I would like to have a Morphic widget like this. Does anyone know if there
is something already done that I could reuse?
[image: Inline image 1]
Maybe do it with Roassal in this way:
Use the list morph, where each row knows an image morph with its
corresponding slice of the graph.
Each time the graph changes (for example, if a node is appended), render
using Roassal the part of the graph has to be updated, and cut the rendered
surface in the new slices for each updated row.
Any opinion?
Maybe I should think more in vectors (i.e. Athens) instead of pixels/images?
Just to share a small addon to manage alpha blending I made with Roassal.
Try in an easel the following:
random := Random new.
view shape circle size: 80; fillColor: Color black.
view interaction on: ROMouseEnter do: [ :event |
ROColorAlphaFading new for: event element nbCycles: 60 ].
nodes := view nodes: (1 to: 50).
nodes do: [:el | el translateTo: (random next * 400) @ (random next * 400) ].
view noLayout.
ROPluggableAnimation new
nbCycles: 20000;
block: [ ROColorAlphaFading new for: nodes atRandom nbCycles: 60 ];
on: view raw.
view shape circle size: 80; fillColor: Color black.
view interaction on: ROMouseEnter do: [ :event |
ROColorAlphaFading new for: event element nbCycles: 60 ].
view nodes: (1 to: 50).
view gridLayout.
It also works with edges:
view interaction
dynamicEdgeToAll: [ :model | (1 to: model) collect: [ :v | v // 2 ] ]
usingFading: (ROLine red width: 5; attachPoint: ROCenteredAttachPoint instance).
view shape rectangle size: 20.
view nodes: (1 to: 20).
view circleLayout.
In the last version of Roassal
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
As a first step towards less floating windows, Glamour browsers open now in maximized mode by default. Let me know what you think.
"What we can governs what we wish."
Now that we have moved to SmalltalkHub, all links and loading code from moosetechnology.org needs to be updated. I would need help to get it up to date.
It is easy:
- pick a project, like http://www.moosetechnology.org/tools/petitparser
- update the links and load script
- test :)
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem understanding."
There was a strike in Lille, and I admit it's not that easy to
work home, it's far more easy to sleep in the sofa.
I have made a new
shape anyway : ROArc, its an arc of a sixth of circle, maybe we can
script it to choose the another shape (1/4, 1/2 ...).
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'MathieuDehouck' project: 'RoassalAlgorithm';
package: 'Roassal-New';
You can try:
"Source code: ROExample>>expandableNodesOn:"
"Preambule. It includes
the initialization. "
| view rawView layout |
rawView := ROView
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view:
ROVerticalCompactTree new.
view shape circle size: 15 .
view nodes:
(Collection withAllSubclasses).
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
userDefinedEdges: view edges.
view layout: layout.
verticalGap: 70; horizontalGap: 30.
view applyLayout.
view nodes do:
[ :f | (layout childrenFor: f) do: [ :t | (t model inheritsFrom: f
model) ifTrue: [ t model methodDict keysDo: [ :k | (f model methodDict
includesKey: k) ifTrue: [ view edgeFromAssociation: f model ->t model ]
] ] ] ].
view edges do: [ :e | e - ROLine + (ROArc new color: (Color
r: 0 g: 1 b: 0.5 ); width: 2) ].
layout userDefinedEdges do: [ :e | e -
ROArc + ((ROLine new) color: (Color r: 1 g: 0 b: 0 ); width: 2 ) ].
view shape: (ROBezierCurve orthoVertical new color: (Color r: 0.9 g: 0.8
b: 0 ); width: 2 ) .
view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 1) model
->(view nodes at: 33) model.
view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at:
5) model ->(view nodes at: 45) model.
view edgeFromAssociation: (view
nodes at: 8) model ->(view nodes at: 36)
"Below is the initiation of the
menu and opening the visualization"
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn:
view open.
And you'll see that when
we set a new shape in the easel, only the next edge is affected.
this example red edges represent inheritance, green arcs represent
overriding on parent's methods, and the 3 other are just for test
And we noticed that only one of the three is drawn in yellow,
the two other are in straight grey.
And I think, we got the same
problem when defining multiple edges at the same time, only the first
take the newly set shape.
I've added new features for the force based layout.
can change the gravity center, tell where you want to see your fixed
nodes and so on.
I still have a bug with padding, and resizeStrategy,
for example when you click on Example in the view.
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'MathieuDehouck' project: 'RoassalAlgorithm';
package: 'RoassalForceBaseLayout';
Try this :
"Preambule. It includes the
initialization. "
| rawView view layout |
rawView := ROView new.
view :=
ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.
"enter your script
view interaction on:
ROMouseEnter do: [ :n |
| nodes |
nodes := view raw
elementsFromModels: n element model allSubclasses.
on: nodes ].
view interaction on: ROMouseLeave do: [ :n |
| nodes |
nodes := view raw elementsFromModels: n element model allSubclasses.
ROUnhighlightElements on: nodes ].
view shape rectangle size: 10.
view nodes: (Collection withAllSubclasses).
view edgesFrom:
layout := ROForceBasedLayout_N new.
layout fix: (view
nodes last) at: 450@450;
gravityAt: 437@38 .
view layout: layout.
view applyLayout.
"Below is the
initiation of the menu and opening the visualization"
ROEaselMorphic new
populateMenuOn: view.
view open
Hi Mathieu,
I have seen we have a ROBezierCurve and RORadialBezierCurve. What are the difference between the both? They produce a slightly different rendering.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
and not just the moose people :)
take into account that all those project has been migrated to smalltalkhub, under the moose team:
for the moose guys:
what about promote the right configurations to MetaRepoForPharo20? (I know there are a lot of cool stuff in that team that can be shared :P)
(yeah, I know... I'm annoying with this "configurations" stuff, but someone has to remember it, otherwise it will be wrongly empty :)
On May 17, 2013, at 8:44 AM, stephane ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)free.fr> wrote:
> ****ALL*** the moose people are using PetitParser and it loads in 20.
> so where you took the code from?
> The official repositories are on SmalltalkHub/Moose
> Stef
> On May 16, 2013, at 8:27 PM, Alain Busser <alain.busser(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a similar problem with PetitParser (loads well under Pharo 1.4, not as well under Pharo 2.0)
>> Alain
>> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Camille Teruel <camille.teruel(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 16 mai 2013, at 17:59, stephane ducasse wrote:
>>> yes normally the moose people.
>>> This is strange because eyesee is in Moose and we load it daily in 2.0.
>> Maybe the smalltalk hub repo is more up to date?
>>> Stef
>>>> Thanks for your answer Camille!
>>>> I tried it.
>>>> It loads well on 1.4 but in 2.0 shows warining about a non satisfied blockclosure class.
>>>> Then when I run the test there is a faliure with the anouncements, which also accured when I tried the examples.
>>>> Is someone maintaining this?
>>>> Thanks again,
>>>> Juan
>>>> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Camille Teruel <camille.teruel(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Juan,
>>>> You can have a look to eyeSee:
>>>> Gofer it
>>>> squeaksource: 'EyeSee';
>>>> package: 'ConfigurationOfEyeSee';
>>>> load.
>>>> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfEyeSee) loadDefault
>>>> On 16 mai 2013, at 16:03, Juan Ignacio Vaccarezza wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Does anybody know a chart framework? Im looking fo something like jfreechart (java chart framework).
>>>>> I need bar graph, pie chart, and line chart.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Juan
Until we get a proper configuration working and accepted, here is a script
to make Roassal work with Athens:
MooseImageSetupCommandLineHandler new installFonts. "this depends on a
Moose image"
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'Athens';
package: 'ConfigurationOfAthens';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfAthens) loadVersion: '2.1'.
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile' project: 'Roassal';
package: 'RoassalAthens';
ROPlatform setCurrent: 'athens'.
"Every thing has its own flow"