I published a new version of Moose Development in which i implemented
FAMIXDefinition>>isStub in this way:
"a fAMIXInheritanceDefinition is stub if any of the subclass or the
superclass is stub"
^self superclass isStub or: [self subclass isStub]
I published a new version of Moose Development in which i implemented
FAMIXAccess>>isStub in this way:
"a fAMIXAccess is stub if it accesses a stub moose element or if it
is done by a stub moose element"
^self accesses isStub
or: [self accessedIn isStub].
I published a new version of Moose Development in which i implemented
FAMIXAbstractStructuralEntity>>isStub in this way:
"a fAMIXStructuralEntity is stub if its declared as stub or if it
belongs to a stub famix element"
^super isStub or: [self belongsTo notNil and: [self belongsTo isStub]]
A new edition of the Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering
(FAMOOSr 2008) will be collocated with Working Conference on Reverse
Engineering (WCRE 2008) to be held in Antwerp. The workshop will last
for half a day and it will take place on October 16 or 17.
The deadline for submissions is: September 8.
More details about the workshop can be found on the official webpage:
"Every now and then stop and ask yourself if the war you're fighting
is the right one."
the mooseID of a mooseElement object, should it be unique :
(a) in the scope of all the loaded models in moose,
(b) or only in the scope of the mooseElement's mooseModel?
Would it be possible to add an account for Jannick on scg store? He is
working on Moose.
first name: jannick
familly name: menanteau
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Dear moose mailing list,
For Pharo, we setup a protocol for including new fixes in the
distribution. Maybe this protocol may be adopted for moose.
Maybe something similar exists already and that I am not aware of. In
that case I apology.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi all,
I have noted that when I use FAMIXClass>>numberOfMethodsInherited on
LAN, result for LAN::PrintServer is 14.
But there are 3 methods overriden (canOutput, accept: and output:)
I think the good result would be 11.
Is it true ?