Dear list,
I wanted to graphically render a model using Mondrian. However It
seems that Meye06a is a bit out of sync with the current
implementation (feel free to say that I am wrong :-).
When I open the easel, in the pane where I am supposed to script the
variable 'model' does not seems to be known.
I tried to cut and paste the following script (extracted from the
paper) but it is not accepted by the easel:
view := ViewRenderer new.
view nodes: model classes
using: (Rectangle withBorder height: #NOM; width: #NOA).
view edges: model inheritances
using: (Line from: #superclass to: #subclass).
view layout: TreeLayout new.
view open.
How can I draw the UML diagram for a given model?
Alexandre Bergel
Dear all,
I am populating the model with some elements obtained from a java file.
The moose GUI shows every single entities in the list of models. Is
this intended ?Is this normal?
Alexandre Bergel
I'm about to write a new package reference plugin for moose.
Now I have to pay attention because of the way namespaces and
packages are orthogonal in Smalltalk.
I have a question:
when we will be loading java code in Moose what will be a Java package?
a moose namespace or a moose package?
If this is a namespace then I will have certainly to duplicate the
logic in package and namespace and I would like
to avoid that. Does anybody have an idea how to avoid that?
Hi doru
with azadeh we would to use group to represent the intermediate
result of applying a filter
on a model. Now the problem I have is that I cannot query a group as
model (may be I'm wrong).
Apparently a group a class does not understand allClasses.
Is there a way that we can define/or get the behavior of a model on a
Dear MOOSEers,
As an exercise, I am parsing Java files and loading the corresponding
Java classes in a moose model.
Whereas it seems that I fill the model well, I got a rollback when
using the Moose GUI façade.
I spend some time on it, but I failed in trying to debug it.
It seems that a famix element should know about the model it is part
of. But I do not know how to set it.
the error comes from the method:
FAMIXAbstractStruture >>incomingAccesses
^self entityGroups at: #incomingAccesses ifAbsentPut: [self
mooseModel allAccesses select: [:each | each accesses = self]].
self mooseModel returns nil
If you want to try, you can load the package JavaSupport4Moose in the
I attached a short java file to try this. Once the package loaded,
click on the "..." button in the Moose GUI.
The test Java4MOOSETest>>testReadingJavaFile is green
Alexandre Bergel
that file (the version I took from the MSE4Java) doesn't seem to comply
to the MSE-specification.
Element-node with (id: 29) uses (name Transcript) while this should be
(name 'Transcript').
I hope that other readers than the one I am writing for python, also
break on this?
Then I saw that there are still some specification-errors on the
MSE-spec website (<boolean, <path> is
still used but not defined)
I am working on the handling of primitives in FM3 and Famix 3, and
would like to make a small survey on how primitives had been used in
Famix 2
- who used the custom primitives fature in Meta?
- who added a custom primitive other than Timestamp/Date/Time?
- which primitives are you missing?
I saw that dates are used in many projects (Chronia, Dude, etc...)
and hence suggest to include them in FM3 as built-in primitives. The
list of primitives is thus
Date (new)
with MSE format
string ::= ( "'" [^']* "'" )+
boolean ::= "true" | "false"
date ::= digit{4} "-" digit{2} "-" digit{2} ( ","digit{2} ":" digit
{2} ":" digit{2} )
number ::= "-"? digit+ ( "." digit+ )? ( "e" ( "-"? digit+ ))?
@toon, can you extend the MSEParser in Smalltalk to recognize this
token? I have only poor Store access here.