I am sending detailed instructions to the list for building and
configuring a seaside magma pier image. There is just one slight snag, I
haven't got it working with the latest pier yet. When I do I will also
provide a preloaded image.
The first chapter!
Preparing a Seaside-Magma-Pier image from scratch. Their follows an
Installer script that you can use to build an image or compare with your
current image to see if it contains the required components.
(this should potentially work in 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.9 KernelImage or 3.10):
Obtain latest Installer-Core from http://www.squeaksource.com/Installer
"Image building script (execute in a workspace):"
squeakmap := Installer websqueakmap.
squeaksource := Installer squeaksource.
lukas := Installer repository: 'http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/'.
"install some pre-requisites"
squeakmap install: 'DynamicBindings'.
squeakmap install: 'KomServices'.
squeakmap install: 'KomHttpServer'.
xmlparser := squeaksource project: 'XMLSupport'.
xmlparser install: 'XML-Parser-mir.9'.
seaside := squeaksource project: 'Seaside'.
seaside answer: '*administrator*' with: 'seaside';
answer: '*config*' with: 'seaside';
answer: '*password*' with: 'admin'.
"install latest seaside and scriptaculous"
seaside install: 'Seaside2.7a1-kph.214';
install: 'Scriptaculous'.
"install latest magma"
magma := squeaksource project: 'MagmaTester'.
magma install: 'MagmaServerLoader';
install: 'Magma seaside';
install: 'Magma sunit'.
magma install: 'Seaside-Examples-Store-Magma'.
"install latest magritte and pier"
lukas answer: 'Would you like*' with: true;
answer: '*name of your Pier kernel*' with: 'Pier 1.0.5 SMP';
answer: '*entry point*' with: 'pier';
answer: '*pplication*' with: true.
lukas project: 'magritte';
install: 'Magritte-All'.
lukas project: 'pier';
install: 'Pier-All';
install: 'Pier-Magma';
install: 'Pier-PersistencyManager'.
"lukas install: 'Pier-Security'. "
I noticed that newer Pier and Magritte-Seaside commits in MC have a few
comments about being "for very latest Seaside." I assume that this means
Seaside 2.8. First, it would be nice if the exact version was stated in
the comments so we could tell what "very latest" means :-). Second: are
these _only_ for Seaside 2.8, or will they work in 2.7? If not, it would
be best if these could be labeled to reflect their exclusivity.
( I didn't see that this has been discussed before.)
brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124
I tried to play with the lastest Pier and I found it great to add the
formattings. I even uploaded my kernel (via ReferenceStream) and it runs
well. My specific classes just needed to be upgraded to replace
WARendererHtmlRoot to WAHtmlRoot and use #nextPutAll: in my hack of
MyWARender>>#writeOnLoadOn: (actually I added a #onResizeScripts for my
session). Quite easy! but I would like to have some enlightenments about
this actual version of Pier:
1) Pier-blog doesn't work. What's the actual state of it?
2) I explore my new kernel and I can see the new PRVisitor I added in my
content (like PRItalicFormat for example) and I thought: What if there
is no well-suited visitors ? Could there be a way to downgrade a pier
application ? For example, I got the pier-r2d2 version and a friend of
me has the old pier-r2d1 version: I would be glad to send my kernel to
him but he doesn't have the special PRC3POVisitor I added. It could be
cool to "parse" a unknown PRVisitor heir as a new class PRUnknownVisitor
so that the mutilated pier kernel could work (the PRUnkownVisitor thing
could even remember the original tag if the pier classes finally are
updated to r2d2). This is just a suggestion. This idea could be great as
(I hope) the number of pier webmasters should grow in the future and
everyone could be able to add its own specific text formatters.
3) I think I read about some classes/projects to manage multiple
PRStructure (I often hack my environment to add my special +newclass+).
Is there any work about it?
Hi list,
contains Magritte the functionality to define options with different values
and labels
via MASingleOptionDescription? Like:
#('de' => 'Germany' 'gb' => 'Great Britain' )
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/-MA--labaled-options-tf3565173.html#a9958332
Sent from the SmallWiki mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
(double posted on purpose, apologies if you get msg twice.)
Please tell me how this could happen:
I updated a file reference (a url() that points to a png) reference in
the PRPierLibrary in a css method.
I used the FileLibrary "files" upload facility in the dispatcher to
upload the PNG. (So, now my png is in the image)
When I refreshed the browser, my new png is not displayed.
Hmm... so I restored the method as it was, saved, and again refreshed
the browser.
Hmm... still no png.. the original is not displayed either.
Why? I would expect if I replaced the method to exactly how it was it
would display as it was. I reinit'd Pier and also stopped/started WAKom.
But, Nothing.
brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124
Have you ever used an auto accessor and been annoyed by the fact that
the suggested type of the mutators argument is 'anObject'? I mean we
have a description that has a kind, so why not a suggested type? The
problem is that an accessor doesn't know to what description it
belongs. So is there a way around this? Yes, we can look at the first
argument in #write:to:. However, only doing
'a', anObject class name
Will not work. For booleans this will either result in 'aTrue' or
'aFalse'. Other cases that have to be taken care of are:
- Strings
- Symbols
- Numbers
- Collections (expect dictionaries, but I don't think they are not
supported by Magritte)
- (Pier) structures
additionally we need to take nil into account.
So it may be a better idea to implement #suggestedType in various classes.
Hi folks,
do I need to write my own visitors to set the css class for additional
labels of say input fields?
How would I write a visitor doing this?
Just found http://www.wikimatrix.org. I'm wondering why Pier is not
listed there. Is there some other reason apart from "no one registered
it yet"?
Cheers, Elfi
if I use attributes on a description I get something strange.
I use
| desc |
desc := MAStringDescription selector: #dummy label: 'Dummy' priority:
desc attributes at: #dummyKey put: #dummyVal.
^ desc
and I request the attributes in my renderer
visitElementDescription: aDescription
| dummyVal |
dummyVal := aDescription attributes
at: #dummyKey
ifAbsent: [''].
html text: '(',aDescription asString, ') at: #dummyKey = ', dummyVal
The value is an Association #dummyKey->#dummyVal
Attached you will find the complete code which shows it.