Labels: Milestone-4.6
Comment #2 on issue 267 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: MOEllipseShape is a
subclass of MORectangleShape ! It should not be
(No comment was entered for this change.)
Hi all,
Are there already any projects to bring Mondrian visualization to the web?
This is something I'd like to do. I heard that there were already some
efforts done in this direction but I don't remember where or by whom this
was done.
Hi all,
I'm playing around with Mondrian and want to use a treemap layout of a
I didn't find any examples and tried some things, but could not get the
layout to work.
At the moment I have something like this:
view nodes: self nodes.
view edges: self nodes
from: [ :each | each ]
toAll: [ :each | each children ].
view layout: MOTreeMapLayout new.
Which produces nothing that makes sense.
Could anyone give me some pointers on how to use the MOTreeMapLayout
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From: Marcus Denker <marcus.denker(a)inria.fr>
Date: Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:08 AM
Subject: [Pharo-project] [JOB, Academia] Postdoc Chile/France
To: An open mailing list to discuss any topics related to an
open-source Smalltalk <Pharo-project(a)lists.gforge.inria.fr>
Cc: smalltalk-research(a)googlegroups.com
Postdoc position in software engineering at University of Chile in
cooperation with INRIA
A post-doctoral research position is available with the Pleiad Lab
(University of Chile) and
the RMoD Group (INRIA Lille Nord Europe).
The position is targeted for research on software maintenance and
software visualization.
Validation of research hypotheses will be carried out using the Pharo
programming language.
Experience with it, or any other Smalltalk dialect, is a plus (but not
The postdoctoral researcher will be expected to develop independent
research initiatives
within the scope of the position, design and contribute to the
research experiments
conducted by Pleiad and RMoD. There is no teaching duty associated
with this position.
Both Pleiad and RMoD offer a creative, productive and multicultural
staff and students, with
many collaboration opportunities. Pleiad and RMoD have an extensive
expertise and an
advanced infrastructure related to software analysis, data mining,
testing, meta-modeling
and language semantics.
The position is funded by INRIA for a period of 12 or 18 months. In
order to foster the
collaboration between France and Chili, the candidate will have to
share his time
between Lille, France and Santiago, Chile.
The candidate must hold a PhD in computer science, finished max 2 years ago.
Contact Persons: Alexandre Bergel and Stéphane Ducasse
More about...
- PLEIAD: http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl
- RMOD: http://rmod.lille.inria.fr
- Pharo: http://www.pharo-project.org
- Moose: http://www.moosetechnology.org
(permanent link of this call:
Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de
"Every thing has its own flow"