Hi guys
I would like to know if you have developed an alternative to MAReport
or enhance it.
For now I read:
" do not use ... this is unfinished, buggy and not working "
is national characters handled correctly in pier (in titles, page
content, search...)?
I have troubles using czech characters in pier wiki pages - example
Any suggestions? Thanks! pf
Hi Lukas,
If I remove permission for a page to be viewed, the user can still see
it if he has that page embedded in another.
I suggest that this be fixed in order that an embedded forbidden page
just renders as an empty string.
This makes a way of making user/group specific layout elements, or notices.
I wrote a few days ago having problems with validate.
The problem is that I have a form for an object which
has references to other objects. The problem for me
is that the validation traverses the whole tree of
objects being referenced. While this is good idea to
be sure the whole data setting is correct it is often
a bad idea in real life. Sometimes I need to create
an object upfront which doesn't validate only to
put this in a form afterwars for edition. But with
the current validation I can't do this.
I can't see the point why it should be necessary to check
everytime every object. As long as you have form entering
some data you only need to check what is being entered.
For a relation description the validateKind should be enough
because it is the constraint on the model.
Lukas, I saw you disabled the traversing for Single and Multiple-
Options. Is there any reason not doing this for the ToOne and
ToMany as well? I just removed the last line
self visit: self object description
MAValidatorVisitor>>visitToOneRelationDescription: aDescription
This prevents traversing but still checks for validateKind.
Any objections to remove this from Magritte?
I added the following in my image:
MAOptionDescription>>labels: aBlock
"Set the labels for each option by evaluating the block."
labels := Dictionary new.
self options do: [:ea | labels at: ea put: (aBlock value: ea)].
self propertyAt: #labels put: labels.
so that is is used like:
^ (MASingleOptionDescription new)
selectorAccessor: #provider;
label: 'Staff';
reference: ALStaffMember description;
options: ALStorage rootOrg staff;
labels: [:ea | ea fullName];
priority: 20;
This is very helpful for me using SingleOptions that are pointing to
dynamic lists; is there already a way to do this without modifying
- Brian
Hi everybody,
I’ve a little problem with my code! I try to generate html code starting
from PIER. When I launch my widget (SPG tool) the nextPutAll method
generates an error, but I don't understand why. Can you help me to
understand that?
Thanks in advance
My project name in squeaksource.com : StaticPierGen
Sample of my error:
MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>nextPutAll:
Debug Full Stack
• UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #nextPutAll:
temps aMessage nextPutAll: 'Welcome to Pier (formerly called SmallWiki
2), the next generation of a fully extensibl...etc...
• WAHtmlStreamDocument>>nextPutAll:
a WAHtmlStreamDocument
temps aString 'Welcome to Pier (formerly called SmallWiki 2), the next
generation of a fully extensible content ma...etc...
inst vars stream nil
htmlEncoder nil
urlEncoder nil
I have a model class called ALServiceContact that is using Magritte,
like I am with my other model classes. This class has 6 descriptions
(string, memo, 3 single options, and a date). Two of the
MASingleDescription descriptions use a list of other model objects as
their options. One points to a list of providers and one to a list of
The Magritte form builds (asValidatedForm) and displays as I expect,
but when I try to save it, Magritte is giving me validation messages
for descriptions from a different class.
The class I am getting the validation messages from is called
ALCustomer, and is only involved with ALServiceContact through:
ALServiceContact class>>descriptionClient
^ (MASingleOptionDescription new)
selectorAccessor: #client;
label: 'Client';
priority: 20;
options: ALStorage rootOrg customers;
reference: ALCustomer description;
comment: 'A Customer';
on the ALCustomer class, I have required fields for four
descriptions, and these are the messages I get:
Status: Invalid input given
Title: Input is required but no input given
Organization: Invalid input given
Email: Input is required but no input given
...when I try to save an ALServiceContact created with:
contact := self call: (ALServiceContact new asComponent
addValidatedForm; yourself).
contact isNil
ifFalse: [
self contactManager addContact: contact.
self report refresh]
Of course, ALServiceContact doesn't even have those descriptions.
Very Strange stuff!
Any thoughts?
I would like to use the default MATableRenderer, but have a div
surrounding it so I can apply styles to it easily; I can subclass it
to add what I want, but is there a way to have the Magritte machinery
use my custom one?
I think I understand how to add custom descriptions for classes, but
that doesn't impact the MAContainer that renders the descriptions....
And it's likely that I don't understand how this all fits together :-)
I'm trying to create a magritte form for surveys used at our company, where many
of the field are identical.
Surveys consist of a header, for which I've created magritte descriptions in the
standard way, and questions which are answered by a rating (an integer of -1, 0
or 1 or nil) and an optional comment (a string).
For this particular survey, there are 18 questions; I'd like some advice on how
to best use magritte to describe them. I've heard of 'multiplicites' in the
context of OneToMany relations -- so this is probably not what I want -- but is
there a count attribute in magritte descriptions?
I'd like to avoid copy/pasting 18 field descriptions if possible.
Warren Wilkinson
I'm trying to create a magritte form for surveys used at our company, where many
of the field are identical.
Surveys consist of a header, for which I've created magritte descriptions in the
standard way, and questions which are answered by a rating (an integer of -1, 0
or 1 or nil) and an optional comment (a string).
For this particular survey, there are 18 questions; I'd like some advice on how
to best use magritte to describe them. I've heard of 'multiplicites' in the
context of OneToMany relations -- so this is probably not what I want -- but is
there a count attribute in magritte descriptions?
I'd like to avoid copy/pasting 18 field descriptions if possible.
Warren Wilkinson