Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GlamorousToolkit
New issue 982 by damien.c...(a) [Metaceller] Doesn't refresh
configurations when clicking on refresh
In the left pane of Metaceller is a refresh button. If I open Metaceller,
load a configuration from monticello, and click this button, I don't see
any change in this pane. I have to close Metaceller and open it again.
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-GlamorousToolkit
New issue 983 by damien.c...(a) [Metaceller] Doesn't load the
dependent configurations
I'm having a look at the ConfigurationOfPierVoyage in Metaceller. When I
look at this configuration, I do not see all the
transitive dependencies. For example, I see that PierVoyage depends on
Pier3, but not that Pier3 depends on Magritte3.
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I am building a visualization in which nodes are layout'd one on top of the other (e.g., a tree map). Thus while I place the nodes I incrementally increment a variable (i.e., the level) and set their #zIndex accordingly so that are placed in the correct way.
I want my nodes to have a popup, thus I am adding @ ROPopup when I construct the ROElement. Unfortunately the ROPopup, even though I assigned a higher zIndex to it, seems not to obey to the z-ordering.
Any help?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Roberto,
I saw your tweet about a new treemap implementation for Roassal.
One of the main usages of a treemap is the possibility to highlight
something on it. The current implementation does not allow it. Did you
consider that in your work?
Also, are you implementing it as a layout, or as a builder?
"Every thing has its own flow"
As planned before, I now removed Mondrian from the configuration of Glamour
and Mondrian.
I also pointed OSProcess to load from the MetaRepoForPharo2, but it seems
that the OSProcess tests fail in our image :( :
"Every thing has its own flow"
Hi guys,
For those working in information retrieval, for example for doing td-idf
ranking, you can find adapted packages: "Hapax" and "CodeFu" in the
BioSmalltalk repository . I
have translated some VW specific code to Pharo 1.4 (under Windows
requires the ProcessWrapper package) and adapted some Hapax methods to
work with corpus in different languages.
This is an example script for a corpus in Spanish:
| corpus tdm documents |
corpus := HXSpanishCorpus new.
documents := 'el río Danubio pasa por Viena, su color es azul
el caudal de un río asciende en Invierno
el río Rhin y el río Danubio tienen mucho caudal
si un río es navegable, es porque tiene mucho caudal'.
documents lines doWithIndex: [: doc : index |
addDocument: index asString
with: (Terms new
addString: doc
using: CamelcaseScanner;
corpus removeStopwords.
corpus stemAll.
tdm := TermDocumentMatrix on: corpus.
Feel free to integrate to any repository. If you want to add a language
just see methods with selectors including "spanish".
I'm trying to debug a complex configuration and I'm failing. I thought
Metaceller could help, but I didn't find a way to use it to help me.
Maybe something is missing in Metaceller?
To reproduce:
(Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'estebanlm' project: 'Voyage';
configurationOf: 'PierVoyage'; yourself) load.
((ConfigurationOfPierVoyage project version: #development) record:
'ALL') loadDirective.
Error message: 'No version found for ''3.1.0'' of ConfigurationOfSeaside3'
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill
I'm Tommaso Dal Sasso, PhD student in Lugano.
I was talking with Stef at ESUG two weeks ago, and since I am working with bug reports and bug tracking systems, he suggested me to look at the bug report model in Moose.
Can anybody tell me where to find information about that?
Since I'm planning a visit in Lille, I was also suggested to ask here to find the appropriate date (I hope this mailing list is the right place).
Which period would be more suitable? I think that the best would be near a Pharo Sprint.
Thank you!