SATToSE will occur this year in Bolzano, Italy on July 8-10, 2019.
http://sattose.org/2019 <http://sattose.org/2019>
The list of accepted papers is now public and as you can see lot of people work on
different topics of Software Evolution.
Migrating GWT to Angular 6 using MDE (Benoît Verhaeghe, Nicolas Anquetil, Stéphane
Ducasse, Abderrahmane Seriai, Laurent Deruelle and Mustapha Derras)
Lessons and Pitfalls in Building Firefox with Tup (Guillaume Maudoux and Kim Mens)
A Language-Parametric Modular Framework for Mining Idiomatic Code Patterns (Dario Di
Nucci, Hoang Son Pham, Johan Fabry, Coen De Roover, Kim Mens, Tim Molderez, Siegfried
Nijssen and Vadim Zaytsev)
COOP - automatiC validatiOn of evOlving microservice comPositions (Olga Groh, Harun
Baraki, Alexander Jahl and Kurt Geihs)
Structural and Behavioral Taxonomies of Design Pattern Grime Evolution (Clemente Izurieta,
Derek Reimanis, Isaac Griffith and Travis Schanz)
Towards Automated Merging of Code Clones in Object-Oriented Programming Languages (Simon
Baars and Ana Oprescu)
A Context and Feature Visualisation Tool for a Feature-Based Context-Oriented Programming
Language (Benoît Duhoux, Kim Mens, Bruno Dumas and Hoo Sing Leung)
Towards a naming quality model (Sander Meester, Sanne Bouwmeester and Ana Maria Oprescu)
Work in progress towards consistency management for industrial model-based development
(Robbert Jongeling)
Investigating Developer Perception on Test Smells Using Better Code Hub (Martin
Schvarcbacher, Davide Spadini, Magiel Bruntink and Ana Oprescu)
The Relation between Software Maintainability and Issue Resolution Time: A Replication
Study (Joren Wijnmaalen)
Code Quality Metrics for the Functional Side of the Object-Oriented Language C# (Bart
Zuilhof, Rinse van Hees and Clemens Grelck)
Establishing benchmarks for learning program representations (Anjan Karmakar)
This year, SATToSE is colocated with the SESchool, what makes a second good reason to
start the summer in Bolzano.
We will be pleased to see you there.
Please don’t forget to register.
Anne Etien
PC chair