Summary: The table presentation for Glamour should provide dynamic sorting
and column manipulation
Comment #14 on issue 156 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: The table presentation
for Glamour should provide dynamic sorting and column manipulation
(No comment was entered for this change.)
Labels: -Component-Tools Component-ExternalTools
Comment #1 on issue 254 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: inFusion default
initializer export to MSE
(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1016 by usman.bh...(a)gmail.com: PNG Export is not clean (example
EyeSee charts)
See the attached screenshot, it seems that the export is not clean. The
diagram export is correct but the labels seem to be superimposed. The
problem might be coming from Pharo but I dont know how to reproduce it in
EyeSee-2013-11-25-1506.png 5.9 KB
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Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Component-Roassal Milestone-4.9
New issue 987 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: Roassal does not display edges when
the source is not visible
Try this:
view nodes: { 1 . 2 }.
view edgeFromAssociation: 2->1.
view horizontalLineLayout horizontalGap: 1000.
I think it is easy to fix, but at the same time it is really annoying, so I
mark it as critical :)
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-EyeSee Milestone-5.0
New issue 1024 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: EyeSee Editor crashes by default
Just open an EyeSee Editor and press Cmd+s. The diagram is not initialized.
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I am trying to create a roassal minimap in a glamour browser. But I do not
get a minimap when pressing m key.
It might be something to do with how keystrokes are interpreted in Glamour.
can you have a look?
Here's a simple browser with a roassal visualization (adapted from one of
ben's mail on moose-dev).
| browser viewHack |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #list; column: #drawing.
browser transmit
to: #list;
andShow: [ :a | a list ].
browser transmit
to: #drawing;
andShow: [ :a | a roassal painting:
[ :moview :collection |
moview raw @ (ROMiniMap new targetView: moview stack).
collection do: [ :x | moview view add: (ROElement spriteOn:
x) + ROLabel + ROBox white ].
ROVerticalLineLayout on: moview view elements.
viewHack := moview view.
] ].
browser transmit
from: #list port:#selection;
to: #drawing;
[ :x | | foundElements |
viewHack elements do: [ :el | ROUnhighlightElement on: el ].
targetElement := viewHack elements at: x.
ROFocusView on: targetElement.
ROHighlightElement on: targetElement color: Color red.
viewHack signalUpdate
browser openOn: #(1 2 3 4 5 6).
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 942 by v.blonde...(a)gmail.com: Fame-ImportExport - XML Export -
transformation of \n and \t not working.
In the class FMXMLPrinter of the Fame-ImportExport package, the
method 'primitive:' doesn't remplace the Character cr by \n and Character
tab by \t as expected in the source code. Indeed the affectation of the
local block variable by this line of code :
char = $n
doesn't work.
The result expected is :
'<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Element name="FAMIX.Comment" id="1">
<Attribute name="content">
<String value="This is a test\"\n\t"/>
What we have actually :
'<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Element name="FAMIX.Comment" id="1">
<Attribute name="content">
<String value="This is a test\"\
\ "/>
Platform : Win7, Pharo 2.0
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-5.0
New issue 1018 by anne.et...(a)gmail.com: Message not understood Exception
when asking for senders of some methods
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
A message not understood exception occurs when asking for senders instead
the opening of a window with the list of senders.
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
Finding the senders of #+ works.
But finding the senders of #ifTrue: or #new or... does not work.
Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem
The error comes from GRPackage that does not implement
Only Magritte and Grease use GRPackage.
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-XXX
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-5.0
New issue 1022 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: OSProcess should be loaded from the
Pharo 3 repo
The ConfigurationOfMoose should be modified to make it load from the
repository of Pharo 3.
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We create slice to manage exception in the MoosePanel request form (each beginWith: 'C'). We modified Glamour to correctly manage the exception and not launch the debugger when the message sent is not supported.
Doru, can you please have a look and integrate our change?
Thanks in advance,
Rafael, Gustavo, Guillaume and Anne.