I recently documented the source code of Mondrian. This means adding class comments and methods comments.
Before the effort, only 14% of the methods were commented. Below a screenshot of the DocumentationBlueprint, a visualization intended to help me document. The MOShape class hierarchy is here presented.
After the effort, 24% of the methods are commented. Here is another screen, after 3 days of work.
Here is the legend:
'big box = class' .
'edge = inheritance link' .
'small box = method' .
'small box height = number of lines of code' .
'small box width = number of collaborating classes' .
'red border = non commented' .
Comments are welcome
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Summary: Name of the project not set when importing from Smalltalk
Labels: Component-Finder
Comment #2 on issue 596 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: Name of the project not
set when importing from Smalltalk
I took a look and it seems to be related to TextMorph, or at least the way
it is setup. If you accept the text, it the name is properly set.
I do not know how to setup the TextMorph not to require an accept. Cyrille?
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: anquetil...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-VerveineJ
New issue 604 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: VerveineJ should export in UTF-8
The MSE file format should be always in UTF-8.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-High
New issue 581 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: Computing text size
Execute in a workspace:
(UMLClassDiagram render: Collection withAllSubclasses) open
There is too much white space
I am testing VerveineJ and I am getting "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space".
To reproduce:
1. download
2. run
./verveinej.sh -Xmx2000m PATH_TO_SILVERPEAS
Nicolas, is there anything to do to get this working?
"What we can governs what we wish."
Status: New
Owner: jannik.l...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-4.4
New issue 554 by jannik.l...(a)gmail.com: DSM has flags for refactoring
some flags in DSM I should verify for 4.4
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: jannik.l...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Engineering Priority-Medium Component-DSM Milestone-4.4
New issue 553 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: DSM should be split
It should be split into generic algorithms (moved to Moose-Algos) and FAMIX
specific applications.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 595 by damien.c...(a)gmail.com: [Glamour] Transmission>>from: is
said to take a port
The method GLMTransmission>>from: takes a parameter 'aPort'. However, this
method is most of the time used with a pane symbol instead of a port. This
is confusing as the Moose book says
For specifying a transmission origin that points to a #selection port
of a pane, you simply use from:.
In this case it is clear that the port is #selection and it is the default.
The reader is then waiting for an implementation similar to:
GLMTransmission>>from: aPaneSymbol
^ self from: aPaneSymbol port: #selection
I am continuing to review MooseChef and I stumbled across the definition of query**Invocations defined in TScopingEntityQueries:
^ self createOutgoingInvocationQueryResultWith: (self methods flatCollect: [ :m | m outgoingInvocations ])
This depends on #methods. However, in FAMIXPackage, methods only returns the extended methods defined in the package:
^ self privateState
cacheAt: #methods
ifAbsentPut: [
childNamedEntities select: [ :child | child isKindOf: FAMIXBehaviouralEntity ]]
This has a different semantics from the one defined in Namespace:
^ self privateState
cacheAt: #methods
ifAbsentPut: [
self classes flatCollect: #methods ]
So. I propose that FAMIXPackage>>methods is changed to classExtensionMethods and methods is computed like in Namespace + classExtensionMethods.
Anyone else depending on methods with the semantics of classExtensionMethods?
"What is more important: To be happy, or to make happy?"
I often bump into a problem having the following gist:
view nodes: #( $a $b $a).
view edgesFromAssociations: { $a -> $b . $b -> $a}
How can I express the the second $a and not the first when defining edges? I have the impression this limitation comes from the fact that two different nodes have the same model behind ($a), and there is no way to distinguish between them.
An easy and backward compatible solution would be to permit to provide nodes:
nodes := view nodes: #( $a $b $a).
view edgesFromAssociations: { nodes first -> nodes second . nodes second -> nodes third }
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu