Another MooseChef decision:
aPackage queryOutgoingReferences
returns all the FamixReferences made from aPackage.
this is implemented by taking all methods (self methods) in the package
and asking them what reference they make.
And we have
^ self localMethods union: self extensionMethods
So when asking a package what external references it makes, we get
references stemming from methods that extend classes of other packages.
We found this while computing a coupling metric for packages.
So the solution would be easy to implement, but we are not sure what is
the best solution ?
- we could change FAMIXPackage>>methods (methods belong to the package
that owns their class)
- we could change queryOutgoingReferences
(references/invocation/accesses stem from the methods in the classes in
the package, not from the methods in the package)
- or we could change our metric
Hi! I am a newbie in Smalltalk and specially en Eyesee.
I'm having trouble with the scale of the Y axis in a vertical bar diagram.
If I define a dictionary as
d := {'a'->(1/3) . 'b'->(3/2) . 'c'->(7/4)}.
I can create a nice diagram with this
chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
chart verticalBarDiagram
y: [:eachAssociation | eachAssociation value];
identifier: [:eachAssociation | eachAssociation key];
models: d .
chart open
whose Y axis is very well populated with labels indicating different
steps in the scale.
But if I redefine d as
d := {'a'->(1/3) . 'b'->(7/5) . 'c'->(17/4)}.
(which is closer to the data I am working on) most of the labels in the
Y axis are gone.
How can I instruct Eyesee to show a more informative scale?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Lautaro Pecile.