Hi Jannik,
edges: aCollection from: fromBlock to: toBlock defines a one to one
relationship between "fromBlock value: each" and "toBlock value:
each" (if you use a symbol instead of a block, it will just be
performed on each)
This works well for single inheritance, because given a class there is
just one superclass. However, in your case, you want to draw several
edges from one class.
In this case, you can use edges:fromAll:to, or edges:from:toAll:.
These still expect blocks, only the result of an "All block" should be
a collection of entities.
On Nov 18, 2008, at 10:48 AM, Jannik.laval.inria wrote:
> Hi Doru,
> I am using Mondrian, and I have a problem with edges.
> When I do
> aView edgesFrom: #superclass.
> I have edges from superClasse to each.
> Now, I would like to have classes used by each.
> So I do
> aView edgesFrom:#accesses.
> Maybe it is because accesses is a collection ?
> Can you help me ?
> Also, I would like to know what are the type of parameters in
> functions edgesFrom: , edgesFrom:To: and edges:From:To:
> Thanks for all
> Jannik
"Some battles are better lost than fought."
I have updated moose.unibe.ch :
- a less busy look
- up to date Pier version
- updatable publication list (you have to be logged in as
administrator and edit and save the complete list page)
Let me know what you think.
"There are no old things, there are only old ways of looking at them."
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Radu Marinescu <radu.marinescu(a)cs.upt.ro>
> Date: November 7, 2008 5:48:16 PM CEST
> To: Doru Girba <girba(a)iam.unibe.ch>, Alexandre Bergel <Alexandre.Bergel(a)inria.fr
> >, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)inria.fr>, Menanteau Jannick <jannick.menanteau(a)free.fr
> >
> Cc: LOOSE Research Group <lrg(a)cs.upt.ro>
> Subject: iPlasma 6 Released!
> Dear all,
> I just want to announce that the much promised release of a new
> version of iPlasma eventually happened this evening :)
> The new version, can be downloaded from the traditional location:
> http://loose.upt.ro/iplasma/iplasma.zip
> ...and it has some good news, especially for the MOOSE community:
> 1. the duplicated library classes from exported MSE file are finally
> gone!
> 2. the exported MSE file includes now also information about Java
> annotations (both definitions of Annotations and usages). However,
> note that for good results on usages of Java annotations from
> libraries, you have to identify and include in the classpath of
> iPlasma the JARS containing the definitions of those annotations.
> 3. for Mac users there is additional good news: the bug that
> appeared due to the latest Java update from Apple has been removed
> (thanks Dan for the help on this !)
> In case you want to play with iPlasma beyond generating an MSE
> files, there are more good news:
> 4. We added several metrics and detection of problems related
> related to packages (e.g. compute the "Instability Factor" and
> detect breaking of Stable Dependencies Principle and Stable
> Abstractions Principle)
> 5. We included some new visualizations (Method Interaction,
> Attribute Usage, Instability-Abstraction plot and a modified version
> of the System Complexity View where one can see if a class is
> affected or not by design problems)
> 6. There are more details about design problems in the HTML-like
> Detail View
> 7. At any time the current detail can be saved as HTML by pressing
> the "Save" button (placed on top of the Detail View). The HTML file
> will be automatically placed in the "iPlasma6/results" folder.
> I hope you will enjoy it and please feel free to report any
> problems. We will do our best to correct them.
> cheers,
> radu.
> -----
> Use Eclipse? Try inCode!
> www.intooitus.com/inCode.html
Hi guys,
I gave a master student the assignment to play with Codecity and other
Moose tools. We have a couple of strange problems for which I hope you
can shed me some light towards a solution.
I attach the mse files of the Java project (generated by MooseBrewer)
to this email.
The first problem seems to be in the Moose history part. When creating
a history of these models, a bug appears in the
SCG.Moose.ClassHistory>>packagedIn method. The "self first
versionEntity packagedIn" seems to be nil and this method cannot cope
with that. I made a blunt code change to get rid of the problem (see
below), but I hardly think this is the right solution.
A second problem is in the visualisation by Codecity. Although each
model produces a nice city, when trying to visualize the evolution,
some versions produce a completely empty city (blank page in the
codecity browser). Any ideas on what may cause this and are you able
to reproduce the problem? (I am using the latest Codecity and Moose
3.2.121, both from the SCG store).
Hope somebody can help ;-)
"return the packagehistory it is packaged in"
containingPackageHistory isNil
[containingPackageHistory := self first versionEntity packagedIn ==
ifTrue: [#nil]
[(self referenceHistory allPackageHistories
[:each |
self first versionEntity packagedIn historicalUniqueName])
Johan Brichau
I will implement the following and I would like to let you know so
that you can give feedback
when we do not merge a class and its metaclass the instance variable
of a metaclass could have
an instanceScope since it is true that the instance variable is an
instance one.
Now when we merge a class and its metaclass the class instance
variable should have a class scope since
from the base class it is clearly a class scope variable.
For shared this is simple they are shared and have a classScope.
Now from a user point of view I would like that an analysis does not
depend on whether we
merged or not the class and metaclass. So I will put classScope to
instance variable of the metaclass
even when they are not merged with the base class.
This way we always get the following situation
isntance varaible -> instanceScope
class instance variable -> classScope
shared -> classScope + isShared
Let me know what you think since I will implement the following and
write tests.
I'm looking into the SmalltalkMethodVisitor for Famix3 and in
particular how it builds FamixInvocation entity
However there is a receivingVariable attribute in Famix2::Invocation,
for which I cant find a substitute in FamixInvocation. How should I
deal with this data?
aMessageNode receiver isVariable
setReceivingVariable: (self resolve: aMessageNode receiver name)].
Hi hani
I was checking your code. I do not think that this is correct.
Did you read the email we sent about the topic before summer holidays
on this topic?
"a FAMIXStructuralEntity is stub if its declared as stub or if it
belongs to a stub famix element, or if we do not know really it
belongs to which famix entity (self belongsTo isSymbol -> istrue)"
^super isStub or: [self belongsTo notNil and: [self belongsTo
isSymbol or: [self belongsTo isStub]]]
"a FAMIXInvocation is stub if all its candidate -invoked- methodes,
are stub, or if the invocation is done by a stub method, or if the
invocation has no candidate"
^self candidateList isNil
or: [self candidateList isEmpty
or: [(self candidateList allSatisfy: [:mtd| mtd isStub])
or: [self invokedBy isNil or: [self invokedBy isStub]]]]
Stubbyness is an import property and it is not transitive.
You can have an attribute that is imported and its class is a stub
because the importer leaked.
Now of course this situation does not make sense but this is the state
of the import (we would all prefer that this
imported did not leak but it is in C++ and we do not control it).
Now you need to compute a new property called for example
So we prefer that you introduce an extra property (related to
and that thes methods are dealing with this.
So I will remove these two methods from Moose and invite you to define
a completelyImported property and its computation.
If you follow our suggesting we will integrate them in Moose if there
are tests.
Stef and Doru
I would really like to change the isStub code to reflect what is it
and that hani provide
us completelyImported methods for the model.
Is it ok?
You also need to load the latest version of System-Announcements from
Also, the underlying browser only works in VW 7.5 because of Widgetry.
On Oct 29, 2008, at 3:42 PM, azadeh wrote:
> Hi,
> It was interesting for me what I have found in Enriching Reverse
> Engineering with Annotations.
> I have loaded Moose and Metanool what should I load besides that?
> thanks,
> Azadeh
"Value is always contextual."