Is the following method the way it should be?
<MSEProperty: #belongsTo type: #FAMIXContainerEntity> <derived>
"This stub-code was automatically generated. Please fill in."
self notImplemented
When I run the following code, I get a rollback on this notImplemented:
| class |
class := FAMIXClass new.
class name: 'AClass'.
class addToMethods: (FAMIXMethod new name: 'aMethod'; yourself).
class addToMethods: (FAMIXMethod new name: 'anotherMethod'; yourself).
(class mooseDescription allAttributes detect: [:p | p name ==
#belongsTo]) getFrom: class
Any idea ?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi guys
Fame is changing so we have to fix Moose without knowing the changes
of Fame.
Adrian why don't use deprecated: because we are clients of FAME and
we cannot break each time you change something.
So what do we do?
- solution 1: fork fame
- solution 2: code freeze
Dear all,
I wanted to load the last release of Moose, but I have some unresolved
dependencies (MSE related stuff). Stef, I think you were the last one
to commit. Would you mind to see how to resolve this?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi Steffen,
Sorry for the late reply. Please try again, because the problem should
have been fixed.
Please send us more questions and I promise you will get a faster
response :). I would also suggest to join our mailing list:
On Aug 6, 2008, at 10:03 PM, Steffen Märcker wrote:
> Hi,
> I've followed the download instructions, but installing with via the
> "MooseSuiteLoader parcel" and via Store as well failed. Some parcels,
> namely Clustering couldn't be loaded. Platform: VW 7.6 NC on Windows
> XP
> Thanks in advance,
> Steffen Märcker
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