Currently, I’m the only person managing the SATToSE mailing lists at<>
Since the mailing list is moderated, that implies that sometimes the response time can be
slow, for example when I am on holidays.
Before, the mailing list was moderated by me and Oscar, but Oscar delegated that task to
me a while back.
Even though I’m stepping down as SC chair, I don’t mind continuing to manage the mailing
list, but it would be good to add a second manager.
Does anyone volunteer to manage the SATToSE mailing list with me?
This is a low-effort job, that amounts mostly to clicking yes to mails from members and
reject to mails from spam bots.
Prof. Dr. Kim Mens<> (Computer
Université catholique de Louvain<> (UCL)
ICTEAM<> institute
INGI<> department (vice-chairman)
Bâtiment Réaumur, Etage 01, Local A 111
Place Sainte Barbe 2 / L5.02.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIQUE
• Informatics Europe
• Science of Computer Programming Editorial
• Journal of Object Technology Editorial Board<>
• (ex-) SATToSE Seminar Steering Committee Chair<> ?