at this end of the installation, the following squeak code is executed :
^ SW2Page new
title: 'License';
contents: '!' , self class license.
The method SW2Kernel class>>licence does not exist.
=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
=<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
=<plist version="1.0">
does not render the text without =
The example browser (http://localhost:8080/seaside/examplebrowser) is
crashing with the following error :
MAFileUploadComponent(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #upload
It is because "MAFileUploadComponent>>renderUploadOn:" uses the #upload
method on self, but this method doesn't exist (there is a #upload: instead)
I am trying to edit a wiki page at http://smallwiki.unibe.ch/
ese2005lecturesmallwiki/ese1homework/ but I get "Unauthorized to
execute the requested action". If I login as administrator, I can
edit it though.
Can anyone help?
Tudor Adrian Girba Software Composition Group
(www.iam.unibe.ch/~girba) University of Bern, Switzerland
"What we can governs what we wish."
I just published a first version of Magritte on SqueakMap, it is
still an unofficial and incomplete version, but it is closer to
release than ever. Some things are still broken (the morphic view
does not work anymore, reports are still under construction, ...),
but that will improve certainly!
The package includes all the requirements to use Magritte within a
3.8 image, probably it also works in 3.7 and 3.9. The installer will
ask in the beginning if Seaside should be installed, if you tell so
it will automatically go through all the requirements and load
DynamicBindings, KomServices, KomHttpServer, Seaside and
SeasideAsync. Seaside is included with the distribution, because a
newer release than the one on SqueakMap is required.
Start Seaside using "WAKom startOn: 8888" and fire up a browser on
"http://localhost:8888/seaside/examplebrowser" to play with the meta-
meta-model of Magritte and a few other smaller examples ...
I will publish a similar package for SmallWiki 2 soon ;-)
Lukas Renggli
I've created a SWGAlbum which inherit from SW2Page. This class has an
instance variable called renderer. I want the user to be able to modify
this instance variable selecting a value in a list :
^ (MASingleSelectionDescription selector: #renderer label: 'Type'
priority: 110 default: SWGAlbumViewer)
options: (MADynamicObject on: [ SWGAlbumViewer
withAllConcreteClasses ]);
So I have created a specialized SWGEditAlbumCommand which inherit from
SW2EditPageCommand. I have also created a SWGAlbum>>editCommand
returning a new SWGEditAlbumCommand.
My problem is that 2 'Edit' links appears in the command widget. One
from SW2EditPageCommand and one from SWGEditAlbumCommand. How can I hide
the one from SW2EditPageCommand ?
Other question, how can I replace the 'Edit' button on top-left of the
window (next to 'View') for it to launch my SWGEditAlbumCommand and not
SW2EditPageCommand ?
Thank you