In April 2018 we had an e-mail discussion regarding changes to the SC.
Here is a – hopefully correct – summary of those changes.
1. First of all, I stated that I would like to step down as SC chair and become an
Kim Mens : SC Chair —> alumni
2. After that statement the name of Vadim was mentioned as new SC chair and supported by
at least two SC members.
Vadim Zaytsev : SC member —> SC Chair
Vadim, would you accept to take on this task?
SATTOSE SC, are there any objections or other volunteers to take over my role as SC
3. Finally, the following 2 persons were mentioned and supported as candidates to be added
to the SC :
- Alexandre Bergel —> SC member
- Eleni Constantinou —> SC member
4. The following persons also expressed that they were willing to step down (in the
future) if needed:
- Coen De Roover
- Oscar Nierstrasz
- Davide Di Ruscio
For the moment, unless there are any objections I would propose the changes 1, 2 and 3
I would propose not to perform point 4 yet, in order to avoid having a drain of old SC
members, unless some of those SC members insist to step down now.
All these points above have been discussed before.
Evidently, for point 2 it would be nice to have the new SC chair’s explicit agreement.
In case Vadim agrees and I here no further objections we can enact these changes.
That will then be my last act as SATTOSE SC chair.
Prof. Dr. Kim Mens<> (Computer
Université catholique de Louvain<> (UCL)
ICTEAM<> institute
INGI<> department (vice-chairman)
Bâtiment Réaumur, Etage 01, Local A 111
Place Sainte Barbe 2 / L5.02.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIQUE
• Informatics Europe
• Science of Computer Programming Editorial
• Journal of Object Technology Editorial Board<>
• SATToSE Seminar Steering Committee Chair<>