Hi all,
I'm just wondering if is possible to use Moose to install portable apps
Like Xmind[1] or Etoys[2]. Both have a packaging that include the
virtual machine and the software for Windows, Linux and Mac, so
installing it would be matter of telling moose where to download the
files and how to execute the proper file according to the operative
system. May be a more modular and intelligent way could be implemented
using the data analysis tools of moose and models to declare
dependencies between software and may be adding compiling tools or other
ways to install the software.
If you have any hint about where can I get started with this idea it
would be appreciated (I know that on this, pharo and pier mailing list I
continuously ask for pointers for different starting ideas... all they
are related, but now I just have not the time to start with them because
I was preparing the first part of my Ph.D exam... hopefully if I can get
any time to code and proper pointers, it will be with some code on
Smalltalk, instead of reinventing the wheel in other language).
[1] http://xmind.net/
[2] http://squeakland.org/download/
Hi guys,
we are looking for a mean to exchange data between Moose and Eclipse+EMF.
Do you know if there is already something that would simplify this?
Maybe a way to export/import FM3 to ecore format? Or a transformation from Ecore to FM3?
nicolas + usman
I have problems when updating my tabbed panels :'(
After modifying the data on one panel I update several other panels, that are not necessarily connected together.
Using only #update e.g. (browser paneNamed: #example) update.
The data is correctly updated, but not the presentations.
Based on the example #updateableBrowser I am showing the errors.
1) #when in the second list does not react.
* If you start with an empty collection, the list does not appear, then if you add an element the list does not appear neither.
* if you start with some elements, the list is there, but after removing all the elements the list does not disappear, and instead you have a SubscriptOutOfBounds error because of a tab index (this is my same scenario: tabbed panels)
2) #shouldValidate: what is the logic of this?.
I tried to use it, but i got into problems on the selected item. I could only inspect the selected item of the panel using #shouldValidate. In the second panel -> selected item is nil or the value of the first panel.
| browser collection |
collection := GLMAnnouncingCollection new.
collection add: 1.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #automatic; column: #menu.
browser act: [:b | b entity add: (b entity size + 1) ] entitled: 'Add an item in the collection'.
browser act: [:b | b entity removeLast ] entitled: 'Remove last item from the collection'.
browser act: [:b | b update ] entitled: 'Update complete browser'.
browser transmit to: #automatic; andShow: [ :a |
a title: 'Updated automatically'.
a stackedArrangement.
a list title: [:x | 'List: ', x size printString ];
shouldValidate: true;
updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself ].
browser transmit to: #menu; andShow: [ :a |
a title: 'Updated via menu'.
a list title: 'List';
when:[ :e| e size > 0 ];
act: [:p | p update ] entitled: 'Update'.
a text title: 'Text'; act: [:p | p update] entitled: 'Update'. ].
browser openOn: collection
Please some help.
Best Regards,
Hi guys,
Our students in the SDE class are implementing a DeadCodeDetector tool
as their project. They use Moose and combine static, dynamic,
multi-version, and ecosystem analysis to provide a solution.
During a discussion in class I realized that it would make sense if
the MooseModel for a system should have a timestamp associated with it
that would uniquely identify the version of the system under analysis.
Is there any alternative to putting a date in the MooseModel that I'm
not aware of?
Dr. Mircea Lungu
Software Composition Group
University of Bern
I want to redefine the soft engineering metrics (in famix-extension-metrics) using MooseChef which is more concise and generic.
But for this I need to remove the implicit withoutSelfLoops from some query.
If anybody has something agains this removal, let him come forth and speak now or remain silent forever and ever.
Here is an example of how nice MooseChef can be.
myClasses collect: [:c | c queryAllOutgoingDependencies atClassScope withinMyPackage]
instead of:
myClasses collect: [:c | (c invokedClasses select: [:invoked | invoked packageScope = self])
((c superclass isNil not and: [c superclass packageScope = self])
ifTrue: [{c superclass}]
ifFalse: [#()])]
Hi Tudor!
Thanks for help!
During the time when I was trying to understand how to populate a chart
model, I had the impression that charts need an instance of Collection to
work properly. You used a specie of Collection too in your example, so it
seems that I was correct in my supposition. I tried use an instance of Set
to populate a model but I was not able to get a result, only when I choose
an instance of OrderedCollection i was able to construct the chart.
Take advantage of your example, I would like to know how increases the
space between the bars of a vertical bar chart. When there is many data to
show, the bar diminish and when I try increase the size of a bar, all bars
gets united and the visualization gets bad,
On 30 November 2011 12:05, Tudor Girba-2 [via Smalltalk] <
ml-node+s1294792n4123105h44(a)n4.nabble.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is a simple example:
> chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
> chart verticalBarDiagram
> y: [:eachAssociation | eachAssociation value];
> identifier: [:eachAssociation | eachAssociation key];
> regularAxis;
> models: {'a'->3 . 'b'->30 . 'c'->12}.
> chart open
> The input is the collection of association. For each entry, you will
> get a bar, where the size of the bar is provided by executing the y
> block, and the label associated with the bar will be provided by
> executing the identifier block.
> If you give us more details, we can probably help more.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Andre Hora <[hidden email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4123105&i=0>>
> wrote:
> > What is specifically your problem?
> > To better understand EyeSee you can check the examples in ESExamples.
> They
> > are very simple and intuitive.
> > The model you pass to EyeSee is independent of "type of data". You can
> pass
> > a MooseGroup, a collection, etc.
> >
> > 2011/11/30 Júlio Martins <[hidden email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4123105&i=1>>
> >>
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> I need create a vertical bar chart with and I am having some difficulty
> to
> >> deal of EyeSee technology.
> >>
> >> My great difficulty is populate the chart model with correct data that
> >> will appear in my chart. I cannot understand what type of data this
> model
> >> accept, for example I tryed to put an instance of MooseGroup, but it
> didn't
> >> work.
> >> I search for some help, but the only thing that i found was examples of
> >> charts between classes of EyeSee, but this examples don't talk for
> itself
> >> because it haven't any comments.
> >>
> >> Might someone help to understand better the EyeSee?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance
> >> Julio Martins
> >>
> >> ________________________________
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> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Andre Hora
> >
> >
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> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "Every thing has its own flow"
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Is it possible to display a tooltip when selecting an item of a list?
Like the popupText in Mondrian.
I found helpMessage, but it seems to be used only for searching... couldn't really see it working.
Best Regards,