I worked a bit on different implementation for the workspace, and the
result can be found in the GTPlayground.
It has two distinct features:
1. It is essentially an inspector. So, if you press Cmd+o, you start the
regular inspector. This means that you can easily use it as an easel or an
editor. For example, attached you can see how to use it to simulate a
Roassal2 Easel for it.
[image: Inline image 1]
Of course, you can spawn multiple columns to the right just like in the
normal inspector.
2. It offers versioning. As soon as you close a playground, the code is
stored and you can retrieve it from the dropdown menu from the top right.
You can find it in the Moose image. At this point it is not installed by
default because it still requires you to define the variables (so the neat
functionality of defining variables dynamically from the default workspace
is not yet available). Nevertheless, you can install it by executing:
GTPlayground registerToolsOn: Smalltalk tools
Let me know what you think.
"Every thing has its own flow"
I added last night a first version of an integration of Roassal2 into
For example, try:
GLMCompositePresentation new
with: [ :c |
c roassal2
painting: [ :v :roassal2Presentation :entity |
v addAll: ((RTEllipse new color: Color purple; size: 10)
elementsOn: entity withAllSubclasses) @ RTDraggable.
buildEdgesFromObjects: entity withAllSubclasses
from: #superclass
to: #yourself
inView: v.
RTClusterLayout on: v elements edges: v edges.
v edges do: [ :e | e trachelShape pushBack ] ] ];
openOn: Collection
It's also integrated in GTInspector. For example, just inspect:
| v |
v := RTView new.
v addAll: ((RTEllipse new color: Color purple)
elementsOn: Collection withAllSubclasses).
buildEdgesFromObjects: Collection withAllSubclasses
from: #superclass
to: #yourself
inView: v.
RTClusterLayout on: v elements edges: v edges.
v edges do: [ :e | e trachelShape pushBack ].
(see attachment)
[image: Inline image 1]
"Every thing has its own flow"
I'm getting
"MessageNotUnderstood: RubScrolledTextMorph>>addAllSegments:"
It seems that the latest changes in Rubric has broken the rubric
presentation in Moose.
To reproduce:
GLMLipsumWithSegmentsExample new open
Alain, could you have a look or suggest a solution and I'll try to have a
Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)tudorgirba.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour Milestone-5.0
New issue 1045 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: The Rubric presentation fails due
to DNU addAllSegments:
Try this:
GLMLipsumWithSegmentsExample new open
"MessageNotUnderstood: RubScrolledTextMorph>>addAllSegments:"
(thanks Usman)
You received this message because this project is configured to send all
issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
(repost to the correct mailing lists)
Pharo workflow is best seen in action.
However, I noticed that we do not have much support for demoing what we do.
For example, if you do not record with sound, you want to add notes. I saw
several videos with notes being added to the workspace. This looks clumsy.
So, I gave it a short try, and built a little goodie that lets you simply
type notes in the middle of the screen the audience in big fonts. Take a
look below at a video describing a specific session with GTInspector:
To get it:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'AlainPlantec' project: 'Rubric';
package: 'Rubric';
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'GToolkit';
package: 'GT-PresenterNote';
It's still at the beginning. Right now, it is mapped on Cmd+/.
Actually, it really is tiny. You can obtain the equivalent by doing this in
the workspace:
KMRepository reset.
KMRepository default setAsGlobalCategory: (
(KMCategory named: 'Presentation')
addKeymapEntry: (
shortcut: $/ command
action: [
RubEditingArea new
width: World width / 3;
updateTextWith: '';
backgroundColor: Color paleYellow;
cellInset: 50;
onAnnouncement: MorphLostFocus do: [ :ann |
ann morph delete ];
font: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans
Pro' pointSize: 20);
]) )
We need to advertise Pharo, and our videos should look good. Let me know
about what other similar needs you would like to have supported.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Pharo workflow is best seen in action.
But, even so, I noticed that we do not have much support for demoing what
we do. For example, if you do not record with sound, you want to add notes.
I saw several videos with notes being added to the workspace. This looks
So, I gave it a short try, and built a little goodie that lets you simply
type notes in the middle of the screen the audience in big fonts. Take a
look below at a video describing a specific session with GTInspector:
To get it:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'AlainPlantec' project: 'Rubric';
package: 'Rubric';
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'GToolkit';
package: 'GT-PresenterNote';
It's still at the beginning. Right now, it is mapped on Cmd+/.
Actually, it really is tiny. You can obtain the equivalent by doing this in
the workspace:
KMRepository reset.
KMRepository default setAsGlobalCategory: (
(KMCategory named: 'Presentation')
addKeymapEntry: (
shortcut: $/ command
action: [
RubEditingArea new
width: World width / 3;
updateTextWith: '';
backgroundColor: Color paleYellow;
cellInset: 50;
onAnnouncement: MorphLostFocus do: [ :ann |
ann morph delete ];
font: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans
Pro' pointSize: 20);
]) )
We need to advertise Pharo, and our videos should look good. Let me know
about what other similar needs you would like to have supported.
"Every thing has its own flow"