With the work of the last few weeks, I am happy to see more and more
tests running green
From 628 tests, 587 are green (I did not run tests for Cook and
I updated the class diagram on the website with the current state,
only retaining Famix-Core package (thus excluding metrics properties)
For the next weeks, from a pure engineering point of view, I think we
should concentrate on streamlining the experience with manipulating,
exporting/importing models, in particular with respect to MSE and its
various format
Can someone explain the difference between the two?
Because currently there are multiple properties with these names, some
in FamixClass, FamixBehaviouralEntity, FamixMethod....
Are they duplicated properties?
Dear All,
I was wondering what should be the correct behavior in Mondrian in VW.
Consider the following scripts:
| view |
view := ViewRenderer new.
view interaction popupText: [:e | 'first level'].
view node: 1.
view node: 2.
view open
the popup appears for the first node only. Is it really the intended
behavior? I would expect the interaction object to be shared between
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I need the following method from VW to run some tests in SqMoose. Does
anybody have an idea about its licence? Does not seem to be part of
our own extensions :(
It's not especially difficult to reimplement one, anyone can come up
with a Squeak/Pharo equivalent (although it works as is under Pharo,
perhaps there is a better way)
"Answer a sort block, which evaluates this symbol for both arguments
and compares the resulting values"
| stream |
stream := (String new: self size * 2 + 14) writeStream.
nextPutAll: '[:a :b | a ';
nextPutAll: self;
nextPutAll: ' <=b ';
nextPutAll: self;
nextPut: $].
^Compiler evaluate: stream contents
With the version 134 of sqMondrian, the popupText doesn't work fine.
DSM worked before. Now, there is a infinited while when some popups
must appear.
popupText take account only the last popupText. In the example after,
only the text '3rd level' appear, everywhere.
--> in the previous version, it works.
| view |
view := MOViewRenderer new.
view interaction popupText: [:e | 'first level'].
view nodes: (1 to: 20) forEach: [:each |
view interaction popupText: [:e | '2nd level'].
view nodes: (1 to: 5) forEach:[:ea |
view interaction popupText: [:e | '3rd level'].
view nodes: (6 to: 10).
view gridLayout].
view gridLayout].
view open
Jannik Laval
PhD Student - Software Quality - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)
Hi all,
What is the meaning of FAMIXType ?
I know its subclass is FAMIXClass, but why don't we merge them ?
In FAMIXMethod, the variable parentClass has been changed in parentType.
I think this is less clear.
The problem is that I don't see what is FAMIXType :)
Thanks for your help.
Jannik Laval
I ran into the following problem (related to FamixModelExtractionTest
even if it's more general)
(#((1) (3) () ()) flatCollect: [ :each ])
#(1 3 nil nil)
when one expects #(1 3)
flatCollect: is defined in Colllection, I dont want to override it
if possible.
Collection>>flatCollect: aBlock
| stream |
self isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ self copy ].
stream := (self species new: self size) nsWriteStream.
self do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: (aBlock value: each) ].
^ stream contents
Can someone find an elegant solution which would "shrink" the
resulting array to its non-nil content?