Would it make sense to test PPCompositeParser subclasses to not end with returnSelf for productions?
Each time I start building a new parser I manage to forget a few ^'s
I could either add some code to PPCompositeParserTest>parserInstance
to check methods having same-named instance variables, or do the same to
the PPCompositeParser itself
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 920 by norbert.hartl: Petit parser UI shows only production rules
that have an instance variable in the selected class
In the petit parser UI if I select a class I can see all production rules
of that class. If I have a derived parser class that does not implement
every of the production rules I get only those which are defined in the
derived class.
It would be good if the pane of the production rules list could show
productions from every class in the hierarchie above the petit parser ones.
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From: Oscar Nierstrasz <oscar(a)iam.unibe.ch>
Date: Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:27 PM
Subject: [Evol] Call for PhD candidates in the Software Composition Group,
U Bern
To: evol(a)lists.inf.unisi.ch
Applications are invited for PhD candidates at the Software Composition
Group, University of Bern, Switzerland.
The Software Composition Group carries out research in software analysis
and programming language design and implementation, with a view to enabling
software evolution. The SCG is led by Prof. Oscar Nierstrasz and is part
of the Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (IAM) at the
University of Berne.
Details about current and ongoing research can be found here:
The candidate must have a MSc in Computer Science (equivalent to a Swiss
MSc), should demonstrate strong programming skills, and have research
interests in several of the following areas:
- software evolution
- program understanding
- software modeling
- model-driven engineering
- reverse engineering
- domain specific languages
- dynamic analysis
- integrated development environments
- programming language design
- virtual machine technology
To apply, please send an email including your CV, with references, to Prof.
Oscar Nierstrasz (oscar(a)iam.unibe.ch), by April 15, 2013.
Oscar Nierstrasz
Prof. Dr. O. Nierstrasz -- oscar(a)iam.unibe.ch
Software Composition Group -- http://scg.unibe.ch/oscar
University of Bern -- Tel/Fax +41 31 631.4618/3355
Evol mailing list
"Every thing has its own flow"
In Pharo 2.0 PetitSmalltalk tests are failing.
Firs of all there are real problems with parsing as some test fail because
parser finishes to parse before the end of the stream. Right now I don't
know what's causing the problem and how to solve it.
Then there is a ton of deprecation warnings as PPToken>>#value became
deprecated and it's recommended to use #inputValue. It's now hard to fix
that, but there are two problems.
1) At places where #value message is sent, not only PPToken is used as a
receiver, but sometimes RBToken is used instead. And RBToken does not
understand the #inputValue message. This can be hacked by adding a
protocol-extension that will return "self value" then, but it's not very
2) Some #value messages are sent from methods in AST-Core package, and I
don't know how we should deal with that.
Any ideas for solutions?
View this message in context: http://moose-dev.97923.n3.nabble.com/Failing-PetitSmalltalk-tests-tp4026442…
Sent from the moose-dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I put together a little description of how we built the Moose job on Jenkins using the CommandLine infrastructure. Perhaps it is useful for other people as well:
"Be rather willing to give than demanding to get."
We are proud to announce the release of Pharo 2.0!
You can find information about Pharo at: http://www.pharo-project.org
About this release
All in all, there were over 1600 issues treated in the issue tracker
and 1350 improvements integrated into 2.0.
Read it again, yes 1350 is huge, take two minutes and have a look at the list of
improvements! Now you got the feel of the effort. And this was a true community
effort. It is possible because people worldwide helped! We want to deeply thank them.
We want to thank Inria for its constant support, in particular for the salary of Igor
Stasenko and Esteban Lorenzano, and for the help in the infrastructure.
We have accomplished this huge task for a better system because we were together. Do not
forget that we are working on a consortium to support our system:
- http://consortium.pharo.org (for companies and organizations)
- http://association.pharo.org (for individuals)
Our goal is to build a system so that we can make a living with our creativity and
programming skills.
You can find information about Pharo on http://www.pharo-project.org. In particular,
you may be interested in:
- Joining us and getting help http://www.pharo-project.org/community
- Getting the Pharo By Example book (available as a free PDF): http://www.pharobyexample.org
- Watching the screencasts http://www.pharocasts.com
- Reporting problems http://www.pharo-project.org/community/issue-tracking
- Reading the forth coming book http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/pbe2
- Reading the Pharo vision document http://bit.ly/HNkEru
Thanks a lot for your participation, energy and fun.
-- The Pharo Team
Summarized issues for 2.0
- Spec
- Widget enhancements
- Layout improvements/cleanups
- Keybindings
- New icons (famfam)
- Growl style notifications
- Revamp progress bar
Developer tools
- Nautilus browser
- Critics browser
- Improved version diff browsing
- Spotlight
- Revamp Code Completion and smart chars
- Interactive navigation using ctrl/cmd+click over classes/methods
- Shout themes
- Andreas profiler
- Update Zinc
- Zodiac (SSL)
- System Announcer
- RPackage replacing PackageInfo
- Command line tools / Headless mode
- Native boost
- Update Ring metamodel
- Fuel serializer
- Freetype fonts
- DateAndTime refactoring
- Updated FileSystem and replaced FileDirectory
- Latests cog builds
- SSLPlugin
- FilePlugin enhancements
- SocketPlugin fixes
- Included libraries: freetype2, cairo
- FileDirectory removed (replaced by FileSystem)
- SmartRefStream and ReferenceStream removed (replaced by Fuel)
- PackageInfo deprecated (replaced by RPackage)
- Zeroconf scripts
- Continuous Integration for every aspect of our release process.
Not all the changes are reported here, but this is to give you an impression,
you can find better explanation here: https://code.google.com/p/pharo/wiki/ActionsInPharo20