I have a collection of objects (revisions of a Git repository) and I'm trying to build a tree of all the revisions (about 14k).
I already computed the neighboring relationships, thus for each revision I know parents and children revisions.
I wrote a small Roassal script to build a tree and I tried with subsets of revisions (i.e., 50, 100, 200, 300).
Everything works fine until I reach 375 revisions or so.. After more than 10 minutes the graph was not yet displayed.
So, I profiled the execution and discovered that the bottleneck is the ROHorizontalDominanceTreeLayout I'm using.
I know that the Dominance Tree Layout is expensive to compute, and I was wondering if you could suggest a layout to display a tree with more that 300 nodes.
Thanks in advance,
Hi guys. I have an image with Moose and I don't know how to get which
version is it (like 4.7 or so). If there is nothing existing, I think a
good place would be in the Moose Panel, when you click the '?' and you get
the Help windows... on the left (index) you can add one item more "Current
Version" or something like that with the information (version, date of
release, details, etc) ?
With both MOOSE 4.6 release and 4.7 dev the number of available fonts seems to be limited to DejaVu Sans, and Accuny in 4.6. How do I load system truetype fonts? Is this related to one of the 1.4 bugs?
A research using Moose at UFMG, Brazil.
More information in the web site below.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marco Tulio Valente <mtov(a)dcc.ufmg.br>
Date: Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:03 PM
Subject: COMETS - Code Metrics Time Series Dataset
To: Nicolas Anquetil <nicolas.anquetil(a)inria.fr>, Andre Hora <
andrehoraa(a)gmail.com>, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)inria.fr>, Cesar
Couto <cesarfmc(a)gmail.com>
Hi Nicolas, Andre, and Stephane,
Just to inform that we have made public the dataset with the code
metrics time series that Cesar is using in his research.
All time series have been extracted using Moose (in fact, we are
making public not only the csv files with the metrics, but also the
mse files).
Marco Tulio.
Andre Hora
today I deliver a moose one-click image downloaded from the moose ci and
the vm was crashing on start. the OS was Windows 7 64-bit.
Any idea / know problem?
Guillermo wrote:
>It is a really great idea since stackoverflow is searchable on google,
>therefore people can find answers easily.
For that the mailing list works just as well.
>Besides one feature of stackoverflow is that answers get voted on by users,
>therefore the most popular answers bubble up naturally.
That is no longer the case. The first year that worked pretty well, but
if you take a look at more current questions you'll see that Stackoverflow
is basically dying. The gamification is no longer working. Quality of the
questions is getting pretty bad: very detailed questions with less and less
relevance. The refusal to deal with questions relevant for software and
team development is also not helping.
Another point is that often popular answers are simply wrong. There is a very
large cargo culture visible. Just take a look at the OODB questions.
It is a pity that nobody tried to visualize the number of answers, votes
and comments the questions get over time, and the size of the different
It's not that I don't like the format, or the gamification. In our Seaside/
smalltalk workshop we use an example that looks a lot like it.
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: chisvasi...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour Milestone-4.7
New issue 864 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: Updating a browser should preserve
the visual selection in morphic
The following snippet should work.
browser := GLMFinder new.
browser show: [ :a | a list ].
browser openOn: ($a to: $d).
browser panes first presentations selection: $b.
browser update.
And at the end $b should continue to be selected.
Some asked for this on some point.
A new event is generated every 100 nodes that are layouted:
| view rawView statusBar |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.
statusBar := ROElement new + ROLabel + ROBox white.
view stack add: statusBar.
statusBar translateTo: 0 @ 480.
view interaction on: ROMouseEnter do: [ :event |
statusBar model: event element model.
view shape rectangle size: 10.
view nodes: (1 to: 1500).
view horizontalLineLayout
on: ROLayoutStep do: [ :evt |
statusBar model: evt currentIteration printString, ' / ', evt maxInterations printString.
World doOneCycleNow.
view raw signalUpdate.
"Below is the initiation of the menu and opening the visualization"
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
view open
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: anquetil...(a)gmail.com, eitch...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Maintainability Milestone-4.7
New issue 866 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: MalKontractorTest should be moved
into Moose-Tests-Algos-Kontractor
Right now it resides in the same package as the implementation.