I think it would be really cool to extend the faq.
I don't have time to always follow the mailing list and I think a lot of
interesting questions pass me by. Also I am usually somewhere else in my
head than moose these days so a handy question and answer list would save me
a lot of reasking silly newbie questions.
My common questions at the moment are:
- How do I set Moose to allow me browse the source of the model? ( I know
the answer now :-))
- How do I calculate duplications?
- What does moose consider as a duplication by default?
... and so on.
I know this is a bit of work but we could start and I am volunteering to
I see that there are changes that go back and forth in the Cook API.
For example, FAMIXMethod>>sureIncomingInvocations just returned to the
original implementation.
What is happening in this area? :)
Were the original changes of Cyrille just an experiment? If yes, we
should leave them out for now. If no, why is the situation reverted
only for the case of sureIncomingInvocations?
"Every thing has its own flow."
Hi folks,
I loaded Moose in Pharo1.1
Here are problems I have, and their hacking resolution:
- MooseModel>>registerInWorldMenu does not work anymore: we should remove it. no ?
- Moose depends on OSProcess, I think we do not want this. What are your opinion ?
- MoosePanel needs TreeMorph from Momo10, so I loaded latest Momo10, but I don't know the impact on the rest of system. (project Momo does not have TreeMorph)
When these three things are fixed, all Moose works with Pharo1.1.
Jannik Laval
It's a question about the spec of Distribution Map.
We know that the order of properties is fixed and the same across all
containers. That is, elements with property A always come before elements
with property B.
But, how does one choose the order among properties? In the original VW
code, it appears that this order is the increasing order of properties by
the size of their corresponding elements.
That is (in the code below): we sort elements in each part according to the
importance of their property, importance in increasing order.
part elements: (eachPartElements value sort: [ :a :b | a property importance
< b property importance ])
I hope it is clear :)
Cyrille & Simon
Hi Cyrille
When I ran the infusion wizard to import Java source code, I got an error because the importer cant find the file 'project.mse', which I guess is the one generated by infusion. Where should this file be?
Other issues:
1) right now there are some deprecation warnings when opening the wizard
2) it would be good if the wizard (or Moose) remember the place of the infusion script after running once
Hello everyone, I'm Gabriel Camby.
I'm currently working on Maispion (made by François Stephany of University
of Mons (Belgium)) for my master thesis.
I have a question for all EyeSee gurus out there; I want to make an history
diagram with a labelled X axis, is that possible?
The X labels do not necessarily need to be in accordance with the data. The
labels are here only to give an idea of time.
Such diagram could show us the evolution of several projects (each project Y
is calculated using its number of code lines for example) in regard to the
I tried to experiment a bit but it's not really great or clean.
Do you have any ideas?
In which cases should we describe a property with a pragma ?
I guess that property-pragmas will be used to set the list of attributes to
the FM3MetaDescription of the class.
But by looking quikly to the famix implementation, it seems that some
properties are described and other not.
For example, in FAMIXPackage, the method 'classes' is not described.
Therefore it does not appear in the FAMIXPackageMetaDescription
I don't know the reason?
Hi I'm new to MOOSE and was wondering if anyone can point me in the
direction of a "Getting Started Guide". Failing that any help at all as to
what does what in Moose and how to get started analyzing some code.
Is there any documentation (other than technical papers) anywhere??? I
couldn't see any links in the Docs section.