SATToSE will occur this year in Bolzano, Italy on July 8-10, 2019.
The list of accepted papers is now public and as you can see lot of people work on different topics of Software Evolution.
- Migrating GWT to Angular 6 using MDE (Benoît Verhaeghe, Nicolas
Anquetil, Stéphane Ducasse, Abderrahmane Seriai, Laurent Deruelle and
Mustapha Derras)
- Lessons and Pitfalls in Building Firefox with Tup (Guillaume Maudoux and Kim Mens)
- A Language-Parametric Modular Framework for Mining Idiomatic Code
Patterns (Dario Di Nucci, Hoang Son Pham, Johan Fabry, Coen De Roover,
Kim Mens, Tim Molderez, Siegfried Nijssen and Vadim Zaytsev)
- COOP - automatiC validatiOn of evOlving microservice comPositions (Olga Groh, Harun Baraki, Alexander Jahl and Kurt Geihs)
- Structural and Behavioral Taxonomies of Design Pattern Grime
Evolution (Clemente Izurieta, Derek Reimanis, Isaac Griffith and Travis
- Towards Automated Merging of Code Clones in Object-Oriented Programming Languages (Simon Baars and Ana Oprescu)
- A Context and Feature Visualisation Tool for a Feature-Based
Context-Oriented Programming Language (Benoît Duhoux, Kim Mens, Bruno
Dumas and Hoo Sing Leung)
- Towards a naming quality model (Sander Meester, Sanne Bouwmeester and Ana Maria Oprescu)
- Work in progress towards consistency management for industrial model-based development (Robbert Jongeling)
- Investigating Developer Perception on Test Smells Using Better Code
Hub (Martin Schvarcbacher, Davide Spadini, Magiel Bruntink and Ana
- The Relation between Software Maintainability and Issue Resolution Time: A Replication Study (Joren Wijnmaalen)
- Code Quality Metrics for the Functional Side of the Object-Oriented
Language C# (Bart Zuilhof, Rinse van Hees and Clemens Grelck)
- Establishing benchmarks for learning program representations (Anjan Karmakar)
This year, SATToSE is colocated with the SESchool, what makes a second good reason to start the summer in Bolzano.
We will be pleased to see you there.
Please don’t forget to register.
Anne Etien
PC chair