I added a new DiffPresentation in Glamour based on the DiffMorph. You
can see an example of a Glamorous Diff Browser, by executing the
following in the latest Glamour:
GLMSmalltalkExamples new diffBrowser openOn: (
Collection withAllSubclasses asOrderedCollection sortBy: [:a :b | a
name < b name])
"We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."
I created new Metacello Configurations for Moose, Mondrian, Glamour
and DSM. They are in packages named by the scheme: ConfigurationOfXXX
To load it in the latest Pharo dev image, you should run:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Moose';
addPackage: 'ConfigurationOfMoose';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMoose) perform: #loadDefault
"Be rather willing to give than demanding to get."
I have been working on a "health report" of Mondrian. For now, it
essentially do some benchmarks for nodes, edges and provides an
estimation of the test coverage.
This is very early work for now. I am still experimenting. The
measurements below clearly show a problem: adding edges is definitely
too costly. I am currently working on this.
In the future, I would like identify speed bottleneck.
For now, it is only for Mondrian. Will people be interested in getting
similar data for Moose?
Report produced on 2009-10-20T16:00:26+00:00
Version 'Mondrian-Alexandre_Bergel.277'
Benchmark ManyNode (simple rendering of nodes) :
100 nodes => 14 ms
200 nodes => 50 ms
300 nodes => 108 ms
400 nodes => 198 ms
500 nodes => 335 ms
600 nodes => 442 ms
700 nodes => 627 ms
800 nodes => 768 ms
900 nodes => 969 ms
1000 nodes => 1223 ms
1600 nodes => 2907 ms
Benchmark ManyEdges (simple rendering of edges) :
10 edges => 1 ms
20 edges => 6 ms
30 edges => 14 ms
40 edges => 27 ms
50 edges => 52 ms
60 edges => 82 ms
70 edges => 126 ms
80 edges => 178 ms
90 edges => 364 ms
100 edges => 355 ms
200 edges => 4719 ms
300 edges => 36495 ms
Test coverage: 60.03 % of methods are covered
Progress from last time: 0.0 %
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I'm Cyrille Delaunay, working in Stephane Ducasses team in Lille, France and
I will do a lot of things for moose during the next two years :)
The first thing I've made is an interface that enable the user to open a
moose finder by specifying:
- image packages that he want to import
- the importing context
- merging or not class and metaclass
I just save that in the moose squeaksource repository.
Two packages are concerned :
- Moose-Finder with three new classes
- MooseImportInterface : the main class (just evaluate
'MooseImportInterface new open')
- PackageSelector
- ContextFrame
- Moose-GenericImporter :
- Some missing methods added in the class ImportingContext
Hi Eduardo,
Great to hear that you are using Moose. I would suggest to send
technical questions to the moose-dev mailing list. You can subscribe
Which version of Moose are you using?
If you are using the VisualWorks version, then:
- to zoom, you have to click on the + button
- to export, you right click on the canvas and choose export to PNG
Also, I would be curious to learn more about the context in which you
use Moose. Could you tell us more details?
On 15 Oct 2009, at 16:07, Eduardo Guerra wrote:
> Hi!
> My name is Eduardo Guerra and in my PhD Thesis I'm using polimetric
> views to evaluate the design of applications that uses different kinds
> of framework.
> I read the book Object-oriented Metrics in Practice and I want to use
> Moose for the generation of the views.
> I had two questions:
> - I'm using small case studies and the generated views are too small.
> Can I zoom them?
> - I need to export the view to include in my papers and in my thesis.
> How can I export a generated view?
> Thanks a lot!
> Eduardo Guerra
> _______________________________________________
> Moose mailing list
> Moose(a)iam.unibe.ch
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/moose
"Obvious things are difficult to teach."
Hi Doru,
In Glamour,
I would like to update a pane when I add new items in the entry
For example:
"self new test openOn: myCollection"
|browser |
browser := GLMTableLayoutBrowser new.
browser column: #one.
browser showOn: #one; using: [
browser list
display: [:x | x];
act: [:each | myCollection add: each] entitled: 'duplicate';
In the browser, I need an action which update display when I change
the input.
Here, I have an action which add an entity in "myCollection".
How can I update display ?
I tried to use update:on:entitled:with: but it does not work.
Have you a solution ?
Jannik Laval
PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)
Apparently, Moose cannot be loaded with the last version of Gofer.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu