is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
What do you think of the following error handling? If an error is encountered
converting a string to the underlying domain object, it silently passes the
raw string back to the model. This led to a very difficult to trace bug in
my code. Is there a valid reason to hide the error that makes it worth the
MAElementMorph>>#string: aString
| value |
value := [ self magritteDescription fromString: aString greaseString ]
on: Error do: [ :e | aString ].
self value: value; changed: #string
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/MAElementMorphs-Hide-Errors-tp4820869.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
in einem frischen Image (moose-5.1) versuche ich die Übersetzungen zu laden.
Es handelt sich um die angehängte Datei
Die bekomme ich nicht über language settings import geladen
Grüsse nach Berlin
"Schlüssel","Inhalt Zeichenkette","English","Deutsch","Francais"
"The materials this price group applies to","Materalien in dieser Preisgruppe","","Materalien in dieser Preisgruppe",""
"Please set the type of the sertvice","Please set the type of the sertvice","","",""
"The entire model","Modell","","Modell",""
"Com Port","Com Port","","",""
"Adding user","Benutzer hinzufügen","","Benutzer hinzufügen",""
"Expense accounts","Expense accounts","","",""
"The group of this article, to determine prices","The group of this article, to determine prices","","",""
"Note that we use the Seaside default import here. Be aware of security and performance issues.","Note that we use the Seaside default import here. Be aware of security and performance issues.","","",""
"Internal unit:","Internal unit:","","",""
"Select Kunde","Select Kunde","","",""
"The price groups for the materials","Materialpreisgruppen","","Materialpreisgruppen",""
"Invalid input given","Invalid input given","","",""
"The hazard information for this article","Gefahrgutinformationen","","Gefahrgutinformationen",""
"The key in the code","Schlüssel","","Schlüssel",""
"The EU VAT ID of the party","The EU VAT ID of the party","","",""
"The name of the report.","Berichtsname","","Berichtsname",""
"Fixed addition to the price","Fixed addition to the price","","",""
"Unit weighing","Unit weighing","","",""
"The group of this material, to determine the base buying and selling price.","The group of this material, to determine the base buying and selling price.","","",""
"The vehicles of this party","Dem Kunden zugeordnete Fahrzeuge","","Dem Kunden zugeordnete Fahrzeuge",""
"The default price this material is sold for.","Verkaufspreis","","Verkaufspreis",""
"System configuration","System configuration","","",""
"Please enter username and password","Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Passwort ein.","","Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Passwort ein.",""
"The material in the vehicle","The material in the vehicle","","",""
"The translation in English","The translation in English","","",""
"Multiple errors","Mehrere Fehler","","Mehrere Fehler",""
"Please enter your first name","Bitte geben Sie Ihren Vornamen ein.","","Bitte geben Sie Ihren Vornamen ein.",""
"Language settings","Sprach-einstellungen","","Sprach-einstellungen",""
"Please enter your password","Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein","","Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein",""
"The target that can be displayed in this form.","The target that can be displayed in this form.","","",""
"Custom user roles","Benutzerrollen","","Benutzerrollen",""
"User settings","Benutzereinstellungen","","Benutzereinstellungen",""
"Choose columns","Auswahl anzuzeigende Spalten","","Auswahl anzuzeigende Spalten",""
"Do not show","Do not show","","",""
"Save as new query","Save as new query","","",""
"More...","Mehr ...","","Mehr ...",""
"The articles belonging to this group.","Artikel gerhört zu dieser Gruppe","","Artikel gerhört zu dieser Gruppe",""
"The fixed price for this article (group).","Fixpreis fÃŒr diese Artikelgruppe","","Fixpreis fÃŒr diese Artikelgruppe",""
"Filter on street","Filter on street","","",""
"Invoice Address","Rechnungsanschrift","","Rechnungsanschrift",""
"You need to name the service","Dienstname erforderlich","","Dienstname erforderlich",""
"Please set the type of the service","Please set the type of the service","","",""
"Storage areas","Lagerplatz","","Lagerplatz",""
"Main Address","Hauptadresse","","Hauptadresse",""
"The parties belonging to this group.","Diese Kundne gehören in diese Gruppe","","Diese Kundne gehören in diese Gruppe",""
"All workyards","Alle Annahmestellen","","Alle Annahmestellen",""
"If this field is left empty, the report name is used","Wenn leer wird der Berichtsname benutzt","","Wenn leer wird der Berichtsname benutzt",""
"Sub items are added to the order, when the base material is added with a weighing.","Sub items are added to the order, when the base material is added with a weighing.","","",""
"A description of the role","Rollenbeschreibung","","Rollenbeschreibung",""
"Filter on Fas","Filter on Fas","","",""
"Gross sum","Brutto","","Brutto",""
"Text templates","Textvorlagen","","Textvorlagen",""
"You need to name the material","Das Material braucht einen Namen","","Das Material braucht einen Namen",""
"Bank account number","Kontonummer","","Kontonummer",""
"Change password","Paßwort ändern","","Paßwort ändern",""
"Price elements","Preiselemente","","Preiselemente",""
"The amount and unit used for pricing.","Anzahl und Einheit zur Preisberechnung","","Anzahl und Einheit zur Preisberechnung",""
"Main material","Material","","Material",""
"Input is required but no input given","Fehlende Eingabe","","Fehlende Eingabe",""
"Scale Configuration","Konfiguration der Waage","","Konfiguration der Waage",""
"yourref","Ihr Zeichen","","Ihr Zeichen",""
"Pricing","Preis festlegen","","Preis festlegen",""
"The items that build up the form","Elemente die in der Form vorkommen","","Elemente die in der Form vorkommen",""
"The sur name of the user","Nachname des Benutzers","","Nachname des Benutzers",""
"Weight should be a number","Weight should be a number","","",""
"Add to order","Zum Auftrag hinzufügen","","Zum Auftrag hinzufügen",""
"Our workyard","Annahmestelle","","Annahmestelle",""
"Cash Payment","Barzahlung","","Barzahlung",""
"Please enter your surName","Please enter your surName","","",""
"Customer number:","Kundennummer","","Kundennummer",""
"Names of scale makers","Waagenhersteller","","Waagenhersteller",""
"Query description","Abfrage","","Abfrage",""
"The workyard the materials are stored in","Lagerplatz für Materialien","","Lagerplatz für Materialien",""
"EWC Code","EWC Code","","EWC Code",""
"The bank accounts of the party","Bankverbindungen des Kunden.","","Bankverbindungen des Kunden.",""
"Elimination procedure","Entsorgungsverfahren","","Entsorgungsverfahren",""
"Web Contfakt Weighings","Wiegungen","","Wiegungen",""
"Invoice Folder","Invoice Folder","","",""
"Hide options","Optionen nicht anzeigen","","Optionen nicht anzeigen",""
"The sender of this event","Auslöser des Ereignisses","","Auslöser des Ereignisses",""
"Please start a new session after importing a new model.","Nache dem Datenimport eine neue Sitzung starten!","","Nache dem Datenimport eine neue Sitzung starten!",""
"Article groups","Artikelgruppen","","Artikelgruppen",""
"Add column...","Add column...","","",""
"Please enter the plate number","Kennzeichen eingebe","","Kennzeichen eingebe",""
"Hazard info","Gefahrinformation","","Gefahrinformation",""
"Please enter your userid","Bitte geben Sie Ihre Benutzer ID ein","","Bitte geben Sie Ihre Benutzer ID ein",""
"Describe the event here.","Beschreibung Ereignis","","Beschreibung Ereignis",""
"Please enter a title","Please enter a title","","",""
"Default price group for all articles","Standard-Preisgruppe für alle Artikel","","Standard-Preisgruppe für alle Artikel",""
"Checked by","Checked by","","",""
"The user that reported this event.","Benutzer der das Ereignis meldete","","Benutzer der das Ereignis meldete",""
"Net Sum","Netto","","Netto",""
"Each equals <xx>","Each equals <xx>","","",""
"Belongs to","Gehört zu","","Gehört zu",""
"Restore model backup","Daten wiederherstellen.","","Daten wiederherstellen.",""
"Report options","Optionen des Berichts","","Optionen des Berichts",""
"Price group","Preisgruppe","","Preisgruppe",""
"Net total","Netto","","Netto",""
"The translations","Übersetzungen","","Übersetzungen",""
"Import type","Typ des Imports","","Typ des Imports",""
"The EWC Code","EWC Code","","EWC Code",""
"Indicates wether this workyard is accepting goods","Annahmestelle?","","Annahmestelle?",""
"Weighings to pull over","Wiegungen zum ÃŒbernehmen","","Wiegungen zum ÃŒbernehmen",""
"Save to profile","Im Profil speichern.","","Im Profil speichern.",""
"Could not find language","Sprache nicht gefunden","","Sprache nicht gefunden",""
"Perform weighing","Perform weighing","","",""
"Please describe the article","Bitte beschreiben Sie den Artikel","","Bitte beschreiben Sie den Artikel",""
"Needs special supervision","besonders ÃŒberwachungsbedÃŒrftig","","besonders ÃŒberwachungsbedÃŒrftig",""
"Move up","Move up","","",""
"Number of translations: 306","Number of translations: 306","","",""
"Export csv","Export csv ...","","Export csv ...",""
"Password and password verification do not match","Passwort und BestÀtiung des PaÃwortes stimmen nicht ÃŒberein.","","Passwort und BestÀtiung des PaÃwortes stimmen nicht ÃŒberein.",""
"Selling price","Verkaufspreis","","Verkaufspreis",""
"Made a backup of old model","Sicherung durchgefÃŒhrt","","Sicherung durchgefÃŒhrt",""
"Enter text","Text eingeben","","Text eingeben",""
"The report is empty.","Leerer Bericht","","Leerer Bericht",""
"Base price","Basispreis","","Basispreis",""
"Data bits","Datenbits","","Datenbits",""
"The identification of the driver.","Personalausweis","","Personalausweis",""
"Remove model backup","Entferne Modelldatensicherung","","Entferne Modelldatensicherung",""
"Articles stupid","""dumme"" Artikel","","""dumme"" Artikel",""
"A tab separated CSV file","Eine durch TAB getrennte CSV Datei","","Eine durch TAB getrennte CSV Datei",""
"The vehicle of this weighing","Fahrzeug Wiegung","","Fahrzeug Wiegung",""
"Material name","Materialname","","Materialname",""
"Baud rate","Ãbertragungsrate","","Ãbertragungsrate",""
"Nett weight","Nettogewicht","","Nettogewicht",""
"First name","Vorname","","Vorname",""
"VAT Type","MwSt Satz","","MwSt Satz",""
"All queries","Alle Abfragen","","Alle Abfragen",""
"Ãbersetzung nach Französisch","Ãbersetzung nach Französisch","","",""
"Select Article","Artikel wÀhlen","","Artikel wÀhlen",""
"Kind of article","Art des Artikels","","Art des Artikels",""
"The displayname of the user","Anzeigename","","Anzeigename",""
"Loading data for","Lade Daten fÃŒr ...","","Lade Daten fÃŒr ...",""
"CSV-file","CSV Datei","","CSV Datei",""
"Account number","Account number","","",""
"The weighing this booking comes from.","The weighing this booking comes from.","","",""
"Scales Overview","Ãbersicht Waagen","","Ãbersicht Waagen",""
"Obligation for indication","Anzeigepflichtig","","Anzeigepflichtig",""
"The name of the role","The name of the role","","",""
"Please login to see details of ","FÃŒr Details bitte einloggen. ","","FÃŒr Details bitte einloggen. ",""
"Web Contfakt Scale","WebContfakt Waage","","WebContfakt Waage",""
"Save columns","Speichere Spaltenlayout","","Speichere Spaltenlayout",""
"Default pricing","Default pricing","","",""
"Model class","Model class","","",""
"Scale interface","Scale interface","","",""
"Verify folders","Verify folders","","",""
"The description of this price model.","The description of this price model.","","",""
"Reverse charge","Revese charge","","Revese charge",""
"Select Material","Select Material","","",""
"Invalid combination of userid and password.","Kombination Benutzername und PaÃwort nicht gefunden.","","Kombination Benutzername und PaÃwort nicht gefunden.",""
"Bank BIC code","BIC ","","BIC ",""
"Hazard category","Gefahrgutklasse","","Gefahrgutklasse",""
"The weight of the vehicle when empty","Leergewicht","","Leergewicht",""
"Bank IBAN code","IBAN","","IBAN",""
"String value","Inhalt Zeichenkette","","Inhalt Zeichenkette",""
"Driver id","Driver id","","",""
"The customer of this order. Can only be changed on creation.","The customer of this order. Can only be changed on creation.","","",""
"Hazard level","Gefahrenklasse","","Gefahrenklasse",""
"Account description","Account description","","",""
"All incidents","Alle Vorfälle","","Alle Vorfälle",""
"#vatLow","verminderte MwSt","","verminderte MwSt",""
"Event type","Klasse des Ereignisses","","Klasse des Ereignisses",""
"All weighings","Alle Wiegungen","","Alle Wiegungen",""
"The translation in","Übersetzen nach","","Übersetzen nach",""
"An example conversion","An example conversion","","",""
"Export backup as JSon","Datensicherung in JSON Format","","Datensicherung in JSON Format",""
"More options ...","Mehr Optionen","","Mehr Optionen",""
"Free days","Free days","","",""
"Name of the Scale","Waagenbezeichnung","","Waagenbezeichnung",""
"The group of this party, to determine prices","Gruppe des Kunden, zur Berechnung der Preise","","Gruppe des Kunden, zur Berechnung der Preise",""
"All languages","Alle Sprachen","","Alle Sprachen",""
"password hash","Passwort PrÃŒfziffer","","Passwort PrÃŒfziffer",""
"customer (group)","Gruppe Kunden","","Gruppe Kunden",""
"Show columns","Zeige Spalten","","Zeige Spalten",""
"Übersetzen nach Englisch","Übersetzen nach Englisch","","",""
"VAT Prio","MwSt. Priorität","","MwSt. Priorität",""
"You need to input an article type","Art des Artikels","","Art des Artikels",""
"Choose columns...","Auswahl Spalten ...","","Auswahl Spalten ...",""
"PaÃwort Àndern","Passwort Àndern","","Passwort Àndern",""
"Select Fahrzeug","Select Fahrzeug","","",""
"Overview classes","Overview classes","","",""
"The weighings that are ready to put in an order","The weighings that are ready to put in an order","","",""
"Logged in as ","Angemeldet als","","Angemeldet als",""
"Example 2","Example 2","","",""
"Please enter the name of the material","Bitte geben Sie einen Namen fÃŒr da Material ein.","","Bitte geben Sie einen Namen fÃŒr da Material ein.",""
"Base article","Standardartikel","","Standardartikel",""
"The folder where all invoices are stored in","Verzeichnigs fÃŒr Rechnungen","","Verzeichnigs fÃŒr Rechnungen",""
"user name","Benutzername","","Benutzername",""
"07251/35 98 90","07251/35 98 90","","",""
"EU VAT ID","EU VAT ID","","",""
"You need to in put a base net price","You need to in put a base net price","","",""
"Party groups give the possiblity of adding price agreements to a number of parties.","Party groups give the possiblity of adding price agreements to a number of parties.","","",""
"Hazardous key","Gefahrschlüssel","","Gefahrschlüssel",""
"All parties","Alle Partner","","Alle Partner",""
"Admin role","Administror","","Administror",""
"When you save your query, it is saved under this name","Die Abfrage wird unter diesem Namen gespeichert.","","Die Abfrage wird unter diesem Namen gespeichert.",""
"You need to input a password verification","Bitte PaÃwort bestÀtigen","","Bitte PaÃwort bestÀtigen",""
"Search on","Suchen nach","","Suchen nach",""
"Buying price","Buying price","","",""
"The orders of this party","Bestellungen dieses Kunden/Lieferanten","","Bestellungen dieses Kunden/Lieferanten",""
"The items of this order","The items of this order","","",""
"Indicates that goods are stored automatically","Indicates that goods are stored automatically","","",""
"The language that is used","Benutzte Sprache","","Benutzte Sprache",""
"Reason for disposal","Reason for disposal","","",""
"Test Option","Test Option","","Test Option",""
"A list of materials that this booking consists of.","Diese Buchung umfaßt folgende Materialien","","Diese Buchung umfaßt folgende Materialien",""
"Determines if a weighing for this vehicle allows tareweight","Tarawiegungen zulÀssig?","","Tarawiegungen zulÀssig?",""
"All events","Alle Ereignisse","","Alle Ereignisse",""
"Export model backup","Daten exportieren","","Daten exportieren",""
"Logged in as","Angemeldet als","","Angemeldet als",""
"Base data","Stammdaten","","Stammdaten",""
"Open daily Log","Betriebstagebuch","","Betriebstagebuch",""
"Report options...","Optionen des Berichts...","","Optionen des Berichts...",""
"Second weighing","Zweitwiegung","","Zweitwiegung",""
"The initiator of this order","Wer hat diesen Auftrag angelegt?","","Wer hat diesen Auftrag angelegt?",""
"Tax type","Steuerart","","Steuerart",""
"The roles that this user has.","Rollen des Benutzers.","","Rollen des Benutzers.",""
"All articles","Alle Artikel","","Alle Artikel",""
"Object created","Object created","","",""
"Export pdf","Export PDF...","","Export PDF...",""
"Number of translations: 516","Number of translations: 516","","",""
"User name","User name","","",""
"Internal Remark","Internal Remark","","",""
"Vat type","Vat type","","",""
"Kind of service","Kind of service","","",""
"The title of the group.","Gruppentitel","","Gruppentitel",""
"Export as JSon","Export JSon...","","Export JSon...",""
"No filter","Kein Filter","","Kein Filter",""
"The configuration options for the scales","The configuration options for the scales","","",""
"Storage unit","Storage unit","","",""
"All Services ","All Services ","","",""
"Please enter userid and password","Please enter userid and password","","",""
"Hazard category description","Hazard category description","","",""
"VAT (0%) over","VAT (0%) over","","",""
"All open orders","Alle offenen Aufträge","","Alle offenen Aufträge",""
"The string that is currently shown","Aktuell angezeigter Begriff","","Aktuell angezeigter Begriff",""
"Description of the account","Description of the account","","",""
"All orders in the system","Aller Aufträge im System","","Aller Aufträge im System",""
"Self weight","Self weight","","",""
"Give a full description of this area","Give a full description of this area","","",""
"Financial information for this article","Financial information for this article","","",""
"VAT (0% RC) over","VAT (0% RC) over","","",""
"The net price of the article","The net price of the article","","",""
"The customer of this weighing","Kunde der Wiegung","","Kunde der Wiegung",""
"The description material in the vehicle","Der umschreibung des Materials im Fahrzeuge","","Der umschreibung des Materials im Fahrzeuge",""
"You need to select an article","You need to select an article","","",""
"The id of this object","Objekt-ID","","Objekt-ID",""
"Hazard treatment","Hazard treatment","","",""
"Query name","Bezeichnung der Abfrage","","Bezeichnung der Abfrage",""
"Export model data","Exportiere Daten...","","Exportiere Daten...",""
"First weighing","Erstwiegung","","Erstwiegung",""
"Other materials","Other materials","","",""
"The base price of the article","Basispreis","","Basispreis",""
"The root group that contains all party groups","The root group that contains all party groups","","",""
"Stop bit","Stop Bit","","Stop Bit",""
"The default price this material is bought for.","The default price this material is bought for.","","",""
"Open incidents","Vorfälle","","Vorfälle",""
"Move down","Nach unten","","Nach unten",""
"Open weighings","Offene Wiegungen","","Offene Wiegungen",""
"The string that is searched for.","Gesucht nach....","","Gesucht nach....",""
"Scale settings","Waagen Konfiguration","","Waagen Konfiguration",""
"The folder where all receipts are stored in","Verzeichnis in dem die Dokumente gespeichert werden.","","Verzeichnis in dem die Dokumente gespeichert werden.",""
"Allow Tare Weight","Tarawiegung zulÀssig","","Tarawiegung zulÀssig",""
"Ãbersetzung nach Deutsch","Ãbersetzung nach Deutsch","","",""
"Open orders","Offene Aufträge","","Offene Aufträge",""
"Password (Check)","Password (Check)","","",""
"Service name","Service name","","",""
"Bank Information","Bank Information","","",""
"Financial information","Finanzinformationen","","Finanzinformationen",""
"Our VAT ID","Our VAT ID","","",""
"Euros per tonne","Euros per tonne","","",""
"Input is conflicting with concurrent modification","Input is conflicting with concurrent modification","","",""
"The addresses of this party","The addresses of this party","","",""
"You need to input a plate number","Kennzeichen eingeben","","Kennzeichen eingeben",""
"VAT (low) over","VAT (low) over","","",""
"Save to query","Save to query","","",""
"Creation time","Erfassungszeitpunkt","","Erfassungszeitpunkt",""
"The folder where temp files are stored","Verzeichnis fÃŒr Zwischendaten","","Verzeichnis fÃŒr Zwischendaten",""
"You need to input a password","Passwort benötigt","","Passwort benötigt",""
"All reports","Alle Berichte","","Alle Berichte",""
"Are you sure you want to replace the current weighing","Are you sure you want to replace the current weighing","","",""
"Plate Number","Kennzeichen","","Kennzeichen",""
"VAT Number","Umstatzsteuernummer","","Umstatzsteuernummer",""
"Weighing id","Weighing id","","",""
"Selected items","Selected items","","",""
"Web version","Web version","","",""
"Export latex","Export LaTeX...","","Export LaTeX...",""
"Completion time","Zeitaufwand","","Zeitaufwand",""
"The revenue accounts","The revenue accounts","","",""
"Event source","Ereignisquelle","","Ereignisquelle",""
"Article name","Artikelname","","Artikelname",""
"The taxID of the party","The taxID of the party","","",""
"You need to input a service type","You need to input a service type","","",""
"Add to workyard","Add to workyard","","",""
"Close order","Abgeschlossener Auftrag","","Abgeschlossener Auftrag",""
"Price per unit","Price per unit","","",""
"Scale number","Scale number","","",""
"Article (group)","Artikel (Gruppe)","","Artikel (Gruppe)",""
"When you save your query, it is saved under this name.","When you save your query, it is saved under this name.","","",""
"Serial Interface","Serielle Schnittstelle","","Serielle Schnittstelle",""
"External unit","External unit","","",""
"Simplify ...","Vereinfachen ...","","Vereinfachen ...",""
"Report blocks","Report blocks","","",""
"Order created","Order created","","",""
"Order date","Auftragsdatum","","Auftragsdatum",""
"If empty, the report name is used.","If empty, the report name is used.","","",""
"Bank accounts","Bankverbindungen","","Bankverbindungen",""
"Example 3","Example 3","","",""
"Reopen order","Reopen order","","",""
"Add column","Spalte hinzufügen","","Spalte hinzufügen",""
"The name of the material or service","Name des Materials/Diensts","","Name des Materials/Diensts",""
"Temp Folder","Verzeichnis fÃŒr Zwischendaten","","Verzeichnis fÃŒr Zwischendaten",""
"Material description","Material description","","",""
"You need to input your first name","Bitte Ihren Vornamen eingeben.","","Bitte Ihren Vornamen eingeben.",""
"The bookings that have taken place in this workyard.","The bookings that have taken place in this workyard.","","",""
"Weighing nr:","Weighing nr:","","",""
"Q-Software Contfakt","Q-Software Contfakt","","",""
"Bank name (IIRC)","Name der Bank","","Name der Bank",""
"A reference that the customer would like to put in.","A reference that the customer would like to put in.","","",""
"The weighings of this party","Wiegungen dieses Kunden","","Wiegungen dieses Kunden",""
"New report","New report","","",""
"A string representation of this query.","Abfrage als Zeichenkette","","Abfrage als Zeichenkette",""
"Übersetzen nach Deutsch","Übersetzen nach Deutsch","","",""
"Ihr Zeichen","Ihr Zeichen","","",""
"Base price group","Base price group","","",""
"Number of items","Number of items","","",""
"The system configuration","Systemkonfiguration","","Systemkonfiguration",""
"You need to input your surName","Nachnamen eingeben","","Nachnamen eingeben",""
"Tare weight","Tara","","Tara",""
"Query block","Query block","","",""
"#vatHigh","Normale Mehrwertsteuer","","Normale Mehrwertsteuer",""
"Please set the type of the article","Please set the type of the article","","",""
"An Fuel or json export, preferably made with the same software version","An Fuel or json export, preferably made with the same software version","","",""
"(100 +/- ...)% of the base price.","(100 +/- ...)% of the base price.","","",""
"Default VAT to apply","Standard Umsatzsteuer","","Standard Umsatzsteuer",""
"Languages and translations","Languages and translations","","",""
"Ãbersetzung nach Englisch","Ãbersetzung nach Englisch","","",""
"Column options","Spaltenoptionen","","Spaltenoptionen",""
"The expense accounts","The expense accounts","","",""
"Sub items","Sub items","","",""
"Revenue accounts","Revenue accounts","","",""
"Party groups","Partnergruppen","","Partnergruppen",""
"The displayName of this price model.","The displayName of this price model.","","",""
"Net sum","Netto","","Netto",""
"Report name","Name des Berichts","","Name des Berichts",""
"If this field is left empty, it applies to all locations","Wenn das Feld leer ist, gilt es fÃŒr alle Adressen","","Wenn das Feld leer ist, gilt es fÃŒr alle Adressen",""
"Übersetzen nach Französisch","Übersetzen nach Französisch","","",""
"The rights of the role","Rechte in dieser Rolle","","Rechte in dieser Rolle",""
"Vehicle tare weight:","Vehicle tare weight:","","",""
"The customer of the weighing","The customer of the weighing","","",""
"<xx> per","<xx> per","","",""
"Block type","Block type","","",""
"Price groups","Preisgruppen","","Preisgruppen",""
"All open weighings","Offene Wiegungen","","Offene Wiegungen",""
"Weighing closed","Abgeschlossene Wiegung","","Abgeschlossene Wiegung",""
"Vehicle plate:","Vehicle plate:","","",""
"Government issued infos","Government issued infos","","",""
"Vat sum","Vat sum","","",""
"The first name of the user","Vorname","","Vorname",""
"The service or article that is delivered","The service or article that is delivered","","",""
"Select Betriebshof","Select Betriebshof","","",""
"The translation in Francais","The translation in Francais","","",""
"password hash for json export","password hash for json export","","",""
"The translation in Deutsch","The translation in Deutsch","","",""
"All users","Alle Benutzer","","Alle Benutzer",""
"The user that triggered this event","Auslöser des Ereignisses","","Auslöser des Ereignisses",""
"Pricing unit","Pricing unit","","",""
"Number of translations: 391","Number of translations: 391","","",""
"Daily Log","Daily Log","","",""
"Please retype your password for verification","Please retype your password for verification","","",""
"Opening hours","Opening hours","","",""
"All orders","Alle Aufträge","","Alle Aufträge",""
"Weighing Folder","Verzeichnis der Wiegungen.","","Verzeichnis der Wiegungen.",""
"The origin of the materials","Herkunft des Materials","","Herkunft des Materials",""
"You need to input a userid","BenutzerID wird benötigt","","BenutzerID wird benötigt",""
"The weight measured.","The weight measured.","","",""
"Confirm removal","Confirm removal","","",""
"The unique id of the user","The unique id of the user","","",""
"The origin of this event","Auslöser des Ereignisses","","Auslöser des Ereignisses",""
"Manual input by","Manual input by","","",""
"Time stamp","Time stamp","","",""
"Import model data","Import model data","","",""
"Sur name","Name","","Name",""
"Your VAT ID","Your VAT ID","","",""
"The customer of this vehicle","The customer of this vehicle","","",""
"Save as query","Als Abfrage speichern","","Als Abfrage speichern",""
"#vat0","Keine MwSt","","Keine MwSt",""
"Text templates for all places","Text templates for all places","","",""
"Please enter the name of the service","Please enter the name of the service","","",""
"Scale id","Waagen-Nr.","","Waagen-Nr.",""
"Search area","Search area","","",""
"Number of translations: 367","Number of translations: 367","","",""
"All materials","Alle Güter","","Alle Güter",""
"General queries","Allgemeine Abfragen","","Allgemeine Abfragen",""
Q-Software Solutions GmbH; Sitz: Bruchsal; Registergericht: Mannheim
Registriernummer: HRB232138; Geschaeftsfuehrer: Friedrich Dominicus
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Datei-mit-Sprachanpassungen-tp4822727.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Man kann vielleicht das QCMagritte image nicht mit Phar 4.0 laufen
Grüsse nach Berlin
Q-Software Solutions GmbH; Sitz: Bruchsal; Registergericht: Mannheim
Registriernummer: HRB232138; Geschaeftsfuehrer: Friedrich Dominicus
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Ich-denke-ich-habe-es-gefunden-tp4822726.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
added in february, what are they supposed to do?
Q-Software Solutions GmbH; Sitz: Bruchsal; Registergericht: Mannheim
Registriernummer: HRB232138; Geschaeftsfuehrer: Friedrich Dominicus
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Purpose-of-QCF-classes-tp4822725.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Gehe ich auf Mateialien bekomme ich:
[ self dispatchOn: aKeyboardEvent ] in SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>keystroke: in Block: [ self dispatchOn: aKeyboardEvent ]
[ editor keystroke: evt ] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>basicKeyStroke: in Block: [ editor keystroke: evt ]
[ self basicKeyStroke: evt ] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke: in Block: [ self basicKeyStroke: evt ]
NECController class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
Ok also darf ich jetzt woh ein neues Image anlegen. Ich habe keins mehr
was funktioniert...
Q-Software Solutions GmbH; Sitz: Bruchsal; Registergericht: Mannheim
Registriernummer: HRB232138; Geschaeftsfuehrer: Friedrich Dominicus
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Und-so-geht-es-weiter-tp4822724.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Bin mir nicht sicher. Ich habe mir ein QCMagritte image geholt und
WebContfakt darein geladen. Die Daten habe ich mit Fuel gedumpt und dann
eingelesen. Dann fehlen noch die übersetzungen und die ergeben:
Grüsse aus Bruchsal
Q-Software Solutions GmbH; Sitz: Bruchsal; Registergericht: Mannheim
Registriernummer: HRB232138; Geschaeftsfuehrer: Friedrich Dominicus
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Vielleicht-ein-Fehler-tp4822576.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
With Pharo 4, DateAndTIme is being deprecated, and planned to be removed from Pharo 5. The attached has updates for GRPharoPlatform>>magritteTimeStampClass and magritteTimeStampIfAbsent:, does anyone have write access to publish this to the Magritte3 project?
I pushed some Aconcagua extensions to
The package relevant to Magritte specifically is . This gives you
MAMeasureDescription, which represents an Aconcagua Measure. It mostly acts
like a number field mapped to its amount. You just have to tell it which
unit to use to convert the amount number into a Measure.
Example usage:
MAMeasureDescription new
accessor: #replacementPrice;
label: 'Replacement Price';
unit: AmDollar new;
Then, you can type 100 in a Magritte form and "100 dollars" will be saved to
the model. Enjoy!
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Aconcagua-Magritte-tp4820928.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi everyone !
I'm currently working on Pillar !
It's been a little while now so I wanted to share what's new.
--> First of all, with Stephane we created a new project, Cocoon,
based on the configuration system of Pillar. And now Pillar uses
Cocoon for his configurations.
--> Pillar unit tests weren't working on Windows before
--> With Damien we also added two new abstractions:
--> The transformers: They take the Pillar tree and modify it. For
exemple we have a transformer which evaluates the scripts with a
"eval=true" parameter.
--> The annotations: They let the writer specify many different
things in their document using just 1 syntax (see below for an
--> We now have our first annotation tag: the inclusion tag !
If you add this:
${inputFile:test.pillar}$ or ${inputFile:folder/test.pillar}$
into your Pillar file, that will include the content of test.pillar.
I recommend for now to use it at the root of the pillar file and not
inside a paragraph. That still needs some improvement.
--> We now have a transformer which adds an anchor after each title.
The anchor will have the text of the title.
This still needs some improvement, it's really simple for now. For
exemple we need to consider the case where we have 2 titles with the
same text (like 'introduction').
--> Now you can add 'lineNumber=true' as parameter for a Script. This
will add a numerotation at your script, usefull if we want to explain
a long code.
--> I did some refactorisation on the parameters used by pillar to
clean the code.
--> I did some refactorisation of the template system, the old one was
really ugly and changed the baseDirectory. Now template are managed by
a stream and not a file.
--> I improved a little the configuration
--> Now if you want to change the baseDirectory you can pass a
FileReference, a relative path or an absolute path.
--> Now we look for the inputFiles from the baseDirectory and not
the working directory like before. You can also pass a FileReference,
a relative path or an absolute path.
--> I added some tests to Pillar.
--> I added some doc to EnterprisePharo
--> To help the users I improved the error reports. Before we had
really few errors specific to Pillar.
For this one you can help me ! If you found a weird error or something
really not easy to deal with, send me your problem !
Cyril Ferlicot