Hi everyone,
The links from the RSS of moose.unibe.ch should have been fixed a
while ago, but it appears that some people still have broken links.
Could you please try it and check if the links in the RSS feed point
to the correct webpages?
"What we can governs what we wish."
On January 17-18, we would like to organize a Moose Dojo at Software
Composition Group:
The goal of the dojo would be to help us get up to speed with each
other's work and to potentially spawn further collaborations.
Please register on the above wiki page if you want to participate and
if you want to hold a presentation. If you do not have an account for
editing the page, please let me know.
"Yesterday is a fact.
Tomorrow is a possibility.
Today is a challenge."
in FAMIXPackage>>definedClasses
the occurrence of the classes is not assured to be unique: a lot of
classes will have a multiple occurrence -in Smaltalk model-.
Hi Moose-List,
up to version 2.8 Seaside was a huge monolithic package with a few
extension packages. For Seaside 2.9 we try to split the whole code
into smaller packages, to simplify deployment and porting. For example
platform specific code should be in a separate package, and
development tools, tests and examples should be loadable
We've coarsely split the code into multiple packages, however with all
the code (around 500 classes and 5000 methods) it is difficult to see
the dependencies and possible problems.
I wonder if there is anything in Moose that could help us to get the
package structure right? Visualize the dependencies of packages?
Detect circular dependencies? Discover code that is placed in the
wrong package? etc.
I know that there is a package called MudPie for Squeak [1], that does
something similar we want. Before trying to get it run I thought I ask
here in the list for tips on how you would proceed with this
Happy new year,
[1] http://map.squeak.org/package/617dbc24-e029-4d8c-a941-68db8c867952
Lukas Renggli
@Doru, seen that one?
That's how to get an open-source PNG writer.
Might be interesting for Mondrian et al.
Begin forwarded message:
> Resent-From: vwnc(a)cs.uiuc.edu
> From: "Steven Kelly" <stevek(a)metacase.com>
> Date: 3 January 2008 20:17:29 GMT+01:00
> To: "vwnc-list NC" <vwnc(a)cs.uiuc.edu>
> Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
> Subject: RE: How to save PNG files?
> Adrian Kuhn wrote:
>> I am looking for a way to save PNG files. Is that available?
> See this message from November, including the attachment:
> http://www.parcplace.net/list/vwnc-archive/0711/msg00165.html
> You'll want to change PNGImageWriter>>zlibWriteStreamClass to
> return the
> OS.ZLib.ZLibWriteStream class from the attachment, and probably remove
> StandardSystemController>>saveAsPNG, which adds itself to the blue
> button menu.
> HTH,
> Steve