Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: anquetil...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 907 by tu...(a) VerveineJ does not export source
anchors for FAMIXAnnotationType and FAMIXAnnotationTypeAttribute
When we have an explicit annotation in the code, we should also get the
source anchor associated with it.
For example, in the below case, should be associated
with SomeAnnotation:
@Target({ ElementType.FIELD })
public @interface SomeAnnotation {...}
The same applies for the contained FAMIXAnnotationTypeAttributes.
Status: New
Owner: anquetil...(a)
CC: damien.c...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-High Component-VerveineJ
New issue 910 by damien.c...(a) [VerveineJ] Some methods
have 'private' modifier in source code but not in model
1- Take ant-1.8.2.mse
2- Search methods with each isProtected not and: [each isPublic not and:
[each isPrivate not and: [each isStub not]]]
3- Some methods are private here
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Component-Glamour
New issue 870 by tu...(a) ROFocusView focuses on the wrong spot
Open a Roassal Easel and paste this:
| node |
node := view node: #a.
ROFocusView new on: node view: view raw.
The node is selected somewhere at the bottom. The reason is likely to be
that the canvas has a static size, instead of adapting by default to the
size of the surrounding pane
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 894 by benjamin...(a) Roassal revised ROSelection and
Initially I contributed ROSelection as part of the rubberbanding feature.
The attached changeset generalizes it a bit and provides the folllowing
example of its use.
activeSelection := ROSelection new
onInclusion: [ :element | ROHighlightElement on: element color: Color red
onExclusion: [ :element | ROUnhighlightElement on: element ].
statusBar := (ROElement on: activeSelection) + (ROLabel text: [ :el | el
model asString ]) + ROBox white.
view stack add: statusBar.
statusBar translateTo: 0 @ 480.
view shape label.
view interaction on: ROMouseLeftClick do:
[ :ann |
activeSelection clear.
activeSelection add: ann element.
view nodes: #(1 2 3 4 5).
view gridLayout.
There are two things I need help with:
1. Deselecting all elements when clicking on the background.**
2. Multiple selection, which if I knew the right way to work with the
announcement events, would conceptually be as simple as the following
[ :ann |
ann isShiftClicked ifFalse: [ activeSelection clear ].
activeSelection add: ann element.
**may also relate to Issue 884 comment #9 .
ROSelectionAndExample.1.cs 1.4 KB
Status: New
Owner: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal
New issue 911 by Nested nodes in Roassal take too
Try this script for creating nested nodes in Roassal. The execution seems
to never return. The behavior is similar with both Mondrian DSL or Roassal
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder new.
view shape rectangle withoutBorder.
view node:#aaa forIt:[
view shape rectangle.
view nodes: (1 to: 10000).
view gridLayout.
view shape rectangle withoutBorder.
view node:#bbb forIt:[
view shape rectangle.
view nodes: (1 to: 1000).
view gridLayout.
view verticalLineLayout.
view open
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
New issue 917 by ConfigurationOfMerlin on
Smalltalkhub needs to be updated
ConfigurationOfMerlin on Smalltalkhub needs to be updated because the
baseline still loads from squeaksource, it should normally load from the
packages from SmallTalkHub.
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issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-VerveineJ Milestone-4.7
New issue 895 by andreho...(a) Lack of entities in verveineJ model
I'm parsing the single .java attached file (I have also copied in the end
of this message), and I have some points:
- A stub class FileUtils is not created. As consequence the receiver os the
static invocation "FileUtils.close(ti)" (see last line) is "nil".
- A stub class ArchiveScanner (superclass) is not created.
What do you think about that?
In addition (I believe it is OK):
- A stub class Map is created as FAMIXParameterizableClass (it should just
be used to Generics, no?).
- A 'V' FAMIXParameterType is created
- A Comparable is created as FAMIXParameterizedType
Maybe these three points are coming from the class Map in Java, then it is
Basically this is the code attached:
public class TarScanner extends ArchiveScanner {
protected void fillMapsFromArchive(Resource src, String encoding,
Map fileEntries, Map
Map dirEntries, Map matchDirEntries)
TarEntry entry = null;
TarInputStream ti = null;
try {
try {
ti = new TarInputStream(src.getInputStream());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BuildException("problem opening " + srcFile, ex);
while ((entry = ti.getNextEntry()) != null) {
Resource r = new TarResource(src, entry);
String name = entry.getName();
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
name = trimSeparator(name);
dirEntries.put(name, r);
if (match(name)) {
matchDirEntries.put(name, r);
} else {
fileEntries.put(name, r);
if (match(name)) {
matchFileEntries.put(name, r);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BuildException("problem reading " + srcFile, ex);
} finally {
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-MooseCore Milestone-4.8
New issue 922 by tu...(a) Update ConfigurationOfMoose to work
with Roassal from STHub
Just what the title says
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