I am *finally* playing around with the GT toolkit to implement the presentations for my objects.
By looking at examples here and there I managed to create a couple of presentations, but I have a question.
Suppose I have a GLMRoassal2Presentation with a ring chart visualization and a table (GLMTablePresentation) in two separate inspector panes. Is there a way to have them in the same pane, i.e., an overview with both the table and the roassal view?
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is my situation:
Moreover, when it comes to Glamour, Yuriy (in cc) and me have troubles to understand the Glamourous magic behind it..
We are wondering if, in addition to the PBE 2 book, there is additional documentation.
Cheers and thanks in advance,
Hello everyone,
I am searching the description of the Moose algos. There was a page on the old website but it is not on the new one...
Where can I find this ?
Thanks in advance !
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With Olivier, we are working on FAMIX-SQL. There are some things with which we disagree (usage of table or column name instead of directly the object, foreign keys only reference tables but through the sourceColumn message…). So we would like to know if someone uses FAMIX-SQL or if we can modify and restructure it. With the modifications, it will be difficult to be retro compatible.
Thanks in advance.
Olivier and Anne
Is there a "C# to MSE” tool somewhere?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu