roassal2.
Thanks Daniel!
Alexandre Bergel
I built sometimes ago a tab in the moose panel to show an eyesee pieChart:
*viewAccessesTypesPieChartIn: composite <moosePresentationOrder: 275>
composite eyesee title: 'Database accessor types'; titleIcon:
MooseJEEIcons pieChart; diagram: [ :view :each | each
mooseInterestingEntity viewAccessesTypesPieChartOn: view ]; when: [
:input | input mooseInterestingEntity isKindOf: FAMIXDBAccessGroup ]*
Now, if I load eyesee and the eyesee glamour presentation everything is
fine, however, I would like to port this view on graphET. So, I tried:
*viewAccessesTypesPieChartIn: composite <moosePresentationOrder: 275>
composite graphET title: 'Database accessor types'; titleIcon:
MooseJEEIcons pieChart; diagram: [ :view :each | each
mooseInterestingEntity viewAccessesTypesPieChartOn: view ]; when: [
:input | input mooseInterestingEntity isKindOf: FAMIXDBAccessGroup ]*
now the local variable *each *contains the presentation instead of the
model, is that a wanted feature? If so, how can i access the model elements
to invoke the view I need? Should I move the logic that implements the view?
Thanks in advance,
Yes by graph I mean curves.
I used GraphET to compare some curves at the same time because Charter is very low level for what I want, and EyeSee is not loaded in Moose.
So with GraphET and 2 or 3 curves that's manageable.
But if I want to do a graph like that, with 10 curves:
How can I retrieve the names of the curves? Automatic colors and legend? Popups?
Thanks in advance.
Vincent Blondeau
-----Message d'origine-----
De : moose-dev-bounces(a) [] De la part de Alexandre Bergel
Envoyé : jeudi 24 juillet 2014 18:38
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: How to show graphs from the Moose panel?
What do you mean by graph? Simple curve?
You can use EyeSee or GraphET2.
I have recently started to work on Charter, a Roassal builder to draw graph.
You can try it:
| b |
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 400 @ 400.
b shape ellipse color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5).
b points: (0.0 to: 1.0 by: 0.05).
b curve.
b y: [ :v | v sqrt ].
b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 3.
b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b open.
If you have particular request for Charter, we will implement them.
Charter is still very raw...
On Jul 24, 2014, at 11:15 AM, Blondeau Vincent <vincent.blondeau(a)<>> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> In a former moose version, it was being able to do on a MooseGroup : Browse>>In Eye See Editor.
> Now it is not possible...
> What tool should I use to draw graphs?
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers,
> Vincent BLONDEAU
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Alexandre Bergel
Moose-dev mailing list
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We fixed some bugs in the way path were rendered. Path can now be scaled and answer properly to events.
You can register callbacks or other kind of interaction you wish.
Here is a screenshot:
This code is available from: RTRoassalExample>>exampleSVGPath
Icons have been obtained from
Thanks Juraj of the improvement you’ve made to TRSVGPath !
Alexandre Bergel
There is a behavior that does not match my way of printing expressions.
1 - open a playground
2 - enter: 10
3 - print it (cmd-p)
4 - remove what has been printed by pressing backspace
5 - the value 10 is selected, which is a problem to me. Would it make sense to have the 10 unselected at that point? I do not see what could the reason to have it selected.
Alexandre Bergel
We spotted a bug related to edge driven layouts and groups. So, when a view
has groups in it, performing an edge driven layout gives MNU: RTGroup>>view.
The bug can be reproduced with the following script in latest Roassal.
view := RTView new.
group1 := RTGroup new add: (RTBox new elementOn: 1); yourself.
group2 := RTGroup new add: (RTEllipse new elementOn: 2); yourself.
view addAll: group1; addAll: group2.
RTForceBasedLayout on: (RTGroup with: group1 with: group2).
view open
The link to get the version with changes (because problem posting more than
1 mb on this list):
All tests are green after the change.
Alex, can you integrate this in Roassal because it is important for our
Usman & Leo
We try to keep track of users of Roassal.
It would be great to have your logo on
So, if you are a Roassal (or Hapao, Roassal3d, Spy) user, let us know please!
It helps building a strong community.
Alexandre Bergel
Solved !
You will found the changes in the attached .mcz.
I added some sessions guards where some Athens external objects are used. Stef you were right ;)
Particularly for checking the IV TRCanvas>>canvas and on TRShape>>path that relies on Athens external objects.
It seems to works for me. If it is the case for you, it we be nice to integrate it quickly to be able to work fine :)
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Pharo-dev [] De la part de stepharo
Envoyé : jeudi 31 juillet 2014 22:58
À : Pharo Development List
Objet : Re: [Pharo-dev] [Moose-dev] Pharo image corruption and fatal VM error with Roassal
may be you should try to understand what is a session.
Because this is about 2 lines of code.
When you open an image you save 2 min ago or 2 years ago, how the system knows that an OS ressources is valid?
By checking the session id...
On 31/7/14 16:09, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> Yes, and this is a mess.
> I've spent quite some time in getting the session working with Roassal2 and it still does not work. I would appreciate help on this.
> Alexandre
> On Jul 31, 2014, at 8:58 AM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaihess(a)> wrote:
>> It looks like Trachel does not recreate athens external resources.
>> There is an example in AthensSceneView, on how to check and reload an
>> AthensSurface.
>> 2014-07-31 12:51 GMT+02:00 Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti(a)>:
>> On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Blondeau Vincent <vincent.blondeau(a)> wrote:
>> Yes it is. But I will not do
>> TRMorph allInstances do: #delete
>> In command line every day...
>> It is only intended to recover your lost work in the image not for everyday use :).
>> Vincent
>> De : Pharo-dev [] De la part
>> de Usman Bhatti Envoyé : jeudi 31 juillet 2014 10:59 À : Pharo
>> Development List Cc : Moose-related development
>> Objet : Re: [Pharo-dev] Pharo image corruption and fatal VM error
>> with Roassal
>> This may be related to this known issue reported a few days back.
>> And there is a possible solution to recover your image.
>> usman
>> On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Blondeau Vincent <vincent.blondeau(a)> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yesterday, I was using GraphET (a part of Roassal) to do some charts and, today, when I wanted to reopen the image.
>> And I got that :
>> <image001.png>
>> It is *very* unpleasant...
>> To reproduce the bug:
>> 1 - You can do either:
>> | builder |
>> builder := GET2Line data: (0 to: 100) .
>> builder
>> y: [ :x | x*x ].
>> builder open.
>> Or
>> WorldMenu -> Roassal examples -> choose an item -> click on a graph . A TRMorph should be opened.
>> 2 - don't close the graph and save the pharo image.
>> 3 - Close the pharo image
>> 4 - Reopen it
>> I am under W7 x64 with the latest moose image and the VM available on the website ( from the 10 july.
>> You will find the crash dump attached.
>> Thankfully, I managed to open the image with a latest VM (
>> Thanks a lot Eliot ! :)
>> And I got this:
>> <image002.png>
>> Thanks in advance
>> Cheers,
>> Vincent BLONDEAU
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