Here is a proposal for contributing to SW1.
Contributing to SW1 should be done in squeaksource : check the
description project of SmallWikiEnh and SmallWiki1 to know how to add
a feature. When we are sure that the latest mcz package is quite
stable, we should consider publishing it to squeakmap for end users.
Various smallwiki enhancements. Used for testing enhancements before
inclusion in the SW1 mainstream. Please describe clearly the features
added in the mcz logfile.
In global read/write access, so you don't need to ask for an account,
feel free to use it !
SW1 repository
You will find here the latest version of SW1.
Adding a feature: we suggest that to add a quite complex feature, we
use first the SmallWikiEnh repository, to allow further tests (like
image stability, side effects and so one).
For trivial feature, or bug fixing: use this repository, and add to
the repository version comment what you exactly did.
You don't have to ask for an account, this repository is in global
read/write access. As this is the mainstream, please be very careful,
and if something is wrong and you don't manage to repare things, don't
feel guilty ! Just post a mail to tell what is the problem and we will
work together.
Please describe in the mcz logfile the fixed bugs and the minor
features added. For major features, please use SmallWikiEnh if
possible, and you *really* can not, maybe should you test
*extensively* the new mcz package to be sure that the image is really
Another thing, maybe should we consider to break the SW1 mcz package
into small packages, like SW1-kernel.mcz and so one, so if someone has
an idea...
> Since reference descriptors aren't working yet, I'm wondering how I
> can fake it manually. Is there a way to take several objects and
> combine their descriptions and then generate a component from
> that? Currently if I ask for (anOrder description, anOrder address
> description) asComponent, I get an editor for the descriptions
> rather than the instances.
Yes, that is possible:
combined := obj1 description , obj2 description.
Probably you need to modify the description of the referenced object,
somehow like this (untested, just quickly put together):
combined := obj1 description , (obj2 description
collect: [ :ea |
" change accessors of obj2 go trough the selector
#reference that is called on obj1 "
ea accessor: (MACascadeAccessor
accessor: (MASelectorAccessor
selector: #reference)
next: ea accessor) ].
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
On 24 Sep 2005, at 14:00, Philippe Marschall wrote:
> Du mir ist gerade etwas aufgefallen und zwar ist bei einem
> liveCallback SW2CurrentContextHolder value nil. Ist das ein
> bekanntes Problem?
Yeah, this is simply because the live-callback isn't evaluated within
the context chain where the dynamic variable is defined. As a
workaround you can just reference the context-holder from within the
live-block when defining the callback. That should be probably fixed
in Seaside or maybe SmallWiki 2, I don't recall where exactly this
variable is defined.
PS: Please ask your questions to the mailing list, so that other
people can follow the discussion as well.
Lukas Renggli
I visited the SW1 from http://box2.squeakfoundation.org:7777/, and
there is some features I think it should be interesting to include in
the Monticello, like the translation ( en | sv ). Is it possible to
get the image somewhere ? Or to add this feature to the MC repository
( http://www.squeaksource.com/smallwiki1 ).
We can also think how to internationalize such a site ? I don't know
if such a feature is planned for SW2...
Hi Thomas,
I'm working to add your XML enhancement to the SW1
repository. Unfortunately I destroyed the SmallWikiEnh, I didn't see
that you had contributed to this repository and thought that this
repository was of no use. Maybe I was wrong, it could be convenient in
fact to have a mainstream and besides separated enhancements to help
testing. Anyway could you send me this enhancement ?
By the way did you experiment some unstability from the newest SW1
version ? Because I discover that when I launch for the first time
this version under the name squeakFr.image, there is unstability, but
when I launch for the second time (after crash) the SW1
smallwikiSnaphot.image, it works quite well : maybe related to the
name of the image, don't know !
Hash: SHA1
as probably most of you already know, SmallWiki 2 is very powerfull and
much more than a wiki.
Here is a discussion between Lukas and me:
Lukas: the problem is basically that smallwiki is a very well known name
Lukas: the best name we found so far is "Seashell"
Lukas: or just "Shell"
Lukas: but you are right, it is not just a wiki anymore
Damien: Seashell => Seaside and SmallWiki is not Seaside dependent (it
should not in the future at least)
Damien: why Shell ?
Lukas: because a shell is like can contain cool stuff
Lukas: and it is like something that is around your stuff
Lukas: well... if you have better ideas, feel free to open a discussion
in the mailing-list ;-)
Damien: I will try to think about a name. Shell for me is "Bash" or
thing like this.
Lukas: another idea was "Harbour"
Lukas: but i don't like the sound of the word ;-)
Lukas: maybe we should just take something totally unrelated and
abstract, such as magritte
Damien: Harbour is a common name, you won't have the first results in google
Damien: we may construct an abstract name based on this ideas
We are open to ideas from everybody.
Here are some ideas:
Swinaw: SmallWiki is not a wiki
Sinawa: Smallwiki is not a wiki anymore
STGW: Small talk, great work
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I use smallwiki1, I'd like to find some information about the management session.
I read the document:
Management and Security of
Collaborative Web Environments
written from
Prof. Dr. St´ephane Ducasse
Prof. Dr. Oscar Nierstrasz
There I didn't find for example if I'm login where the server save the username and password, or if I close the window how long the server still see me logged?how long is the timeout?
Could someone tell me where can I find a document that talk about this or describe the management session, please.
I'll look forward to receive an answer...
How about an allusion to fractals & nesting.
"EndlessShores" (only one ref on Google) or
"EndlessCoasts" (only two refs on Google) or
"EndlessBeach" (lots of ref on Google :[ )
"Endless" sort of opposite to "Closures"
> Try this:
> http://www.iamexwi.unibe.ch/studenten/marschal/SW2-ACL.zip
> Sorry it took so long. 12 MB don't work well with SW1, my
> upload bandwidth sucks and I only have 75 MB of quota.
Excellent, exactly what I was looking for, thanks.
> We are aware that setting up a SW2 image right know is no as
> simple as it should be. Lukas is looking into ways to make
> this much simpler.
> Just remember that SW2 is still in development and not `a product'
> yet.
Very aware of that.
> Sorry about that, this is my fault. Bootstrapping was broken
> in the latest versions because of overrides (or more the way
> Squeak/Monticello don't handle them) and I noticed this
> today. Thanks for pointing this out to me.
> Put SW2 into production? Right now? Are you aware of the fact
> that SW2 is still in development, internal datastructures
> might change and the only persistence right now is `save
> image' (although putting a kernel into a reference stream
> should be simple)?
I was using the term production very loosely. I mean production for my
own little side projects and hobby projects, I just meant that to even
put SW2 up on my server at all, I'd need it to have security. I know
it's bleeding edge, not quite finished and occasionally buggy, I'm
perfectly fine with that because it's going in exactly the direction I
like and I enjoy watching it grow. It's helpful in understanding the
design decisions that are being made.
Ramon Leon