Since magritte has a bug with MAAccessorRelation>>isSatisfiedBy:, the
Query visitor does not work anymore.
See for more informations.
Damien Cassou
pour le Software Composition Group a Berne
Hi, I'm sorry because I still write about the problem with unitTest for the action.
Could you tell me please why it's so hard to test with request response.
Could I make an object request and response in test and use parameter?
thanks a lot
> > Hi, could you explain me better what are the problem with actions
> > please? Is it hard to test because are html application or is hard
> > to do the assert?
> Yes, exactly it is hard to check the resulting html. Of course you
> could parse it and check for specific tags and contents, or you could
> write regular-expressions ...
> What is more, the actions in SmallWiki 1 are badly designed, since
> they heavily couple the business logic and the swazoo html
> generation. Sadly it is almost impossible to test the actions wihout
> dealing with request/response ...
> SmallWiki 2 takes a different approach to avoid this problem and thus
> the actions (actually these are commands following the design
> patterns book) can be easily tested.
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I have just integrated the LetterWarper from Jon Hylands in a command
for SmallWiki 2. It is used to prevent bots from modifying a wiki by
printing a string into an image. It just works perfectly. Thanks to
This small command is available on SqueakSource under the name :
Hi, I´m working with Smallwiki. I saw the example tests in
smallwiki, but there aren´t example tests about the actions.
Someone can tell me an example how can I do these tests? I haven´t any clue how can I tests the rendering.
> Doing automatic testing of user interfaces is generally a difficult
> problem in software engineering. Of course there are some frameworks
> that are designed to do this (e.g. SeasideTesting), but personally I
> never got conveniant using one. I think it is more important to have
> a clean separation between the view and the model, and to test the
> model deeply with good regression tests.
Hi, could you explain me better what are the problem with actions please? Is it hard to test because are html application or is hard to do the assert?
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Hi, Im working with Smallwiki. I saw the example tests in smallwiki, but there arent example tests about the actions. Someone can tell me an example how can I do these tests?
I havent any clue how can I tests the rendering.
Thanks a lot
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I wrote a command with 2 fields printed :
- frWord, readOnly, to show the word to translate
- enWord, required, to let the user guess a translation
This just work with magritte and without any seaside component made by
myself. Now, if the user fails for the translation, I must print the
same form but with a small text: 'your word was wrong, try again'.
How can I add text to an automatically made form ?
Hi, I keep having problems with the cpu getting pegged when I try and
edit a page and save content. From what I can tell, something in the
rendering is getting hung in a loop and not dying. So before I dig into
it more tonight, a couple questions?
1. Is anyone running Smallwiki 1 on Squeak 3.8 successfully, if so,
what'd it take, or is there somewhere I can just download a working
image. If not, I guess I'll try a 3.7 image and start over.
2. What are the storage options used most, image based sounds cool, but
it never seems to work on my Windows2003 server. I've tried what I can
find in the archives but just can't seem to get image persistence
working, only a manual snapshot seems to work.
3. When squeak is running as a service on NT, how can I access the
running image, since starting the service doesn't put the squeak tray
icon in the system tray?
4. Should I be using Smallwiki 1 at all, or is Smallwiki 2 stable enough
to use?
5. I've been using version 0.9.53-11, because I couldn't get the sam.15
and sam.16 version running at all from squeaksource.
Appreciate any help anyone has to offer.
Hi all,
anybody knows why I can't make an upload of a resource of about 400
MB to a wiki supported by a smallwiki?
The uploads progress for some minutes until the error page is shown
into the web browser.
it could be some kind of timeout?
Sebastián Sastre
<> ssastre(a)
Special Software Solutions <>
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with the last image from
and the last monticello versions of seaside (63), magritte (28) and
smallwiki2 (78) an error is printed just when the website is
This is because the field 'embedded' is not initialised in the class
I have modified SW2Link>>embedded to made it work :
embedded isNil ifTrue: [ embedded := true ].
^ embedded