Some methods in Moose introduce extension methods on BlockContext.
BlockContext has been replaced by BlockClosure. We already have the
required moose extension methods in BlockClosure, so I'll remove extension
methods on BlockContext so that we do not have warnings while loading Moose
on pharo 2.0.
For info, the ist of extension categories added by Moose packages on
- eyesee-support
- moose-core
- petitparser-core-converting
I fixed a couple of issues for Pharo 2.0.
There are still a couple of things left:
- There is error due to Mondrian which freezes the image and it is a bit difficult to debug (see the tests from Glamour-Tests-Mondrian).
- There is an error when using PaginatedMorphTreeMorph which influences the setting of list selection from outside (see GLMListMorphicTest>>testUpdateFromModel)
"Every thing should have the right to be different."
We are happy to announce the Moose Suite version 4.7:
What is new:
• Integration of the Roassal visualization engine
• New PetitParser browser with integrated refactorings
• Improved Glamorous Toolkit for Pharo including the Glamorous Inspector and Debugger
• Several features in Glamour including Watcher support (similar to OS X preview)
• Significant improvements in FAMIX
• Improved external VerveineJ parser for Java
• Based on Pharo 1.4
A list of issues addressed in this release can be found at:…
Have fun,
The Moose Team
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 916 by anquetil...(a) allChioldScopes include self
From a FAMIXScopingEntity, asking allChildScope will include the
receiver ...
this is due to withAllChildScopesDo: which therforew suffers from the same
Expected behaviour: only the direct children of the receiver
You received this message because this project is configured to send all
issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
Status: Accepted
Owner: kurs....(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-PetitParser
New issue 881 by kurs....(a) Missing browser instance variable
PPParserBrowser and PPAllParserBrowser are missing browser instance
variable, since the supperclass was changed from BrowserTemplate to
CompsoitePresentation (PetitGui.107).
I presume, this is minor issue, but I have no idea why it was changed from
Template to CompositePresentation.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 872 by benjamin...(a) Roassal refactor RubberBand>>onDrop:
ROExample>>rubberBandOn: currently has the line...
rawView add: (newEdgeRaw + ROLine).
While this is fine in the ROExample script, in my application rawView was
not available at that point, so instead I needed...
newEdgeRaw from view add: (newEdgeRaw + ROLine).
For a while I confused myself by trying to use...
newEdgeRaw view add: (newEdgeRaw + ROLine).
but that was not the same view, since the ROEdge created in the sender had
a random default.
So I now think it is more clear to not create the ROEdge in the sender, but
instead pass the fromElement and toElement and let the user create the
ROEdge themselves. I think this is conceptually clearer.
See the two methods in the attached changeset.
RubberBand-20121125.1.cs 2.4 KB
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 858 by benjamin...(a) Roassal contribution
I needed a diamond line end symbol to represent aggregation in a UML
diagram, so here it is attached.
Name: Roassal-BenComan.364
Ancestors: Roassal-AlexandreBergel.363, Roassal-BenComan.353
Merge addition of ROLineEndDiamond and ROMondrianExample>>umlAggregateOn:
into mainline (though actually it more catching up ready to merge into
Though upon further consideration perhaps 'LineEnd' is not proper, since
someone might want to use it in the middle of a line. Perhaps better
RODiamondLineShape or ROLineShapeDiamond or ROLSDiamond.
btw, since there are many more symbols associated with lines than just
arrows, perhaps consider renaming class ROAbstractArrow something like one
of: ROAbstractLineEnd; ROAbstractLineSymbol; ROAbstractLineShape;
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 856 by benjamin...(a) ROAbstractElement>>remove
inconsistent nested behaviour
I would expect ROAbstractElement>>remove to work consistently whether it
belongs to the top-level view or nested in another element. However it is
not as demonstrate by the code below having this result...
a ROElement<#x>
a ROElement<#x>
a ROElement<#y>
v := ROView new.
x := ROElement on: #x.
y := ROElement on: #y.
v add: x.
v add: y. "this line different"
y remove.
v allElementsDo: [ :el | Transcript crShow: el ].
Transcript crShow: '------'.
v := ROView new.
x := ROElement on: #x.
y := ROElement on: #y.
v add: x.
x add: y. "this line different"
y remove.
v allElementsDo: [ :el | Transcript crShow: el ].
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 852 by benjamin...(a) RORubberband with target
I have added highlighting of target elements to RORubberband - changeset
attached. Note changeset is against Roassal-AlexandreBergel.343.mcz
since .344 breaks something.
Note2, I renamed RORubberbanding to RORubberband. I had originally been
tossing up between the two, and under further consideration I think the
latter is more appropriate. The former will need to be manually removed.
RubberBand2.3.cs 5.9 KB
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 849 by benjamin...(a) Roassal rubber-banding
As a new feature for Roassal, I would like to be able to interactively drag
what I term a rubberband (you may have a better one?) from one element to
another to create and edge between them.
I had previously implemented this on original Mondrian but I think only in
my image. I don't think it made it to the Mondrian trunk.
As a starting point of discussion I have attached an extracted changeset
from my image - mostly so that it can be browsed for inspiration in a plain
text editor.
One key part of the Mondrian implementation was using MOCanvas>>drawOn: to
draw the rubberband every cycle as well as being outside of the main
graph. However there is no corresponding #drawOn: on any of the
The changeset shows the use by the application of two entry points
#dropRubberBandFrom and #dropRubberBandOn:. Rubber bands can be dragged
from EpcimTerminal elements to EpcimConnectivityNode elements. Method
#addSubViewTo: was my own application-way of splitting up graph creation to
the elements of the graph. I've done this a bit different for updating my
application from Mondrian to Roassal and the reference implementation for
this should preferably use "GLMRossalInteractive"
I have manually re-ordered the changeset so that the order that methods are
used go generally from top to bottom. However the best starting point would
be to scroll down to look at MOCanvas>>drawOn: and MOCanvas>>rubberBand:,
then back up to look at the EpCim* classes,
the the two MOAnnouncer methods.