Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 582 by Watcher support in Glamour
Like we now have a statusbar, we should also have a detailed preview shown
in a floating Watcher window. The behavior would be similar to Quick Look
on Mac.
Hi all,
With the recent release of Roassal I thought I try it out and see if I can
port my TreeMapLayout from Mondrian to the new engine.
First of all: I really like Roassal. I felt while it was similar to
Mondrian it was easier to use and understand. I was able to throw away some
boilerplate code in my layout, it is much cleaner now. Also, the porting
did not took much time.
There are two things which are missing (or I did not find them) to enable
to draw a real TreeMap though: z-ordering and making edges invisible.
Roassal seems to render the nodes in the order they are given to it,
meaning the first node will be "under" all the others with the last one on
top. Is there a way to alter this? In Mondrian every shape had a zOrder
And how would I go on about making edges invisible?
Currently, there are some 63 relevant references to MOViewRenderer. These are the entry points to the visualizations that we need to review in order to move to Roassal.
You can find the list here:…
Innovation comes in least expected form.
That is, if it is expected, it already happened.
The OnMoose Report is created using Arki based on a FAMIX model of the Moose code.
The report contains concerns that are checked. Technically, the checkers are similar to SmallLint, but they differ significantly in the way they are (typically) used. The idea is to treat them as specific tests, rather as generic rules. Essentially, it is about living the idea of humane assessment.
The report is executed after each successful Moose build and it is here:
(You can also download the image and look at the already built report)
There are only a few rules at the moment, but I would like to see it growing :).
To run it in your Moose image, you can do:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Arki';
package: 'OnMoose-Report';
And then:
| report |
MooseScripts createModelForConfigurationOfMoose.
report := OnMooseReport on: MooseModel root allModels last.
report open.
REPHudson runOn: report spec.
"One cannot do more than one can do."
Status: New
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-4.7 Component-Glamour
New issue 796 by Glamour should offer a simple way
to wrap presentations in a browser
Right now, to build a browser with only one pane, we create a Tabulator
with one pane and a transmission to this pane.
Instead, we should have a Wrapper browser.
Moose was the first user of RPackage, and RPackage works best when we have one package per category.
Roassal does not comply to this requirement, but it should because I want Moose to continue to be a good RPackage citizen :).
Alex, could you take care of splitting it?
"The coherence of a trip is given by the clearness of the goal."
I'm working with EyeSee to create some charts in Moose but unfortunately I
haven't been able to create multiple lines in a single line chart, is this
possible? and if so does anyone have some sample code to share?
I am constructing a tree presentation with Glamour. Parents are modules in
my tree and children are a module's functions. Here is the code:
modulesIn: composite
^ composite tree
title: 'All Modules';
showOnly: 50;
display: [ :each | each allModules];
tags: [ :each |
{each numberOfFunctions asString} ];
format: [ :each | each mooseName];
selectionAct: [:each | each selection inspect ] on: $i entitled: 'Inspect';
icon: #mooseIcon;
children: [:each | each functions ].
Now, when I click on a child, glamour wants to executes the children and
tags block on a function in the above code. Now since my functions do not
understand the messages functions/numberOfFunctions, there is an error.
My question: for constructing a glamour tree, should parents and children
both understand the same API or am I missing something here?
I am happy to announce that I will organize the first Moose apprentice public course. This is an introductory course on how to use the Moose analysis platform for putting humane assessment into practice. It is dedicated to software engineers, and the concepts covered include model navigation, querying techniques, code metrics, and visualizations. The course sessions are accompanied by hands-on exercises.
Here is the official announcement:…
"We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."