I have a model (PRPageModel) that contains some descriptions (like how many
links contains a page, how many files, ...). These informations are taken
from a visitor that walks over pier pages.
I use magritte reports to display these informations (as they are all
described using magritte), but i would like to display these descriptions
AND PRPage descriptions (name, title, parent...). Is it possible to do so or
do I have to include a copy of these descriptions in PRPageModel? (you might
call that a "description concatenation" :)
Sébastien JULLIAND
Hi Martial,
> I am replying in private not to saturate the mailing list. I attached
> the full stark trace. I reinstalled every packages and it works well,
> but I don't understand what happened.
try to recompile the method #descriptionContainer in Class. I think
that should fix the problem.
Lukas Renggli
What does it mean if I don't have any halos? I toggle halos, and I do
get the R S P, but there are no halos. Other applications do not suffer
from this problem - they have halos.
brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124
> I don't use FileLibrary since I use Apache. Of course it is possible
> to use both, but I don't see the point. For my Web site I also created
> and added a file-library, but I only use it to conveniently add the
> static style-sheets to the HTML head:
Hmm... so you store everything, including js files in the apache path.
How is this a "file-library"? I guess I'm still hung up on the meaning
of "file" and "library"
Now, one thing that keeps bugging me is that when a session expires, I
get an error like:
Error: "/seaside/pier/seaside/pier/<some_pier_page" not found.
My older seaside 2.6 site doesn't do this. The user just has to click
again to go to the link. Is this another setting?
I'll search the archives once again for expiry and expire, but I didn't
find any definitive explanation.
BTW: I'm collecting all of these "setup" tidbits to create a FAQ. I hope
it can be handy for others.
brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124
I have a problem when using magritte generated forms.
Sometimes if I edit a form which has a reference to
another class (e.g. MAToOneRelationDescription) I cannot
submit the form. I always get
Input is conflicting with concurrent modification
as en error. How can I prevent this?
Can someone please give me some pointers on how to do the following things
with Magritte:
- Display validation errors next to the appropriate fields.
- Display extra text along with a field. e.g. 'minimum 6 chars' after a
password field.
- Using the tutorial model, if I have a person with two phone numbers. Is it
possible to display the phone number fields directly rather than in a table
with headings and buttons?
I have setup a password descriptor as follows:
desc := (MAPasswordDescription
auto: #password
label: 'Password'
priority: 100) beRequired; yourself.
desc requiredErrorMessage: 'must be specified.'.
addCondition: [:value | value size > 6]
labelled: ' too short'.
If I enter a password of 'abc' it fails validation as expected. The password
field is not cleared when it is redisplayed so I can add 'def' to the end of
the field. In the condition this time instead of getting 'abcdef', I get
'***def' as the value.
Is there a way round this or should I just clear the value. If clearing the
value is the answer then how do I do it from within the condition or should
I use a custom condition.
I don't understand why but I can't add checkboxes to my MAReport.
I try to use something like:
report addColumn: (MACheckboxColumn new).
But it keeps telling:
MessageNotUnderstood: WARenderCanvas>>anchorWithAction:do:
I think I missed something but it doesn't sound trivial to me. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance, cheers!
Sébastien JULLIAND