I have the impression it makes sense to have Artifact and Neo in the moose image. These tools are important.
What do you think?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi guys.
I’ve created a “Moose-less” version https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/moose-5.0/1006/artifact/moose-5.0-less.zip because some people (including me of course) don’t want to have all IDE revamped to use the features of Moose. It’s created during a main Mosse build as it’s already there anyway. But if you don’t like it, I can move it to somewhere else.
Hi Alex,
How do you trigger the menu action of an RTElement programmatically?
In Roassal one, I could do:
menuActivable := (anElement getInteraction: ROMenuActivable).
actionBlock := (menuActivable actionNamed: 'my action').
actionBlock value value: anElement.
In Roassal 2, I cannot get the menu actions because everything is happening
with announcements. How can I trigger the RTMenuActivable for my elements
in the view because when generating my events programmatically by
simulating mouse-clicks, my image becomes non-responsive after a few tries.
So far 133 copies of Deep Into Pharo have been sold. I used Roassal2 to visualize countries
Here is a screenshot:
The data are embedded within the distribution of Roassal2. Just execute:
RTMetricMap new example06DeepIntoPharo
and you will get the same rendering.
The map builder has attracted some interest. Here is a small example on how you can render you own data.
First of all, you need some data. Usually, you get data in a tabular table. For example, I just stumbled on http://www.gdbridge.org/gdb_index
I copy and paste the small columns on the right hand side of the web page into a string in a workspace.
I then convert the third column as floats. I paint all countries in white. I then paint countries from the table using the first column as a name, and the third column as a color gradient
| b table |
b := RTMetricMap new.
table := RTTabTable new.
table input: 'Hong Kong, China 1 0.631447
Singapore 2 0.5889286
Netherlands 3 0.515425
Switzerland 4 0.5018929
United States 5 0.4871152
Norway 6 0.4851121
Denmark 7 0.4665922
Sweden 8 0.4567912
Finland 9 0.4460537
Korea, Rep. 10 0.4382369
Ireland 11 0.4324097
Luxembourg 12 0.4227912
Germany 13 0.4190357
Belgium 14 0.4022478
Canada 15 0.3983661
Australia 16 0.3982408
United Kingdom 17 0.3930691
Japan 18 0.3904902
Spain 19 0.3876414
Kuwait 20 0.3800776
France 21 0.377015
Brunei Darussalam 22 0.3627484
Austria 23 0.3621858
Israel 24 0.3585244
China 25 0.3560882' usingDelimiters: String tab.
table convertColumn: 3 to: [ :t | Float readFrom: t ].
b allCountriesColor: Color white.
b countries: table values named: #first metric: #third.
b open
Oh… almost forgot. You can export a visualization on the web. Here is the generated HTML for the sells
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Several builds are yellow since a while. Please take a look and see if you
can help with fixing them.
"Every thing has its own flow"
my name is Santiago and I've been using Moose for a couple of years.
I'm conducting an experiment with Alexandre Bergel and we found a problem
trying to identify references to a Java class/interface. Specifically, we
found that Moose fails to detect references produced by "instanceOf" and
If I have the following Java Code
public class A {
public void foo(Object o){
if(o instanceof B){ //DoSomething }
Moose does not find any outgoing invocation or reference from A to B.
Can VerveineJ represents in the generated .mse file the dependency from A
to B ?
Thanks in advance.
Santiago Vidal
Status: Fixed
Comment #2 on issue 1060 by anquetil...(a)gmail.com: Static modifier missing
in inner classes (VerveineJ)
Went for the simple solution:
Added "static" modifier for classes, did not change attributes and methods
(therefore use hasClassScope boolean property, not the modifier)
This is annoying because the static keyword is not treated consistently
Might decide to go for duplication of information in attributes/methods in
the future...
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Comment #2 on issue 1059 by anquetil...(a)gmail.com: Problem of VerveineJ
detecting references
A reference (not invocation) should be created
will look into it
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