On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Marcus Denker <marcus.denker(a)inria.fr> wrote:
On 22 Nov 2014, at 18:17, Serge Stinckwich
<serge.stinckwich(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to port QuasiQuote package from Lukas Renggli to Pharo 3.0/4.0.
This package use the RBCompiler class from the AST-Compiler package
available here:
If I understand RBCompiler, this is a Compiler that use RB parser nodes.
I guess this is something that is no more relevant with the new Opal compiler ?
Yes, this is the PetitParser based Smalltalk parser that created RB ParseNodes.
Opal has a pluggable architecture for the parser, right now it just uses the
RB Parser that came with the refactoring browser.
Ok, thank you for the explanation, Markus.
I'm able to parse Smalltalk code containing QuasiQuote and generate an
RB parsenodes AST.
How I can plug my AST tree to generate IR and bytecodes ?
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk