Dear SATToSErs,
this e-mail contains some information regarding this year's SATToSE to be
held in June 7th - 9th in Madrid. This year SATToSE will be a 1+3+1 days
event, as we will co-locate a training event to SATToSE the day before
(June 6th) and do a cultural/hiking/foodie visit the day after (June 10th).
The tentative schedule is as follows:
June 6th (T): co-located PhD training day by the SENECA project. Those
who register for SATToSE will have the possibility to attend that event for
free. The training is oriented to PhD students and its main topics are
"writing up pand moving on" and "commercializing research", and will have
renowned inivited speakers from all around Europe! We will do the training
in the Bitergia offices or in the Campus de Fuenlabrada of our university.
As both are relatively away from the city center, we will meet in the
SATToSE venue in the city center (see below) in the morning and go from
there together (probably on a bus). We will be back in town around 19:00
and there will be a small, social event that night.
June 7th - 9th (W-F): SATToSE in the URJC building in Plaza Manuel
Becerra [1] (in the city center). We will have keynotes, a tutorial, a
hackathon, a city tour, a pizza evening, a (typical Spanish) conference
dinner, and, of course, your precious talks where you can present your
research. Have a look at the CfP [2]!
June 10th (S): Whoever stays in Madrid and wants to join, we will go to
El Escorial [3], 50 km NE of Madrid, in the mountains. The plan includes a
cultural visit to the Monastery (UNESCO World Heritage Site), some hiking,
and finally eating in a nice, well-known restaurant [4]. Family and
partners are welcome... I will take my whole family with me! (You will have
the possibility to opt-in for this in the SATToSE registration; it will be
around 35 euro/pax, including transportation, visit and lunch).
Actions you can do at this time:
1. Spread the word! Haider et al. have created a fanstatic poster [5]
and flyer [6]!
2. Think about submitting something to SATToSE (you and your PhD
students), and once you've thought about it, submit your research before
the deadline (April 14th!)! You will benefit from letting others know what
you are working on, and from feedback by 40+ attendants.
3. Book your flights to be in Madrid during those days. And book, as
well, accomodation. Manuel Becerra is well connected by underground, so
anything in the city center will do. Ask me if you need advice. See [7] for
more information.
4. No news about the boss! By now, just Guns n' Roses, the Cranberries
and Foreigner are planning to give concerts during those days in Madrid.
5. Smile! In the mean, we have three rainy days in Madrid in June --
so, with a 5-day program, the chances of having at least some beautiful
weather are very high -- and geeky fun is likely to be weather independent
I will send more updates as dates come closer. Looking forward to see you
in Madrid in June!
regards, Gregorio
Gregorio Robles
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
The computer science departments of University of Lille (France) and the University of Mons (Belgium) seek applications for a PhD position in software engineering, under joint co-supervision between Prof. Laurence Duchien (Spirals team, CRIStAL laboratory, Lille) and Prof. Tom Mens (Software Engineering Lab, INFORTECH Research Institute, Mons). The funding will be for a PhD in Sciences, and will be ensured for a 3 year period. The candidate is expected to carry out half of his research time at each university (18 months in each research team). Lille and Mons are 80 km away (1 hour by train).
The topic of the thesis will be "Exploring the variability and evolution of cloud computing systems – An approach based on feature modelling and behavioural design models". A more detailed description is provided below. Only highly qualified PhD candidates with a master's degree in computer science should apply. The required skills include very good knowledge in the field of software engineering, excellent programming skills and good knowledge of formal tools.
The start date of the employment is expected to be 15 September 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Applications will be received electronically (by e-mail) until 31 March 2017, but preferably earlier.
The application must contain:
+ a motivation letter including a statement of your research interests
+ a full curriculum vitae, including list of publications if any
+ a copy of your master's thesis and publications, if any
+ a copy of your bachelor and master diplomas and transcripts of record, including grades and relative position
+ a minimum of two letters of recommendation, including the contact details of the referents
Applications received after the deadline, or not complying with the above requirements, may not be considered.
During your PhD studies, your key tasks are to: manage and carry out your research in an independent way; write scientific articles and your PhD thesis; participate in international conferences; teach and disseminate your research; attain credits in PhD-level courses;
Enquiries about the position can be made to Professor Laurence Duchien, University of Lille, France, Laurence.Duchien(a)
or Professor Tom Mens, University of Mons, Belgium, tom.mens(a)
Short description of thesis topic:
Cloud computing systems usually exhibit high variability due to the number of choices concerning the selection of cloud providers as well as of their offered cloud services. At the same time, they provide a flexible environment, where resources and services can be provisioned and released on demand. To cope with the high volatility and variability of such systems, the goal of the thesis is to propose a model-based approach for expressing their variability, facilitating their evolution, and exploring the design space of possible solutions. The proposed approach will rely on research advances in dynamic software product lines [1], and will use techniques such as feature modelling to specify and analyse the variabilities and commonalities in cloud computing services and providers at a high level of abstraction [2]. Behavioural aspects of these systems will be modelled using statechart-based design models [3,4], and the technique of design by contract will be used to constrain these models [5]. Semi-automated and interactive tool support will be provided to verify and test structural and behavioural properties over these models. In addition, evolution of these models will be supported. In particular, the research should focus on support for behaviour preserving refactoring and dynamic reconfiguration. The practical use of these techniques to explore and traverse the design space of cloud environments will also be explored by an extension of SALOON tools [2,6] and an experimental validation on cloud evolutions defined by several providers. For example, when reconfiguring a cloud environment, the selected set features (representing cloud providers and services) may have a different impact on performance, costs or reconfiguration time, and optimal reconfiguration paths should be proposed.
[1] S. Hallsteinsen, M. Hinchey, S. Park, and K. Schmid. Dynamic software product lines. COMPUTER, 41(4):93-95, 2008.
[2] C. Quinton, D. Romero, and L. Duchien. SALOON: a platform for selecting and configuring cloud environments. Software: Practice and Experience, 46(1):55{78, 2016.
[3] D. Harel and E. Gery, “Executable object modeling with statecharts,” IEEE Computer, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 31–42, July 1997.
[4] D. Drusinsky, Modeling and Verification Using UML Statecharts. Elsevier Science, 2006.
[5] B. Meyer. 1992. Applying "Design by Contract". Computer 25, 10 (October 1992), 40-51. DOI=