Hi, SATToSErs,
We have an open SATToSE-relevant postdoc position in the area of
software language engineering and software evolution, on the Co-Evo
project (Co-Evolution of Software Languages and Language Processors)
funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The project is aimed at
studying and developing techniques and tools to help tool authors with
maintenance and evolution of language tools (e.g.
analysis/transformation/refactoring tools, editors and compilers).
The position is for 3 years, hosted at the Dept. of Informatics at the
University of Bergen, Norway. Application deadline is *January 20th,
2017*. Feel free to contact me (anya(a)ii.uib.no) for more information or
if you have questions.
For more information, please see:
* Official announcement and online application system:
* More info on other open positions (including another postdoc position
and three PhD positions):
* Brief overview of the Co-Evo project: