> Yep, that's true. MAClassDescription expects a class. I have
> never put a single description into a
> MASingleOptionDescription yet, so I didn't encouter this problem yet.
> I don't know, but I would try
> descriptionProject
> ^(MASingleOptionDescription selector: #project label: 'Project'
> priority: 10)
> reference: TMProject description;
> options: (MADynamicObject on: [ TMProject repository
> asArray]);
> beRequired; beSorted ;
> yourself
> Else a possibility might be to create a new description, say
> a null- object pattern MAUnknownDescription that wouldn't
> validate the referenced object.
That solution works well, thanks much. Though, I do want to mention,
it's always bothered me that you chose description as an accessor for
getting at the metaModel, since description is probably one of the most
used accessors to put onto a domain object, along with name. I think
description is too generic and useful a term to use it as an extension
to the instance side of Object, what do you think?
After checking several times I think theres a problem in WAAnchorTag
>> #goto and not my code:
Setps to reproduce
- go on a page like /Information/Syntax
- look at the urls of liks to structures (or commands), for a link to
/Information/License it should look about like this:
- note that both the current and target structure are encoded in the url
- wait for a session timeout and click the link (or remove all
parameters from the url and go there), you will get an exception that
there is no
/Information/Syntax/Information/License structure
the problem is that
canvas context actionUrl
already contains the "url" to the current structure
eg '/seaside/pier/Information/Syntax' and to that the path of the
target structure gets appended.
Oops, ignore my last, I read your response too fast and didn't notice
you were correcting yourself.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch
> [mailto:owner-smallwiki@iam.unibe.ch] On Behalf Of Lukas Renggli
> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 9:46 AM
> To: smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch
> Subject: Re: Magritte Validation Error
> > Yep, that's true. MAClassDescription expects a class. I
> have never put
> > a single description into a MASingleOptionDescription yet,
> so I didn't
> > encouter this problem yet.
> Err, never put a *domain-object* into a single-description ;-)
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
> Err, never put a *domain-object* into a single-description ;-)
Why not? It's a common need, can't just hardcode lists of strings and
symbols, is there some other descriptor for creating dropdown lists that
works with domain objects?
here is a simple code to add a 'remove' button on MAOneToManycomponent.
'From Squeak3.8 of ''5 May 2005'' [latest update: #6665] on 24 November 2005 at 4:41:36 pm'!
!MAOneToManyComponent methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'dc 11/24/2005 16:10'!
^ (MAReport rows: self value description: self reference)
addColumn: (MACommandColumn new
addCommandOn: self selector: #remove: text: 'Remove';
yourself! !
'From Squeak3.8 of ''5 May 2005'' [latest update: #6665] on 24 November 2005 at 4:42:43 pm'!
!MAOneToManyComponent methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'dc 11/24/2005 16:34'!
remove: anElement
self report rows
remove: anElement! !
I have an object (a command) that references some other object (a
model object). Instead of copying all descriptions on the class side I
use a MAOneToOneRelationDescription (I guess I'll have to make a copy
for editing so it works with the persistence). This works so far but
I'd like to flatten the editor component to that the fields of the
referenced object are mixed with those of the referencing object.
The description looks something like this:
^ (MAOneToOneRelationDescription selector: #item label: 'Rule' priority: 100)
componentClass: MAInternalEditorComponent;
classes: (Array with: SVACLItem);
And the output like this
What I'd like is the 'Rule' label to disappear and the 'Principal'
'Allow' and 'Command' fields instead appear on its level.
Did I express myself in an understanable way? Do I even use the
correct approach?
Because of some problems, I just wanted to ask if
self error: aMessage
is still the way to signal invalid input in a pier command in the
#doValidate method.
in Pier, the logo is displayed thanks to CSS :
.header .logo {
background: transparent url(header-logo.png) no-repeat;
width: 127px; height: 127px;
How can I get this picture, modify it and add this new picture to Squeak
for use in another CSS ?
Perhaps I have some stupid question, but I dare :-)
Is this mailing list appropriate for Pier-related questions ?
Regarding what we said in the squeak-dev mailing list:
> Pier was designed to have a prevalence like persistency: this means it
> consists of a snapshot mechanism and the logging facilities for
> command-objects. Command objects are the key thing, since this is the
> only way to modify the model. There is some experimental code (that
> already proved to work) but that is not tested in real environments
> and that is still lacking some features.
It seems that there are no test related to persistency except
PRKernelTest>>testPersistency. Is it right ?
Is the method snapshot called ? There is no class having a name
starting with PR that send the method snapshot, but perhaps it is
invoked in a non trivial way.
If this method is invoked, when ?
If there is no test on persistency, I am interested in writing
some... I want to have a reliable mechanism to save wikis...
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
A prebuild Pier image with access control based on Squeak3.8-6665 is
available at:
This is not a finished product but work in progress. The idea is to
give anyone who is interested a first impression and the ability to
provide feedback. However I'll march in this afternoon so I probably
won't be able to respond for a week.
You can find further informaiton about it at:
In addition to the acces control, it contains the following addons to Pier
- a bookmarks widget that allows you to bookmark structures
- a goto widget that allows you to enter a path and go to it
- a walback in the stlye of Pier
- ugly smilies
and the following addons to magritte
- descriptions for email, icq, aim, yahoo addresses
Known issuses:
- entering a wrong password displays a walkback and screws up the
kernel lock, this is probably a Pier issue
- bookmarking a structure bookmarks it twice, this is a SeasideAsync
issue, but I'll probably move tho Scirptaculous anyway