Did someone try to export individual panes of a glamour browser to an image
I see that GLMBrowser>>screenshot: aFilenameString on: anObject after:
does an export of the browser window's image but that more than what I am
looking for.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 939 by anquetil...(a)gmail.com: FamixEntity annotation not coherent
with FAMIXEntity implementation
FAMIXEntity class>>annotation
<MSEClass: #Entity super: #Object>
i.e. FamixEntity inherits from Object
but FAMIXEntity has for superclass MooseEntity
I guess annotation should be changed
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Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Component-Glamour
New issue 870 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: ROFocusView focuses on the wrong spot
Open a Roassal Easel and paste this:
| node |
node := view node: #a.
ROFocusView new on: node view: view raw.
The node is selected somewhere at the bottom. The reason is likely to be
that the canvas has a static size, instead of adapting by default to the
size of the surrounding pane
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 935 by anquetil...(a)gmail.com:
MooseImportFromJavaSourceFilesWizard obsolete ?
Is this class used by anybody?
Apparently it imports Java model using infusion may be.
There is no test on it.
It is buggy on pharo 2.0 (uses old FileDirectory) ...
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Damien wrote
>is there any way to request a string from the user with Glamour.
Something equivalent to:
UIManager default request: 'foo'
Take a look at DiegoLont/LightHouse on smalltalkhub for sample code
We would like to see if we can use PetitParser to build syntax hilighting and for this
we need to see if there is a way to specify error handling.
Does any of you know?
So far we tried to use the RBSCanner but it does not really work for what we need
There is package Moose-MondrianPaintings-LayerTable which
contains MOLayerTable which uses Mondrian visualisation.
I have not found any references into the package. Is it part of Mondrian or
should I transform it into Roassal visualisation?
there is a class MOGraphVizLayout used in some visualisations (e.g.
GTVisualizations new viewPragmaConstellation or
MooseBrowser>>multiplicationBrowser). Should I port it into Roassal?