Summary: The table presentation for Glamour should provide dynamic sorting
and column manipulation
Comment #14 on issue 156 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: The table presentation
for Glamour should provide dynamic sorting and column manipulation
(No comment was entered for this change.)
Labels: -Component-Tools Component-ExternalTools
Comment #1 on issue 254 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: inFusion default
initializer export to MSE
(No comment was entered for this change.)
Summary: Roassal should support lazy edges when used through the Mondrian
Labels: -Component-Mondrian Component-Roassal
Comment #10 on issue 113 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: Roassal should support
lazy edges when used through the Mondrian API
No, it does not. But, it should.
The idea is that the following Mondrian script should work:
view edge: #edge from: 1 to: 2.
view node: 1.
view node: 2.
For this, the edge creation should be evaluated only after all nodes are
I changed the entry title and labels.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-EyeSee
New issue 690 by andreho...(a)gmail.com: Change the font size of labels in a
Change the font size of labels in a chart using #defaultFontSize: is not
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 900 by benjamin...(a)gmail.com: Glamour-Roassal should be able to
work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder
Hopefully, I've cracked this. In response to my own query: "Could
something like a GLMMorphicRoassalRawRenderer be added to the
Glamour-Roassal interface? - which would pass an unencumbered ROView to
the paintingBlock. It is not really a Glamour-Roassal interface at the
moment, more of a Glamour-Mondrian interface."
With the attached slice you can now go...
browser transmit to: #graphic andShow:
[ :a |
a roassal
newView: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
painting: [:view :input | view add: ROElement new]
After loading you can first try the new & old tests
in 'Glamour-Tests-Roassal'
then try 'GLMRawRoassalExamplesBrowser open'
I surprised myself that I got this far. A few times I hit a brick wall and
was going to submit a half done proof-of-concept, but then just kept
digging. Apart from hopefully getting integrated, some critical feedback
would appreciated. A few points for review...
1. I had considered using #viewPrototype: with an instance to copy, but
then I wasn't sure how deep I should copy it to produce a new view. So
using a block with newView: seemed the safer path (and it also feels like
it opens up some interesting possibilities, even if I can't think what they
are at the moment)
2. I noticed that GLMRoassalPresentation>>renderOn: had a flag 'This should
be the responsibility of the view'.
This method was one that I previously copied and modified for
GLMRoassalRawPresentation in my "Interactive Roassal" experiment. There I
removed the calls to #applyLayout and #populateMenuOn since these were MNU
for ROView (which had replaced ROMondrianViewBuilder). This time I pushed
these two calls into ROMondrianViewBuilder>>preOpen, where ROView>>preOpen
is left empty. I'm note sure I'm happy with #preOpen as a name but it was
the best I could come up with, since I also refactored
ROMondrianViewBuilder>>open to use it.
3. GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer>>render: had hardcoded reference to #stack
with "ROMorph on: view stack" so I pushed the required difference into
ROMondrianBuilder>>newMorph and ROView>>newMorph.
4. GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer>>actOnPresentationUpdate had hardcoded use of
#stack in "setView: aView stack" so I pushed that into
ROMondrianViewBuilder>>onMorph: and ROView>>onMorph:
5. GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer>>actOnPresentationUpdate had hardcoded
ROMondrianViewBuilder so I modified this to use the block passed to
GLMRoassalPresentation>>newView: .
6. I copied GLMRoassalMorphicTest to GLMRawRoassalMorphicTest with required
7. I copied GLMRoassalExamplesBrowser to GLMRawRoassalExamplesBrowser with
required modifications.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 772 by google....(a)ben.coman.com.au: Moose Panel > ST importer >
incorrect selection highlighting
Upon removing an item from a list, the next item down becomes higlighted
like it is selected and the highlighting cannot be removed. It is not
really selected.
How to reproduce the problem:
1. Unzipped Moose Suite 4.6 Development
2. Ran Moose.app\Contents\Windows\Squeak.exe
3. WorldMenu > Moose > Moose Panel
4. Clicked the ST downarrow icon. (btw, you might think about giving the
dialog that pops up a title)
5. In the [Initial list] tab selected the nine "AST-*" entries and clicked
the three-right-arrows.
6. In the [Selection] tab, selected "AST-Semantic" and clicked the
The row below that - "AST-Semantic-Binding" - is now highlighted as
7. Try to get rid of the selection highlighting on "AST-Semantic-Binding"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Usability
New issue 732 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: Moose should improve the visuals
for larger fonts
The icons from GLMUIThemeExtraIcons and from MooseIcons should be saved in
larger resolutions (currently, they are in 16x16).
Mondrian should offer a default class variable for the size of nodes and
the width of nodes and edges.
These should be settable via global settings.
Comment #5 on issue 362 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: Add commands to
create/delete Hismo models
In Moose-Hismo-AlexandreBergel.57 , you can now delete an hismomodel. We
need a way to create an hismo model
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-DSM
New issue 666 by jannik.l...(a)gmail.com: package name in DSM
The package name in DSM, specially in encaps DSM are not well placed.