Hi Klaus
> have Pier installed on Squeak 3.8 / Debian Linux, with Apache2
> forwarding requests to localhost:8888.
> Allmost all works fine execpt the request below crashed the Squeak VM:
> - http://squeak.cobss.ch/LowSpaceDebug.log
> (just a low space condition).
Thanks for reporting this issue. This is a bug leading to a
recursion, since by accessing the URL /seaside/pier/Environment/Contents
you are trying to display what is currently display in the contents-
pane, what is currently displayed in the contents-pane, what is
currently display in the contents-pane, ...
The standard checks to avoid recursion within recursively nested
pages does not work here, so I had to put a special check into
PRDefaultView. This is not a nice solution, but the only one I can
think of at the moment. Load the latest release from http://mc.lukas-
renggli.ch/pier/Pier-All-lr.11.mcz to avoid this problem.
Lukas Renggli
Hi Roel,
the 3 things needed for an action to appear in SmallWiki 1 (see [1]
for an example):
1. Return a label of your action:
MyAction class>>title
^ 'My Action'
2. Register your action to the structures (or all) it should support:
MyAction class>>initialize
Structure withAllSubclasses do: [ :each |
each registerAction: self ]
3. Add your action to the template using the template editor.
Hope this helps.
[1] http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/smallwiki/smallwiki.pdf, Page 38
Lukas Renggli
Im running into some real strange Problems (= the image is locking up
instantly without ALT + . working) when executing the code below.
^SVACLItem descriptionPrincipal copy
stringWriter: SVAsStringWriter;
SVACLItems >> #descriptionPrincipal
^(MASingleOptionDescription selector: #principal label: 'Principal'
priority: 200)
options: (MADynamicObject on: [
PRCurrentContext value in: [ :context |
context userManagement principals ] ]);
reference: SVPrincipal description;
Then I saw that MADynamicObject does not implement #copy (or
#postCopy) because it's a proxy and extends ProtoObject but sends it
to #realSubject. I don't think this is really wanted for
DynamicObjects. So the question is the usual one `Is the bug in my or
Lukas' code or do I just have tomatoes on my eyes'?
I just published a first version of Pier (formerly called SmallWiki
2) on SqueakMap, it is still an unofficial and incomplete version,
but it is closer to release than ever. Some things are still missing
or incomplete (such as a proper and fully functional persistency,
lots of tests, query engine is probably too complex ...), but that
will certainly improve!
The package includes all the requirements to use Pier within a 3.8
image, probably it also works in 3.7 and 3.9. The installer will ask
in the beginning if Seaside should be installed, if you tell so, it
will automatically go through all the requirements and load
DynamicBindings, KomServices, KomHttpServer, Seaside and
Scriptaculous. Then Magritte will be loaded and finally Pier.
Start Seaside using "WAKom startOn: 8888" and fire up a browser on
"http://localhost:8888/seaside/pier" to play with the system ...
Now for those that have an existing image with code and a model
inside they want to keep. That is possible as well of course, but it
is not strait-forward: loading the new code from SqueakMap or
Monticello won't work, because I renamed package- and class-prefixes.
Copy the attached script to a workspace and follow the instructions
step-by-step and everything will magically work. If you followed the
naming conventions of SmallWiki 2 your code will be automatically
updated as well, you just need to publish the new packages ;-)
Lukas Renggli
I use smallWiki, I'd like knowing if I do the login and after I will close the page without do the logout, how much time the server still see me logged?
Do you know which instruction can I modify to change this time?
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if I have a MASingleOptionDescription NOT requiered, and with a default
value of nil, the MASelectListComponent will display nil two times in
the list box.
It adds one first with MAOptionDescription>>allOptionsWith:
It adds nil too with MASingleOptionDescription>>prepareOption
1. Take a Squeak 3.8 (3.7 or 3.9 should also work)
2. Install Magritte from SqueakMap. It will ask you if you would like
to install Seaside as well, do so.
3. Install OmniBrowser from SqueakMap.
3. Add the following repository to Monticello and load SmallWiki2-All
location: 'http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/smallwiki2'
user: ''
password: ''
Soon I will add another package for SmallWiki to SqueakMap, this will
pull in all the required packages including Magritte and its
Lukas Renggli
Hi Damien,
your approach is certainly very interesting. Congratulations, you are
the first one to use Magritte together with a relational database!
I was thinking about similar things, especially using Magritte (maybe
together with ROE) to do relational object mapping. Having a generic
framework like this would be very cool.
Basically Magritte descriptions can be directly mapped to a
- MAConatiner --> Table (that automatically alter the tables as soon
as the containing descriptions change)
- MAElementDescription --> Column
- MAStringDescription -> VARCHAR
- MANumberDescription -> INT
- MADateDescription -> DATE
- ...
- MAeRelationship --> Foreign Key
- MAOneToOneRelationship -> 1:1 mapping
- MAOneToManyRelationship -> 1:n mapping
You are using the MAAssociationDescription to do the mapping from the
db-id to the object? I think a database-layer should be as
transparent as possible and not require the programmer to think about
ids and primary-keys, etc. But yeah, this is not an easy problem ;-)
I am interested to see a demo of your code!
On 9 Nov 2005, at 08:00, Damien Cassou wrote:
> Hi Lukas,
> I found a problem and a solution what do you think about it ?
> My project works with DB. I have a Table State which stores
> different stats (Switzerland, France, Espana...). I have a table
> Person with a field for the orign state (where the person was borned).
> When I edit a person, I want a SingleOptionComponent representing
> the different states in the DB (the state names). And when I save
> the form, I want the Id of the state, not its name (because the
> Person table use a foreing key to the state table).
> My Solution :
> - Add a new field for MADescription named : #withId (and implement
> isWithId, beWithId...)
> - Create an AssociationDescription with a #kind method returning
> the class Association. AssociationDescription inherit from
> MAElementDescription.
> - Add a description to the person with:
> options: (MADynamicObject on: [GISQL
> getNamesCollectionFrom: 'Select Id, Name FROM State ORDER BY Name']);
> reference: GIAssociationDescription new;
> #getNamesCollectionFrom returns an association collection of type
> Id->Name
> When I want to get the Id of the model with the description I use :
> value := description accessor read: aDescribedObject.
> description isWithId ifTrue: [ value := value key ].
> It works great. What is your opinion about this ?
> Thanks
Lukas Renggli
Hi everybody,
I needed to make a private folder in SmallWiki, for
students but also for me and other participants at the
wiki. I developped an extension of SmallWiki that
allows to create personal and private
folders/pages/resources and manage (private) users.
It works good and very simply.
For more informations :
Any questions or remarks, please reply this email.
Frédéric Pluquet
Assistant at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussel)
email : fpluquet(a)ulb.ac.be
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