I tried to use SmallDude duplication code and it appeared that belongsTo
(on FAMIXMethod) did not return the correct class if the method is a
class method.
Since I do not know where belongsTo is set, I can't check why it do not
The workaround I did is on FAMIXMethod>>sourceText:
self mooseModel isJava ifTrue: [^''].
self mooseModel isSmalltalk ifTrue: [^(
((self hasClassScope)
ifTrue: [(MSEUtilities smalltalkClassFromFamixClassName: self
belongsTo mooseName) class]
ifFalse: [(MSEUtilities smalltalkClassFromFamixClassName: self
belongsTo mooseName)]
sourceCodeAt: self name) asString].
self mooseModel isPython ifTrue:[
^self pythonASTNode sourceText
It looks ugly but seems to work. I'm not sure it is correct and if
SmallDude will return correct results.
Antoine C.
Antoine Cailliau
on the squeak version could we move the creation of default sample
models from the MooseModel newWithDefault and root
to a menu item in a browser?
I fixed the importer so that it does not bark when a class is not
defined in a package.
Now I will check that we can load the complete pharo inside moose.
I loaded the latest version of moose.
MooseLoader load
Then I wanted to try to create a model
MooseLoader createModelForNetwork
Yesterday it worked perfectly I could open a MooseBrowser on it.
and now I cannot
it seems that the MSEPragmaProcessor is not in the image
Does anybody see the same?
Dear all,
I'm trying to use Moose but I didn't found documentation about the
scription in Easel. I try to get a map of all classes of my project
with the call links. If a method of a class call to an other method of
an other class I would like to have an edge between the two classes.
Can someone help me ? Here is the code I currently have:
view nodes: classGroup using: (RectangleShape withBorder height:
#numberOfMethods; width: #numberOfAttributes; linearFillColor:
#numberOfLinesOfCode within: classGroup).
view edges: classGroup from: #yourself toAll: #directSubclasses.
view treeLayout.
Thanks in advance,
Antoine C.
I loaded the latest version of Moose and now when I open a normal
package browser (the one of david) I have in addition
Src C. | Sys. Complex | UML diagram raises an error too.
UML diagram raises an error.
how to get rid of the SrcC. Sys.Complexity extra buttons in the
I would like to avoid to have the browser polluted with extra stuff. I
would already love to not have the default button bar since I never use
variables senders...
BTW these buttons appear in the MooseBrowser but they generate also
DNU there. ;(