Ok, with some more configuration massage, some parts of it actually work.
The dependency on Magritte-Seaside was missing.
It still depends on Mondrian...
Dory wrote:
>Pretty cool. Did you by any chance run it locally to see if it actually works?
Nah, no need if the tests run ;)
The tests don't tell you:
- need to load Zinc-Seaside
- need to load JQueryUI
Then you get to see something. WATableTag>border: is still missing,
I don't know where to get that.
The Moose build of PetitParser fails because of some errors in PetitRegex.
We took a look at the code, and wonder if these tests ever ran successfully.
Who/what uses PetitRegex, and is able to fix these?
Diego & Stephan
- added 0.5 baseline
- loading more of Seaside (core no longer loads much)
- referring to smalltalkhub for jQueryWidgetBox
no version 0.5 yet
Layout may be applied at each refresh using the class RTLayoutAnimation. This is useful when elements have varying size.
| v es resizeAnimation shape normalizer |
v := RTView new.
normalizer := RTMultiLinearColor new.
shape := RTBox new size: #yourself; color: [ :value | (normalizer level: (value / 100)) alpha: 0.4 ].
es := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 100 by: 10).
v addAll: es.
v canvas addMenu: 'Press me!' callback: [
es do: [ :e |
resizeAnimation :=
RTResizeMove new
toExtent: (100 - e model) @ (100 - e model) on: e.
e model: (100 - e model).
v addAnimation: resizeAnimation ] ].
v addAnimation: (RTLayoutAnimation new elements: es; yourself).
v open
Animation on:
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu