Comment #1 on issue 432 by tu...(a) Popup should appear only
when a certain modifier key is pressed
Another option would be to have the rendering happening in another thread.
Status: WontFix
Comment #4 on issue 43 by tu...(a) [FAME] add helper methods
for multivalued attributes
This issue is too old and it is unlikely it will get addressed.
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 912 by chisvasi...(a) Glamour presentations should update
their own actions when receiving GLMPresentationUpdated
Right now when a presentation receives GLMPresentationUpdated it does not
update its own actions.
For example bellow is some code to see this behaviour.
When the action from the composite presentation is triggered it updates the
action from the contained presentations but not its action.
Also if there is just one presentation in the composite then, due to how a
composite with one presentation is implemented, it won't update any action.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #aRow.
browser transmit to: #aRow; andShow: [ :composite |
title: 'Composite';
updateOn: Announcement from: [ browser announcer ];
dynamicActions: [ :list || actions |
actions := OrderedCollection new.
actions add:
((GLMGenericAction new)
action: [ :presentation :model | browser announce: Announcement];
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd;
title: DateAndTime now asString;
composite list
title: 'List 1';
updateOn: Announcement from: [ browser announcer ];
dynamicActions: [ :list || actions |
actions := OrderedCollection new.
actions add:
((GLMGenericAction new)
action: [ :presentation :model | browser announce: Announcement];
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd;
title: DateAndTime now asString;
composite list
title: 'List 2'].
browser openOn: (1 to: 10)
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: chisvasi...(a)
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-4.8 Maintainability
New issue 926 by tu...(a) Moose should offer ZeroConf support
for quick installations
Moose should offer the same support for quick installations as Pharo does.
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Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 948 by step...(a) mooseNameOn: uses
FAMIXMethod mooseNameOn: aStream
has an interesting implementation.
Is there a special reason not to use
the signature when it is defined,
instead of the signatureFromSmalltalkSelector?
Doru wrote:
This is horrible! Indeed, we should use the signature there, and the
signatureFromSmalltalkSelector should disappear (because it should be set
at import time).
4.8 Development
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Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 949 by step...(a) FAMIXMethod isConstructor: aBoolean
ignores the parameter
isConstructor: aBoolean
self kind: #constructor
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect,
* Component-Famix
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What negation is doing in MethodInvocation node? And what negation is doing in the VariableAccessorNode? What type cast is doing in VariableAccessorNode? Why does variable accessor has array? Is't not accessor_s_. Accessor. Only one. Accessor only knows only name of the variable it's accessing and the target of access. During parsing PJVariableAccessorNode is created as part of identifierWithAccessors, primary and selector grammars.
As for me this is madness. Yes, I made some mess to when I created InfixOperation instead of all the additive expressions, multiplicative expressions, etc... But to do it right now you just have to define a new node and create it for a related grammar instead of infix expression node.
I think that right now PetitJava is a bigger mess than it was
Надіслано з iPhone
I just begin looking after point of optimisation into Roassal and I
there are different points :
- firstly, it is not easy to profile
- it seems that when we move the mouse on the visualisation then it
draws everything each time we move the mouse.
And of course the biggest the visualisation is, the hottest the computer
is to be.
So maybe we should either, only draw the visible things (we must know
what is visible easily),
or we should draw the whole visualisation as a picture (bitmap or svg )
in a buffer and then just navigate in it, and keeping a list of visible
things (not to be drawn but to be checked for interactions).
I think the picture is a good solution (maybe not a perfect one) since
refreshing a picture is fine easier than redrawing the whole
And we should only draw changing elements with another color when
dragging them.
What do you think about that ??